Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 593 Everything is the same as it was ten thousand years ago

Behind the crystal gate of the elves, there is a swirling darkness, and jumping into this darkness really requires some courage.

Anyway, Aoerdai didn't find any traps, but the spell effect included a teleportation component, which was very disturbing.

Teleportation is the most dangerous spell. If you are not careful, the caster will be stuck in the stone, saving the trouble of digging a pit, which is equivalent to burying alive.

However, the people of the Glow Ion Yin Cult are approaching by rappelling. Unless Aoerdai is willing to take a greater risk to negotiate with them, it is better to take a step first.

The three of them rushed in and jumped into the darkness.

In an instant, the three of them felt a slight dizziness, which was a little discomfort caused by teleportation. When the dizziness dissipated, the three of them found themselves running into a closed room.

This room looks very normal. You will find a sofa, a coffee table, and a locker full of herbal tea for people to use at will. You can also see exquisite curtains. Some sunlight shines in from the window and shines on the dust, which looks like sparkling light spots.

This doesn't feel like being in the depths of the ground, nor does it feel like walking into the crystal fortress of the elves.

What's even more confusing is that everything I see is still as new, with almost no signs of decay.

You know, the relics of the elves are at least more than 12,000 years old, and few things can withstand such a long time.

Aoerdai knocked on his dizzy forehead:

"From the degree of dizziness, it's not a long-distance teleportation."

Long-distance teleportation will not end with a little dizziness in front of the eyes, but will be covered by a white light in front of the eyes. The duration of this white light depends mainly on the distance of the teleportation.

In the same plane, no matter how far you need to cross, it basically ends within ten seconds, while cross-plane teleportation will last from ten to twenty seconds.

So it's a short distance to arrive at the place.

The distance is not far, but this room is too weird.

There is no trace of time at all. Reaching out to touch the sofa, it is still soft, like freshly made leather, and still a little "greasy".

Opening the locker, the exquisite small boxes filled with tea leaves were intact, and even the fragrance of the tea leaves inside had not disappeared.

Pulling back the curtains and looking out through the glass window inlaid with silver edges, you can see a fountain square, where many elegant elves pass by, some are talking, some are using small spells to attract people's attention, and some are just passing by.

These elves have honey-like light gold skin, platinum-colored long hair, and are at least two meters tall.

Very typical, the image of ancient elves.

This scene made Aoerdai stunned, thinking, have we traveled through time and space?

But she immediately recognized that what she saw outside the window was just a simple image, an illusion.

Just as he was about to check if there were any other magical effects in the room, Zora nodded to the empty wall, then turned around and said:

"Your Majesty told me that the room we are in is dark and we can't see anything."

"Sure enough, the elf's puzzle lock also affects your observation."

Originally, you could see the situation inside through the wall, but now it seems that the vision is completely restricted. This is the effect of the elf puzzle lock.

In other words, the part that Li Chengxi can see now is only the location of the holy emblem, and it won't work if it is larger.

Nemia stood at the door of the room and turned the handle that was obviously too high:

"The door is not locked, you can go out at any time."

Since it is for elves with a height of 2.23 meters, the things here are obviously one size larger than the normal size, but after a thorough inspection, except for the lack of signs of decay, no danger was found.

"Let's go, let's go outside and take a look."

There is nothing worth exploring if we continue to stay in the room.

Nemia opened the door, and Zora and Oldie were ready for battle. As long as there was an enemy or something standing outside the door, they would go up and hit it in the face.

But after the door was opened, only a wall covered with light green wallpaper could be seen, with no signs of enemies or traps.

The three quietly poked their heads out of the door.

On the left was a wall, a dead end, and on the right was a wide corridor, with a dense red carpet and paintings on the wall from time to time.

The corridor turned about ten meters ahead, so it was not clear where it led to.

The three lined up and walked out of the room.

The soft touch of the red carpet made the soles of the shoes silent, and the surroundings were so quiet that you could even hear your own breathing and heartbeat.

There were many styles of paintings on the wall, some of which were oil paintings depicting beautiful scenery, and some were portraits of people.

The largest number of them was a painting of a female ancient elf, wearing an octagonal mask, and from the exposed mouth, there was no expression fluctuation.

Since many paintings are enchanted and move like animated pictures, it is a bit creepy to suddenly see the characters on the wall staring at passers-by.

"The octagonal mask represents the person's extremely high status. In the history of the ancient elves, only one person is allowed to wear it."

Aurdai explained as he walked:

"Manna Mora, the person who pushed the general to the pinnacle."

"Is this the relic she left behind?"

The crypt of the wizard is very dangerous, and the degree of danger is directly related to the strength of the wizard.

Elves are the only mortals with the ability to kill gods, and wizards who can push the magic civilization of the elves to the limit are all heaven-defying.

Regarding Nimia's worries, Aoerdai just shook her head:

"I can't be sure, but it doesn't seem to be the remains of Manna Mora at the moment. If it is really the remains of Manna Mora, there must be a pattern of the world tree at the door."

The pattern of the world tree hanging on the gate was not a treatment that everyone had in the ancient elves. At least the magic lords at the level of frontier officials had this qualification. Before Aoerdai and the others came in, they deliberately checked that there was no world tree pattern on the gate, so it was unlikely to be the remains left by Manna Mora.

As they talked, the three of them turned the right-angle turn in the corridor. There was still a corridor in front of them, but a door could be seen every few sections on both sides of the corridor.

It felt like this was actually a corridor in a hotel, and the rooms on both sides were rooms that could be rented out at any time.

At the end of the corridor was a double door, and the exquisite wooden structure was still as smooth as ever without any signs of decay.

The three of them walked through the corridor, and occasionally opened the doors on both sides to take a look.

The room behind the door was exactly the same as the room the three of them had appeared in, and there was no difference in the furnishings. If the corridor had not been different from the way it looked when they just left the room, the three of them would have thought that they had walked back without realizing it.

They walked all the way to the end, and the wooden double door was printed with complex patterns of flowers and branches, and the exquisite paint surface was still smooth to the touch.

Nimia nodded to Olde and Zora who were ready behind him, and reached out to push open one of the double doors.

A faint light came into everyone's eyes...

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