Let's be reasonable. No matter how petite or light a person is, he or she must weigh at least several dozen kilograms. However, Li Chengxi didn't feel any weight.

She was like a balloon, slowly falling from the air. The corners of her long robe spread out like petals under the influence of the airflow when she fell, and finally sat on Li Chengxi's thigh.

But unlike the balloon, since it was midsummer, Li Chengxi sat behind the cashier in shorts with half sleeves. A slightly cool and delicate touch was transmitted to the brain through the skin nerves.

The distance was so close that the warm breath gently brushed across the cheek, even bringing a slight numbness.

And Li Chengxi...

Li Chengxi didn't notice the above details at all. His brain had short-circuited. He held the plate in the posture of the French army... I mean, raising his hands, and was completely stiff in place.

He stared at the silver-blue pupils that were so close to him. The eyes were so beautiful that they seemed to glow. No gem could compare to them. He couldn't help himself after just one look. It was not just his eyes, but his consciousness seemed to be sucked away by the pupils. It had a magical charm.


"Uh... Hello to you too."

Li Chengxi's brain was still down, and this conversation was completely an instinctive reaction. ,

A look of doubt and inquiry seemed to flash across the beautiful silver-blue pupils, and his fingers gently stroked Li Chengxi's chest.

"Are you the Demon King God?"

"No... No, I am, but no, I'm not..."

From this answer, we can see what kind of confused state he is in now.

Although it has become Li Chengxi's habit to take the tribute meals from Viola and others on the screen, he never thought that one day he would be able to turn a person out of it.

This feeling is like you have a tank of goldfish, and suddenly one day the goldfish jumps onto your legs and does a Thomas full spin on your face...

No, this metaphor is wrong.

Or, it's like you're playing a mobile game, and suddenly the paper wife in your phone comes alive, jumps out and steps on you.

——Isn't this better?

Li Chengxi's mind is already a mess, and now his reaction ability is basically equal to that of a mentally retarded person.

Just when he was confused, a young man rushed in from the door of the convenience store, and it felt like he was sprinting all the way, and he just bumped into the door and came in.

As soon as the man entered the door, he immediately approached the cashier and stretched out his hand to Li Chengxi:

"Mr. Li Chengxi..."

Who is this person? Don't you know him?

Li Chengxi's convenience store mainly does acquaintance business, and he is more sensitive to the faces of strangers, which allows his brain to restore a little multi-threaded processing ability.

But at this time, a loud "boom" was heard from the direction of the warehouse in the inner room, and then Lei Lei ran out of the inner room.

From this description, it can be seen that Lei Lei was even wearing slippers.

At first glance, a girl of about fifteen or sixteen years old was sitting on Li Chengxi's thighs, so close that she could be embraced with a light embrace. However, Li Chengxi held the large silver dinner plate with both hands like a bomb, which made people feel like he was playing some strange game.

"Wait a minute! I can explain! I'm really not a pervert!"

This sentence was basically a conditioned reflex, and he didn't even think about it.

But then Li Chengxi reacted, and he said to Lei Lei, who was also surprised to see the situation in the room:

"No, where did you come from? That's the warehouse!"

Then he said to the young man who stretched out his hand to him:

"Who are you? How do you know my name? I don't know you!"

This series of panicked questions made Li Chengxi's hands tremble, and his hands trembled...

The silver dinner plate and dinner cover that he held above his head immediately fell to the ground with a clang, and the huge noise made his eardrums itch slightly. His brain was once again shut down under the impact of this sound wave.

Li Chengxi.exe did not respond.


The human brain has limited ability to deal with crises, which is why the brain goes blank in extremely tense situations.

However, this situation will not last too long, usually only for a short while.

After Li Chengxi's brain was restarted, he quickly got up and locked the door, fearing that someone else would come in, especially an acquaintance. In that case, he would most likely be rumored to be dead.

Lei Lei and the young man who suddenly rushed into the store waited for Li Chengxi to sort out his thoughts. They each moved a plastic stool and sat on the other side of the cash register.

And Aoerdai, who suddenly jumped out of the screen and caused a series of commotions, found a small stool to sit down. At this time, he was looking at the small decorations that Li Chengxi placed behind the cash register with interest, such as bronze swords, bronze Maitreya, bronze Ultraman, etc. Occasionally, he would say, "Wow..." or "Oh...".

It looks pretty cute.

"Mr. Li Chengxi, are you feeling better?"

"I'm a little confused, and my heart is a little stuffy."

"You're too excited, please relax."

The young man comforted Li Chengxi softly, and took out a business card from his arms and put it on the cash register.

The business card was very simple, just a pure white paper card with "Jiuke", "Qiansen" and the phone number printed on it.

"I'm Qiansen, it's a bit difficult to pronounce, but please pronounce it correctly. When I was in school, my classmates often called me Johnson because of this."

"Okay Johnson."


After such an interruption, Li Chengqi did feel a lot more relaxed.

He looked at the business card and said strangely:

"Ninth Section? Which unit do you work in the Ninth Section?"

Qian Sen asked but did not answer the question and said:

“Have you seen the movie Men in Black?”

"Uh... I've seen it. It was replayed several times on TV."

"We are similar to men in black. Our department is called 'Does Not Exist' and my name is 'No Such Person'. But please don't worry, we work for the government and are by no means suspicious people."

Qian Sen said as he took out his documents from his arms, one after another.

There are a lot of police certificates, military officer certificates, teacher qualification certificates, etc., covering transportation, education, medical care, police system, military system, etc.

The names on each certificate were different, which made Li Chengqi look confused.

Could this person have obtained a false certificate?

"No matter which profession you believe in, I have relevant qualification certificates here. These are only prepared for the convenience of work, and they are not fake certificates."

Seeing that Li Chengqi was still a little confused, Qian Sen continued:

"My main job is actually somewhat similar to that of the police. My main responsibilities are to maintain public security, but the scope of my jurisdiction is different. What my department and I mainly supervise are all things that cannot be explained by modern science, are beyond common sense, and should only exist in Fantasy Powers, Creatures, and Objects.”

He pointed at Aldai who was behind the cashier and let out a small admiration:

"For example, a time traveler like this lady."

Li Chengqi was a little numb:

"Isn't today April Fool's Day?"

"Of course, I'm not kidding you."

"I didn't give permission to film the TV show either."

"Don't worry, our conversation won't be on TV."

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"Look at my hair. I'm really not free enough to play tricks on others."

Looking at Qian Sen's thinning head and receding hairline, Li Chengqi felt the sincerity in his words...

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