Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 600: Long-term planning

"Are you still not asleep?"

Aidas got up, rubbed her eyes, and yawned hard.

Li Chengxi was staring at the screen at this time. Hearing this, he replied without raising his head:

"I'll go later. I'm afraid I have to stay up late for something."

Looking at the clock, the time was approaching one in the morning. If it were normal, Li Chengxi would have been in a dream by now.

The main reason was that Aoerdai and the others had not rested either. They felt that they were about to find the Demon King's Ring, so they had a hero feast to eliminate fatigue, so they planned to work all night.

They didn't have the problem of lack of energy. The hero feast was still very effective in eliminating fatigue, but Li Chengxi couldn't stand it more or less.

Since graduating from college, Li Chengxi rarely stayed up late. His long-term work and rest habits made him sleepy at ten o'clock in the evening, and now he couldn't stand it.

Reaching out to the refrigerator, a can of Red Bull flew out and fell into Li Chengxi's hand. Anyway, he had to hold it.

On the screen, the three people, Ordai, were staring at the empty hall in a daze. Since the images they saw were directly acting on the brain, Li Chengxi could not see anything.

We would have to ask Ordai what the three people saw after we returned.

Although we could not see the specific images, we could see the conversation between the three people.

What Li Chengxi cared about most was that Ordai and Zora said that the disappearance of the previous generation of Demon King God might be related to another unidentified god.

And when it comes to this unidentified god, the only clue is the man in black with the Wild Bear Mercenary.

Originally, Li Chengxi did not care, but now after hearing what Ordai and the others said, he really cared a little.

So he turned to ask Eilistraee:

"Have you heard of a black circle with a flame-shaped holy emblem on the outside?"

Maybe because Eilistraee is a dark elf, she doesn't care about staying up late, but Aidas can hardly open her eyes.

"It sounds like Prince of Lies, Xirik, whose holy emblem is the Black Sun."

This is also a powerful divine power. He once conspired to overthrow the gods and tried to make himself the only god, but ultimately failed.

It can be simply understood as a dog coin with powerful divine power.

It seems to match the experience of the Demon King. The Prince of Lies can deceive the perception of the Demon King, and can also deceive the seven apostles to steal the Demon King's ring, and let all this happen under the nose of the Demon King, but he didn't notice it at all.

But there is one thing that doesn't match.

"The holy emblem of the Prince of Lies does not have a flame-shaped pattern. Although the holy emblem of the same god may have some changes in details, there will not be too obvious changes."

For example, Li Chengxi's holy emblem is a slightly open hand shape. Some temples that place his holy emblem will make it more delicate, such as outlining the palm prints on the palm, using gold or gems to add some small decorations to make it look more luxurious, but there will be no fundamental changes.

An extra flame pattern obviously tells you that the god of this holy emblem has a priesthood related to fire, and the Prince of Lies does not have such a thing.

Seeing that Eilistraee frowned a little, Li Chengxi suggested:

"It's a bit troublesome to describe it verbally. How about I use my divine power to create an illusion and make an image for you to see."

The sleepy Aidas shuddered and said quickly:

"Don't do that."

The holy emblem is the eyes and ears of God, not just a pattern. The holy emblem cannot be displayed casually, especially in the hands of another god.

"The details of the verbal description are enough. But there is a black circular pattern. Those with this element are generally evil gods."

Aidas and Eilistraee are gods of the neutral and good camps respectively, and may not know much about the evil god camp.

And speaking of evil gods...

The plague goddess Tarona is an old evil god.

Perhaps because of the plague and disease godhood, Tarona usually looks pale and sick. When Li Chengxi stayed up late, she had already fallen asleep on the sofa, but the picture style looked almost like she was in critical condition...

Aidas rushed up with a brisk step:

"Wake up."

Although it looked like she was patting Tarona's face gently to try to wake her up, it was hard to say whether Aidas took the opportunity to retaliate, and the sound of patting was a bit loud.

It felt that Tarona might be patted to death if she didn't catch her breath.

She took a deep breath as if she had woken up from a nightmare, and then opened her eyes.

"Ah? What's wrong? Why do I feel like someone is hitting me?"

"That's your illusion, wake up quickly, I have something to ask you."

Then Aidas repeated Li Chengxi's question to Tarona.

After hearing it, the latter said:

"Black sun? Flame pattern? Oh, I know."

She really knew it?

"That's the evil emblem of Imix."

"What is Imix?"

"Have you never heard of it? The Harpers have been tracking down the cult of Imix."

The Harpers Alliance, an organization active in various mortal planes, has the main task of stopping all dark and evil conspiracies against the mortal world from the dark. It can be said to be the natural enemy of cultists and evil believers.

And in the Harpers Alliance, there are many rangers, druids and wanderers.

This is because the gods of nature are sponsors of the Harpers Alliance. As one of the gods of nature, Aidas is also a sponsor. But the sponsors don't know what the organization they sponsor is doing.

It's really a bit outrageous.

But on second thought, it's normal for Aidas to do that...

"Imix is ​​the prince of the evil fire element who lives in the plane of fire element. He has established many cults. Now the only one still alive should be the Original Secret Fire God Cult."

"What kind of cult is this? Is Imix strong?"

"The Original Secret Fire God Cult is also one of the most explosive ones in the cult. They say that the fire at the beginning of the world will restore everything to the silence of the eternal mark. They often carry out terrorist attacks. Because of their crazy characteristics, even in our cult, they are basically the type that no one wants to deal with."

Tarona's church is also a cult, and the style is also very dog-coin. For example, they deliberately poison the water sources of villages or towns and spread plague everywhere.

But this operation has a strong purpose. After all, Tarona is the goddess of plague, and her mission is to spread plague.

The Original Secret Fire God Cult is the type of brain disease that is not treated. The so-called terrorist attacks have no purpose at all, just want to do it.

So even in the cult, it is very explosive. Even if it is also a cult, no one is willing to deal with this group of lunatics.

"As for Imix? His situation is rather strange. In terms of ability, he can hardly even be considered a half-god, but he can grant some divine arts. He is roughly the same as a demon lord, and cannot be considered a god at all."

Li Chengxi felt something was wrong the more he listened.

It is unlikely that such a thing could defeat the powerful demon king god back then, right?

"I don't know. I have never dealt with Imix, nor with the previous generation of demon king gods. I will go back and ask Pharasma and the others in two days. Perhaps the powerful gods that existed in ancient times may know something. I will tell you next time I come."

After saying that, Tarona fell asleep as if the power was turned off. Aidas hurriedly pulled her up:

"Go back to your room and sleep!"

"You all go to sleep. You don't have to accompany me."

Li Chengxi turned his attention back to the screen. This matter probably needs to be considered in the long run.

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