Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 706: The ragpicker

One by one, bright spots appeared on the black screen, and the number was increasing rapidly.

The originally dark screen quickly lit up at this time, and clusters of brilliant nebulae that had only been seen in photos connected to form a huge galaxy.

——Although they were all pixel-style.

Watching high-definition pixel style on an 86-inch TV was like playing FC games with a 4090.

But then again, the starry sky appeared in the opening animation, which was not unexpected.

As for science fiction, space themes are definitely an unavoidable topic.

So far, Li Chengxi has expressed calmness.

Then the starry sky on the screen rotated rapidly, which made me dizzy. The camera seemed to be pushing forward through countless nebulae, but the speed was too fast, so there was an illusion of stars rotating.

In a few seconds, Li Chengxi saw that the camera was pushed to the star ring of a huge gas planet. From a distance, it was a ring, and when the camera was pushed closer, it was a large area of ​​densely packed asteroids.

The camera continued to push forward and finally stopped on an asteroid that barely looked like a diamond.

"Fuck, what Solomon Fortress?"

This asteroid seems to have been artificially modified. Metal structures wrapped around the asteroid can be seen in many places. As the camera continues to move forward, Li Chengxi sees that a hole has been artificially opened on one side of the asteroid, like a hangar.

There is even a row of things with complex mechanical structures, like small spaceships, parked on the floor of the hangar.

"Okay, this is very sci-fi"

As Li Chengxi complained, the camera continued to move forward, passing through the thick rock layer of the modified asteroid and entering the interior.

At this time, Li Chengxi saw a team of people, or humanoid creatures, walking through the passage.

They all wore a uniform that looked like a space suit, but was much lighter than a space suit. Because there was no lighting in the passage, their space suits had lights like flashlights on their chests.

Referring to the experience of Viola and Yang Yiyi, the protagonist of the science fiction script must be among this group of people.

When Li Chengxi was looking up and down, trying to see who was the protagonist in this team, intermittent flashes suddenly began to light up on the screen.

The weapons in the hands of this team of people, which looked like guns, opened fire.

The reason why they looked like guns was that some of them looked like gunpowder weapons, and their appearance was slightly different from those on Earth, but some of them were like laser guns, shooting out long and thin beams of light.

In the darkness, these flashes of light intermittently illuminated the surroundings, and it was vaguely visible that they were attacking something with a mechanical structure.

After careful identification, Li Chengxi recognized that the one that was hit was the magic shell.

This thing was used by the people of the Glow Ion Hermitage. Its ability was not as good as that of the golem, but its characteristic was that it was cheap, so it could be mass-produced.

Don’t say, the darkness, the approaching mechanical monster, plus the flashes of the weapons firing, this composition really feels like a space horror movie.

Li Chengxi saw this group of people maintaining a tight formation while firing to the left and right sides. When he was wondering which one was the protagonist, he suddenly saw a flash on the screen.

The floor under the feet of the crowd seemed to be torn apart violently, and a large group of silver-shining magic shells directly bloomed in the center, instantly drowning the group of people.

Oh, not the protagonist, just an atmosphere group?

The picture started to move again, as if someone was responsible for the camera movement, pushing the camera to another place.

This is also a passage, and there are also several people, even the clothes are very similar, at most the color is slightly different.

The difference is that they were not attacked, or they were attacked before, but were beaten back.

Li Chengxi saw that some people seemed to be injured. Because the gravity on the asteroid was not enough to stand normally, they strung the wounded with ropes and pulled them like a train.

Now there should be a protagonist, right?

Yang Yiyi was also excited at the beginning, only to find that the person who jumped off the cliff was a supporting role in an overly long plot.

As if to confirm Li Chengxi's complaints, nothing suddenly appeared this time to kill this team of people. They passed through the dark passage and came to a space that seemed much more empty.

Then, I don’t know what they did, the headlights around were turned on.

A huge, huge mechanical creation that almost occupied the entire screen appeared on the screen.

Its lower body looks like a pyramid, but it is made of countless gears, Nixie tubes, vacuum tubes and metal plates.

The upper body looks like a human figure, but it is only at this stage.

The head looks like it is made of brass pipes, and it is difficult to understand what this machine is used for.


Astral Era 1388, mid-June.

Unknown asteroid ruins.

The dark and deep corridor has not been passed by anyone for thousands of years, and fine dust floats in the low-gravity environment until they are swept out by the strong light of the personal lighting system.

"Captain, is there really a treasure in this damn place?"

Through the void protective suit, even through the short-range magic communication that comes with the protective suit, the voice seems muffled.

"Of course there is. According to my analysis, this place is enough for no one to come in for thousands of years. We are the first treasure hunters."

The person who answered was also stuffed into the protective suit.

She walked in the front, and even though one-third of her companions were unable to move due to injuries and had to be led by ropes, her voice still sounded full of excitement.

Through the mask of the void protective suit, you can see from her face that she is a standard human, not very old, and no more than 20 years old.

What is more worrying is that half of her hair is shaved, and there is a metal, like a connector, inserted into the scalp, but she usually combs her hair back to cover the connector, so it is not easy to see unless you turn your face to the side.

"Long, think about it, what will we find here in the ancient ruins that no one has been to for thousands of years?"

"I don't want to think about these at all. Before the benefits, we have to consider the risks. There are already several recyclers competing with us."

The person who spoke to her was a very strange "person".

Although it is not clear in the void protective suit, from the mask, she is a ball.

And it is a shiny ball, like a natural crystal. Whenever she speaks, the ball will light up with a faint orange light, as if there is a ball of light wriggling inside.

Long is her name, this is a silicon crystal person.

They are one of the few races that can adapt to the void environment. Their main body is the crystal ball, and their body is mechanical. They can be modified at will, and even a few sticks can be used to assemble them.

They only appear in the void. It’s not that they can’t survive under normal gravity, but the number of races is small, and the endless void is too large, so it’s almost impossible to see them in the mortal world.

The captain of the Silicon Crystal Man, named Alyssa, is a recycler.

In layman’s terms, he is a rag picker…

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