Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 634 Swallow it whole

Since a large group of Jianghu people left, the huge inn immediately returned to peace.

Although Nanjiang produces high-quality medicinal materials and wild delicacies, the output is too low. The merchants who come to eat this bowl of rice will soon be saturated, and there are actually not many people.

So after the Jianghu people left, the inn still had many empty rooms when it received another batch of merchants.

The Nanjiang people in Fenghuang Village always had an expression of "I won't say anything, I'll just watch" about what happened in the inn.

Their relationship with the Central Plains people is very delicate.

On the one hand, doing business with the Central Plains people has indeed greatly improved the living standards of their wives and children, but on the other hand, they are all wary and hostile to the Central Plains people, always thinking that they have bad intentions.

Isn't it a coincidence? The Central Plains people are the same. Even the old merchants who have cooperated with Fenghuang Village for many years are always cautious every time they come, for fear of getting into some fatal trouble.

The environment is like this. To be honest, it is not a very safe place, but at least it is more comfortable than being in the wild.

Ever since she learned that Ning Xian'er had gone missing, Yang Yiyi had been like someone with ADHD. She paced around the room when she had nothing to do, or ran to the door of the inn and looked around, as if she was hoping to see Ning Xian'er come in the next moment.

Qin Yan was similar. The two of them fully demonstrated what it meant to be as quiet as a virgin and as active as a madman...

Wu Shaoyi was calmer. Most of the time, he just pushed his wheelchair for a walk, or played the flute and the piano at the door of the inn. Even many people from southern Xinjiang were attracted by the beautiful music and stopped to appreciate it.

Although we arrived at Fenghuang Village early in the morning, we basically did nothing all day and just passed by.

The night in the mountain village was much earlier than in the city. It seemed that people in southern Xinjiang did not have much nightlife, and basically rested after eating.

Yang Yiyi was certainly not in the mood to celebrate. The three of them had dinner with the heroes of the Sixteen Villages, and then went back to their rooms.

This should have been an ordinary night, but as the moon hid behind the dark clouds, the situation became a little abnormal.

Someone took advantage of the night to quietly pry open the gate of Fenghuang Village and let in a large number of people in dark clothes, but the gatekeeper turned a blind eye and even nodded in a friendly manner.

The group of people went through the gate and headed straight for the inn closest to the gate.

Speaking of strangeness, Fenghuang Village seemed to know that someone was going to attack. A large number of people holding swords or bamboo spears immediately appeared around the inn, and the two sides quickly fought.

All this did not seem to wake up the people resting in the inn.

Especially Yang Yiyi, her sleep quality was enviable. She didn't notice anything even though there was only a wall between them.

With a puff and a scream, a handful of blood was sprinkled on the window paper outside Yang Yiyi's room, and then a masked man shook the blood on the hatchet and walked into the door.

He was obviously very purposeful, as if he knew in advance which room was empty and which room was occupied. After entering the door, he didn't even forget to close the door gently, and approached the bed in the dark without hesitation.

At this time, the moon was slightly shining from behind the dark clouds, illuminating the sharp edge of the hatchet. It can be said that the knife was already hanging on Yang Yiyi's neck. As long as it was chopped hard, the head would fall off on the spot.

But at this moment, a light suddenly flashed under Yang Yiyi's neck.

The masked man didn't know why, but it had come to this point, could he still wait?

So he immediately chopped it down with a knife.

But this knife, before touching Yang Yiyi, first hit a translucent object, which was quite hard. The hatchet that was chopped with all its strength almost broke the blade because of it, and the force of the rebound also made the masked man's hand numb on the spot.

A slightly glowing phantom slowly appeared from the air. Its appearance was strange, with a human upper body and a snake lower body. The head looked more like a lizard, as if it was entwined on Yang Yiyi, opening its bloody mouth and spitting out its tongue at the masked man.

Normal people have never seen such a valuable thing. The masked man was so frightened that his pupils dilated on the spot, his hands trembled, and the hatchet fell to the ground with a clang.


Before he could shout, the transparent monster shadow entrenched on Yang Yiyi pounced on her. The latter didn't even make a sound, and was swallowed by it directly, and the shouting was completely muffled inside.

It's strange to say that it was obviously a translucent shadow. After swallowing a living person whole, it actually burped. At this time, you can even see the outline of a human figure struggling in the snake's belly.

Shaking its standard water snake waist, the shadow returned to Yang Yiyi, light as if it had no weight, and then it became invisible again, as if it turned into a ball of air and disappeared.

The necklace on Yang Yiyi's neck also dimmed, waiting for the next unlucky person to come on stage.

Naga Guardian, this is the name of the pendant.

This is a perfect magic item. In layman's terms, Yang Yiyi hung a large manor with a housekeeper and maid on her neck without knowing it.

Its effect is very simple. A ghost Naga in a virtual state will protect the wearer.

Ghost Naga is not a very powerful monster. It is usually only level 30. In addition to the ability to sneak attack and poison, it is not difficult for elite adventure teams.

It is not an undead creature, but its body looks translucent like a ghost, so it is called Ghost Naga.

But this ghost naga is different from the general ghost naga. It is a spirit created and captured by magic.

In terms of classification, it has a certain relationship with undead creatures, but does not rely on negative energy to act.

As for the real combat power, this ghost naga is at level 40. Because it is a spirit, your physical attacks are completely useless to it. Magic attacks have some effect, but they will be greatly weakened. It can use its own ability of invisibility to directly bypass your defense and attack the main body.

It is equivalent to ignoring armor with normal attacks.

Let's put it this way, even the white dragon of Rhaena will feel a headache when encountering this ghost naga.

In addition to the automatic attack ability, it can also be transformed into a shield to protect the wearer. The best thing is that all of this is fully automatic.

It does not require magic to activate, nor does it require the wearer to give orders.

According to Alde, this thing is still a very famous magic item. It is said that there was once a guardian naga who reached an agreement with a mortal to protect him in the dark until he died of old age, but this person suddenly died because of a negligence of the naga. So the Naga begged a wizard friend to turn it into a pendant.

This was a punishment for not fulfilling his oath, and also a piety for the belief of protecting someone.

If you have to say what the disadvantage of this thing is, it cannot be activated autonomously.

There is a condition for it to take effect, that is, when the wearer is unconscious.

For example, when you are in a coma or asleep, only when someone approaches with malicious intent in this state, the ghost Naga will appear, otherwise it is just a platinum pendant that looks delicate.

Li Chengxi gave Yang Yiyi this thing, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, he was worried about her activities in the wild.

You can run away if you can't fight normally, but if you are attacked by someone while you are asleep, there is really no place to complain, after all, Li Chengxi can't watch you 24 hours a day.

Of course, Yang Yiyi herself still didn't know what happened, and even turned over.

He didn't notice the screams outside the house, the sound of weapons colliding, and the blood splashed on the window paper of his room...

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