This trip, which should not have been a hassle, turned out to be very unexpected. It was actually very troublesome.

Aoerdai originally thought that the size of the ruins would be similar to the last time. Not to mention that it could be done in one day, two days would be enough to get back the Demon King's Ring.

As it turned out, plans cannot keep up with changes. No one could have imagined that the exaggeration of this ruins had far exceeded expectations. Even experienced adventurers had to say "Fuck it".

What's even more fucked up is that because they were already deep underground and the radiation images buried underground, Aoerdai could not open the portal to return at all, which meant that their retreat was cut off.

Even so, Aoerdai still rushed forward head-on. On the one hand, it was because of her strong desire for knowledge and curiosity, and on the other hand, she felt that Li Chengxi would help her in the worst case.

—— She was still as impolite as ever.

Speaking of the portal, when she passed through the crystal channel before, she saw that the Glow Ion Yin Xiu Society had temporarily built a huge portal. At that time, Aoerdai thought they were just calling for reinforcements, but she didn't expect that they actually called for a magic ship.

The snaky ship of the mind sucker is a kind of magic ship, and in addition to being able to fly, the minimum standard for a magic ship is that it must be able to sail in the void.

In other words, this thing is basically a space battleship.

The cost is of course exaggerated to the point of giving people a headache, and the more troublesome thing is how to build it.

Aoerdai has a very strong desire to take a turn on the magic ship.

So she is a little expert in committing suicide, and she is dreaming about these things in a coma.

"Miss Aoerdai, wake up, are you okay?"

Someone patted Aoerdai's face a few times, which made her suddenly wake up, and she saw Zora looking at her with concern at a glance.

Just as she was about to speak, Aoerdai immediately turned around and vomited a large mouthful of water.

The water in her lungs was completely drained, but Aoerdai felt pain all over her body and couldn't get up.

"Where are we? Where's Nemea?"

"She's beside us."

Zora pointed to the right. At the edge of Aoerdai's vision, Nemea's tiefling horns could be vaguely seen. She was probably still dizzy.

"As for where we are... it's hard to say."

Zora helped Aoerdai up. The three of them were currently on the beach by the sea, but there was no one around except them.

"Were we washed up?"

"Although I didn't see it, it should be the Lord who sent us to the shore."

Zora had just woken up, but she had been a warrior after all, and her physical ability was far superior to that of Aoerdai, a mage, so she was the first to wake up.

Pointing to the crystal boat stranded on the beach not far away, there were several deep grooves under the bottom of the boat. Aoerdai knew at a glance that this must be the traces left by Li Chengxi grabbing the crystal boat and dragging it to the shore, and finally pulling his hand out after putting the boat on the beach.

So Aoerdai dared to be stubborn because she knew that Li Chengxi must be watching.

After taking out the water bag from the magic bag and drinking some water, Orde felt much better. She slowly stood up and looked up at the other side of the beach.

At first glance, all you can see is black mountains that are like mountains alternating and crisscrossing, but at the end of the mountains, there is something that seems to be glowing and very eye-catching.

Looking closely, you can vaguely see something like a castle behind the mountains, and it is the light it emits that pierces the darkness.

Since there is no map and no idea how big the ruins are, Zora only feels that he may have fallen to the bottom, and no more information can be seen at all.

But when Orde saw the glowing castle, he suddenly became a little excited.

"I walked through the labyrinth of the betrayer, I passed through the tombstones of the dwarves, I entered the sea of ​​the elves, I saw countless mountains, and I found the lost castle!"

I don't know what Aldea was suddenly reciting, but I can only see that she became more and more excited the more she recited:

"The stars are above, but they are underground, the long river is on the left, but it is in the sky, at the end of the river, at the end of the starry sky, the elf fortress will forever guard the secrets of the tyrant!"

"Miss Aldea, what are you talking about?"


Aldo turned his head and said to Zora:

"This is an excerpt from a poem in a collection written in the mythological era."

This collection of poems was specially bought by Aldea from the White Hand Association. Because it is out of print, only the most well-informed White Hand Association can find it. Even the academic city does not have any books from the mythological era. (See Chapter 391 for details)

"The apostle stole the Demon King's Ring, which was such a big event, but there was no written record left. I have always suspected that someone deliberately erased that history, but the remaining records in the poem are too vague and difficult to understand, but!"

Aurda pointed to the castle in the distance:

"But the poem is correct!"

"Uh...what do you want to say?"

"I mean, we found it!"

In the excitement of Aurda, Nimya also opened her eyes slightly and woke up, and then she heard Aurda say in a voice that was forcibly suppressed:

"We found it, the Demon King's Ring is there!"


There is an idiom called 'grasping at the wind and shadows', which is used to describe something that has no factual basis.

But the premise of grazing at the wind and shadows is that you have to have wind and shadows.

Poetry is a very vague and freehand record. Just looking at the poem, it is difficult to accurately determine what place is being described.

But perhaps it is because of the vagueness of the poem that it escaped the risk of being erased, leaving a little clue to point the way for those who are looking for the Demon King's Ring in modern times.

Just looking at the poem will make people very confused. What dwarf tombstones, what elf sea, how can the stars be underground, what is written is a mess.

But if you recall carefully, Ao Dai and her companions walked all the way. First, they passed through the gate and maze built by the betrayer, then the ruins of the dwarves, and then entered the sea that was obviously built by the elves for entertainment.

This is completely consistent with the poem, not a single mistake.

And the last sentence, the elf fortress will always guard the secrets of the tyrant.

Obviously, it is telling you that the Demon King's Ring is in the castle in the distance.

Because the ruins are so large, Ao Dai even almost lost the confidence to find the Demon King's Ring. After all, looking for a ring in such a place without any guidance feels like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But now, even Alde, who has been rational and thinking rationally, has to admit that fate has completed its amazing coincidence at this moment.

If the poem is used as a clue, what they need to do now is not to go directly over the mountains and ridges to the castle at the end of the vision, but to find the "long river" mentioned in the poem first.

Follow this river and walk to the end, and naturally it is the castle where the Demon King's Ring is stored.

This should be the closest and best way to go.

But Li Chengxi, who was watching all this on the other side of the screen, couldn't help but hold his forehead.

I know you are very excited, but don't be excited yet.

Let's take a break before going...

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