Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 610 Mind Control

Except for the Order of the Yin of the Glowing Ion, the Drow and the Wild Bear Mercenaries showed very obvious hostility.

The Wild Bear Mercenaries' mission was not only to stop the three of Alde, but also to stop all those who tried to enter the ruins, otherwise they would not have fought with the Order of the Yin of the Glowing Ion and the Drow.

And the Drow...

These bastards probably always thought that the three of Alde and the Wild Bear Mercenaries were actually in the same group.

After all, there were only three of them. Now Zora and Nimia had to face five Drow priests and several super-large spiders head-on, and they had to be careful of the various spells coming from the direction of the Wild Bear Mercenaries.

"Professor, haven't you finished yet?"

Nimia swallowed her saliva, holding the dagger and feeling uneasy.

"It will take some time, don't rush me"

"I don't mean to rush you..."

Nimia looked at the drow priest who was approaching step by step, and said in a tearful voice:

"There is really no time!"

Although Alday was wearing a red light magic ball, it was equivalent to wearing an invincible shield. It was not a real invincible shield. Under the bombardment of the wild bear mercenaries' spells, two layers of it had been lifted by chance.

Moreover, the setting of the ancient elves' portal parameters was more troublesome than Alday thought. She was groping and studying how to use it.

Most of the ancient elves' things are known for being simple and easy to use, but setting the portal parameters is a high-tech job. In order to ensure accuracy, it is definitely not something that can be set up in a few strokes.

The only good news is that Alday does not need the protection of Zora and Nimia. The two of them jumped out together purely to ensure that no one can get close to Alday to avoid being disturbed.

The current bad situation is mainly because time has been dragged on for too long. If they had taken the Demon King's Ring and run away, they would not have been involved in this melee.

But it was too late to say this now. Zora pulled the holy emblem off his neck and held it tightly in his palm. Nimya also held a dagger in one hand and touched his waist with the other hand, wondering if there were any convenient props that could be used.

At this critical moment when the fight was about to start, the drow priests suddenly looked to the upper left without any warning.

And not only the drow priests, but even Zora seemed to feel something and turned his head unconsciously to look over.

There was a hole blown out by the magic ship of the Glowing Ion Yin Order. The magic ship exposed its bow and bombarded the spider group and wild bear mercenaries below with its turrets.

But just as the priests looked over, the magic ship seemed to be pulled out of the hole by something and was pulled out abruptly.

Several huge tentacles flashed through the hole, accompanied by the terrible noise of metal distortion. A magic ship shaped like a giant nautilus knocked away the magic ship of the Glowing Ion Yin Order, like a predatory octopus, dragging the magic ship out of sight.

Snail Shell Ship!

It's a mind sucker!

In theory, the mind sucker will not easily start the snail shell ship, because the special fluctuations emitted by the magic rudder of the snail shell ship will be discovered by their enemy, the Gith people. These former slaves have now signed a contract with the five-color dragon god Tiamat. They will ride red dragons to hunt mind suckers all over the world, especially the snail shell ship.

But on the other hand, since the mind sucker has even moved out the snail shell ship, it means that there must be something here that the mind sucker is willing to get at all costs.

No matter what it is, no one has time to think about it anyway.

Because almost at the same time as the snail shell ship appeared, long and thin cracks opened up everywhere in the treasure hall and quickly turned into buzzing light gates.

Purple-skinned, octopus-headed mind suckers floated out of the portal one after another, and immediately launched attacks as soon as they appeared.

A series of mind shockwaves exploded in the crowd. Except for the people of the Glowing Ion Yin Order who had mental resistance to withstand it, everyone else, whether it was the wild bear mercenaries or the drow, even the big spiders and the summoned demons, were all blown to the ground by the mind shockwaves.

There was also a light gate opened between Zora and the drow priest, but fortunately, the mind suckers that floated out of the light gate faced the drow and had their backs to Zora and Nimia. This mind shockwave directly blew away the five drow priests and the big spiders behind them for more than ten meters.

The already chaotic battlefield became even more chaotic because of the addition of the mind suckers. The terrible explosion sound of the magic ship and the cannon of the spiral shell ship echoed in the hole on the upper left.

But don't think that the mind sucker is here to help Zora and the others. The mind sucker that repelled the drow priest turned to face Zora. The long string of tentacles at the beard position was shaking like twitching. It was obvious that it was not a good person.

Nimya covered her head reflexively, fearing that the mind sucker would chew her brain. Zora also raised the holy emblem and was about to cast a spell.

At this time, the two of them felt a strong sense of dizziness and a very urgent desire to close their eyes and sleep.

While looking directly at the mind sucker, a voice seemed to echo in their hearts.

Sleep, you guys sleep, your body will obey me...

Compared to direct attacks such as mind blast, the mind control of the mind sucker is the most disgusting and difficult to resist.

Especially for creatures like Zora and Nimya who have no specific spell protection and no mind resistance, it is easy to be hit by the mind sucker.

With a clang, the weapons in the hands of the two fell to the ground. Although they knew that they must not give in at this time, facing the mind control of the mind sucking monster, their consciousness became more and more blurred, and their eyes became more and more empty.

But at this time, Aoerdai was busy and could not spare any help. Even if she cast a spell to resist mind control on Zora and Nimia, it was too late.

After all, no one would have thought that a mind sucking monster would jump out at this time. They thought that the mind sucking monsters that had been killed by the Glow Ion Yin Xiu Society before were all.

Zora and Nimia's will did not give in, but their bodies had been controlled. They were walking down the platform step by step, as if they were going to get closer to the mind sucking monster.

This feeling was very bad. In addition to being dizzy, it was like the soul was beaten out of the body. Someone was controlling their bodies like controlling a marionette, and the soul had no choice but to watch.

However, at this moment, a ten-meter-high palm emerged from the air. When the mind sucking monster noticed it and turned back, its vision had been completely covered by the palm, and it could even clearly see the palm prints on the palm.

A solid blow directly hit the mind sucker, causing it to fly over the chaotic battlefield like a marble, and finally embedded in the wall at the other end with a clang.

Zora and Nimia immediately felt that the soul that had been separated from their bodies was crashing into their bodies, and returned to their original position in an instant.

But the side effects of being controlled by the mind were still uncomfortable, some of them were like strong motion sickness, and some of them were like the body and soul had not yet fully returned to their original position, always feeling very uncomfortable.

And it was not only Zora and Nimia who regained consciousness. The drow priests who had just been shaken away by the mind explosion also knelt down and gasped at this time, just being freed from mind control.

They looked at the huge palm floating in the air, and they were shocked and scared.

What kind of magic is this?

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