On the other side, Qin Yan and his companions stood on the stone bridge and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw a large group of Jianghu people climbing up the slope on the edge of the cliff.

Although they were not out of danger yet, they should be able to hide there until the flood receded, and then they could slowly find a way.

Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, they heard a cannon nearby, like a signal, and a large group of Western faces immediately emerged from the woods on the other side of the stone bridge, and they were all holding weapons. It was obvious that they were not friendly.

"It should be the people of the Tianlang Sect, retreat quickly!"

The stone bridge where everyone was located spanned both sides of the cliff, but it was precisely because of this stone bridge that everyone saw the Western people coming aggressively and immediately retreated to the other side of the stone bridge.

This natural stone bridge has a narrow bridge deck. Although there are many people from the Tianlang Sect, they cannot play the advantage of numbers as long as they are on the bridge. Qin Yan and Wu Shaoyi can also block the bridge head and fight.

Then they saw that the people of the Tianlang Sect took out a heavy crossbow or hunting bow from their backs...


The best way to deal with this group of high-flying people in the martial arts world is to use a rain of arrows. Even a peerless master would have to kneel down in front of a million-strong army.

No one dared to block the bridge now, and they all turned around and ran. Even Wu Shaoyi could use his internal force to drive the wheelchair, and even ran in the first echelon.

Of course, Ran Xiaoyi and several southern Xinjiang people from Qingzhu Village were not forgotten. They didn't know any light skills, and the heroes of the Sixteen Villages led them one by one.

As soon as they turned around and ran, they immediately heard the sound of whistling wind. The group relied on their martial arts to dodge or use weapons to knock down arrows. Although they were not injured, they all looked panicked and quickly ran into the forest on the other side.

With the cover of the dense forest, the lethality of the rain of arrows was greatly reduced.

Qin Yan poked her head out from behind the tree trunk, and a crossbow arrow just hit the tree trunk, which scared her.

"Look over there, another group is coming!"

In the dense forest on the same side of the cliff, a large group of Westerners emerged, much more than those who shot arrows at them.

At first, they thought they were here to encircle and suppress them, but they immediately saw that group of people raised their crossbows and shot at the bottom of the cliff.

Oh no, the target is the martial arts fellows who came here first!

Qin Yan and his friends can still hide in the forest, but the group of martial arts fellows who were almost drowned are now lying on the slope on one side of the cliff, with no way to escape.

To be precise, the Westerners who just attacked Wu Shaoyi and his friends were just a small part of the large force, and the real target has always been the martial arts fellows under the cliff.

This is the so-called aftermath handling. After all, blocking the road and releasing water may not kill everyone 100%, especially when the target is a group of guys who can fly over eaves and walls. In this case, it is very necessary to deal with the fish that slipped through the net.

The Jianghu people hiding from the water on the slope are now a target. The rain of arrows like locusts is coming at them. They can only wave their weapons with all their strength to try to block them.

The first wave of arrows can still be unscathed, but the second wave of arrows immediately caused casualties, and the third wave simply lay down.

For a while, screams of pain and curses continued to sound from the Jianghu people, cursing the Tianlang Sect from a distance.

"Am I, Gu Tao, the Thunder Sword, going to die here today?"

It seems that a familiar name has appeared again...

Forget it, ignore him for now.

"Villain! Come and fight me to the death!"

Zhou Wenyi held two guns in his hands and screamed in anger, especially when he saw his fellow martial artists around him being shot down one after another, and he wanted to jump up and eat the group of Westerners who shot arrows.

But it was just pure impotence and rage, because even with Zhou Wenyi's light skills, it was impossible to step on a cliff hundreds of feet high casually, not to mention that the group of Westerners were on the other side of the cliff.

He could block arrows with his two guns, but that didn't mean everyone could, and there was no guarantee of how long he could block them.

There were nearly a hundred people in the martial arts world, and twenty or thirty of them were lying down after three rounds of arrow rain. It seemed that they would be wiped out in no time.

Just as the fourth round of arrow rain was about to begin, Zhou Wenyi suddenly saw some commotion in the archer camp, and the Western Regions people who were waiting for orders to shoot turned their heads.

Zhou Wenyi looked closely and noticed that a man wearing a bamboo hat rushed into the Tianlang Sect and shot arrows left and right. He killed anyone who blocked his way, just like a runaway carriage rushing into the crowd. People were either knocked off the spot or knocked off the cliff.

Although he wore a bamboo hat and a straw raincoat, he was obviously from the Central Plains, and Zhou Wenyi was stunned.

Thinking carefully, there was no such person among the martial arts people who followed him, and there were many knights in the martial arts world who were famous for their toughness. He really couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Whose disciple is this? How could he be so brave?"

Because someone was disrupting the situation, the originally volley of arrows became sparse. It should be that the officer who gave the order was knocked down.

This gang of Jianghu people could still resist the sparse rain of arrows. For a moment, everyone looked at the guy who was invincible in the crowd.

"Is that... Miss Yang?"

"Which Miss Yang?"

"The one known as the tigress!"

Zhou Wenyi had never heard of this name. She should not be a famous knight for a long time, but...


Looking at Yang Yiyi, who knocked the members of the Tianlang Sect off the cliff like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, Zhou Wenyi refreshed his understanding of the title of Miss.

So brave...

It has been said for a long time that Yang Yiyi's style is actually closer to that of a fierce general than that of a Jianghu person. She is best at rushing into the crowd and being unparalleled.

This is related to the fact that the people who competed with her when she lived in Li Yingluo's house were all generals, and also to the fact that her muscles and bones were pulled up by the Sky-lifting Stone.

Fighting on the battlefield does not require any fancy tricks at all, and the game is to kill with one blow and heavy force.

In addition, with two heavy steel maces made of HB400 rebar, as long as she rushes into the crowd, she will be like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Anyone who sees her will have to say that she is a fierce general.

The members of the Tianlang Cult should not have expected that someone would attack them by surprise, nor did they expect that someone would dare to rush in directly. Let's be honest, who would dare to go up when seeing hundreds of guys holding weapons standing together?

The main reason is that they did not expect that there would be a fish that slipped through the net. According to the plan, they only needed to stand on the cliff and shoot arrows. They were very surprised when they saw Qin Yan and others on the stone bridge, and they specially assigned a group of people to deal with them. Who knew that there was still one more.

The crossbow is the most useful weapon against the jianghu people. The reason for this is that the rain of arrows from the crossbow is enough to shoot the jianghu people into a sieve before they get close.

But on the other hand, as long as you rush into the crowd, the crossbow will not work, and even the advantage of numbers will not work, after all, there are teammates in front, behind, and on both sides.

In this environment, Yang Yiyi can be said to be like a fish in water.

The jianghu people on Zhou Wenyi's side were fascinated, especially when someone recognized Yang Yiyi, everyone shouted together:

"Tigress! Tigress!"

Cheer Yang Yiyi up.

And Yang Yiyi...

Damn, this thing can't be passed!

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