Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 589: Battle of the Sea (3)

Although the situation of Aoerdai and the others seemed very dangerous, it was actually very dangerous.

Li Chengxi kept staring at the screen, fearing that if he was not careful, the three of them would fall into the water on the spot. With such a strong wind and waves, they could not be rescued.

It can only be said that Li Chengxi's direct intervention ability was greatly weakened in this half plane. Otherwise, when the three forces fought on the dock, Li Chengxi would have taken action to settle it directly, so why wait until now.

"What was that just now?"

Nimia slid down the mast and rubbed his eyes:

"I seem to see a hand!"

"It's the care from the Lord, go and control the ship!"

Nimia saw less, while Aoerdai and Zora were used to a hand jumping out to help from time to time.

Speaking of controlling the ship, Nimia rushed to the bridge in a brisk step and quickly grabbed the steering wheel that was spinning. Zora and Aoerdai were responsible for cleaning up the remaining mercenaries on the deck. There were not many left, so it was not difficult.

The real trouble was indeed the environment on the water.

The howling of the wind made the sails swing left and right. In such stormy weather, the sails should be lowered to prevent the masts from being torn off.

But these crystal boats were not made by some means. They did not have the locks of most sailboats. There was only a capstan to control the direction of the sails, which could not be retracted.

Zora could only hold the capstan and try to keep the sails from swinging and try to keep the crystal boat on its route.

Aoerdai stood on the side of the ship and looked forward, trying to identify the situation on the sea, but the daylight spell she had previously released was on another ship. This ship was now snatched from the Wild Bear Mercenaries and had no lighting at all.

There was no time to cast the daylight spell again. With the help of the lightning that cut through the darkness, Aoerdai, who was looking ahead, shouted loudly:

"There are huge waves approaching in front! Turn quickly!"

If you rush over on the huge waves, you will definitely fall down again in the end. Nimya, who was holding the steering wheel, turned the rudder to the left.

Driven by the wind, the crystal boat seemed to be drifting on the water, drawing an arc horizontally, trying to avoid the huge waves.

The waves hit the side of the ship, but fortunately they were only affected and not hit directly by the huge waves. The water instantly soaked the three people.

Anyway, it was raining heavily now, and the bitter tea seeds of the three people were soaked, so it didn't matter whether there were waves or not.

And this turn suddenly seemed to open the door to a new world.

The rain suddenly decreased. Looking back, you can even clearly see that the dividing line of the rain is moving from the bow to the stern. When the crystal ship passed, there was no raindrops in the sky except thunder, as if it passed through a water curtain cave.

This situation can no longer be described by natural weather, it is completely magic.

However, the three of them didn't have time to think about it, because as soon as they passed through the rain curtain, they immediately saw at least a dozen crystal ships around them, and some ships were shooting arrows or magic at each other to show their friendship.

Aoerdai and the other three just broke into this area.

"I don't think it's good..."

"Nonsense, that's the mercenaries and the drow fighting again! Change direction quickly!"

When the three of them were frantically trying to control the crystal boat to quickly pass through, it was obvious that their presence was also discovered.

At that time, they saw several crystal boats approaching their direction. Although the undulating waves made it difficult to approach, they couldn't run away because of the huge waves.

In the final analysis, there were too few people. A sneak attack was okay, but once they were face to face, the three of them immediately fell into the dilemma of two fists against four hands.


At this time, a dull roar came from the bottom of one side of the ship. Alde hurried to the side of the ship on the other side. With the sound of splashing water, the black dragon that had fallen before came out of the water and jumped out of the water like a flying fish.

Whether a dragon can swim depends on the species, but it is almost impossible to drown a dragon with water alone.

Black dragons are especially good at swimming. They like to live in lakes or deep waters. The toxins of black dragons can quickly turn water into poison pools.

It was already a headache to deal with three forces, and now there is another dragon.

However, it was not only Orday who was frightened by the dragon, but also the approaching wild bear mercenaries.

According to the intelligence they received, the dragon tamed by Princess Viola, although the intelligence said it was a white dragon, it is not impossible that it is actually a black dragon. The intelligence will definitely deviate from reality.

The wild bear mercenaries subconsciously thought that the black dragon was on Orday's side, and immediately hit the rudder and hurried away.

But the black dragon was not on Orday's side.

With a flick of the tail, it just hit the mast of the crystal ship. The thing was still not broken, but the powerful kinetic energy directly made the whole ship fly out like a skipping stone.

Then the black dragon opened its bloody mouth towards the wild bear mercenaries who were trying to escape. Its skull-like head looked even more hideous and terrifying. Its open mouth revealed a snake-like forked tongue. With a sound like vomiting, the dark green strong acid directly cleaned the deck of the wild bear mercenaries.

Different dragons have different types of breath. The black dragon's breath is strong acid.

In an instant, the wild bear mercenaries on the deck were covered with strong acid. Many of them were still trying to struggle in a bloody state, but they turned into a ball of blood in a few seconds, and even the metal armor was burned by the strong acid.

However, the boat was still very strong. I really don’t know what kind of material it was made of to withstand the strong acid of the black dragon. Large patches of foul-smelling smoke also spread on the water.

Due to the strong acid, the black dragon’s head was different from other dragons. It looked almost fleshless, like a skeleton with skin and bones. Its scarlet eyes turned around, flapped its wings, and immediately stared at Aoerdai and the others.

This was an unexpected disaster. Aoerdai and the others didn’t intend to fight the black dragon. Who knows how it came down.

The layers of this ruins may be connected by other places besides the passages that people can walk, such as waterways.

By the way, what about Andy and the other three who shot down the black dragon?

At this time, something translucent floated up from the water, and a crystal ship floated to the surface like a submarine. Aoerdai recognized that it was the ship they had just been on, because the daylight spell on the mast was still working.

On the deck, Andy and his two companions had just climbed up.

The black dragon was not aiming at Aoerdai, but Andy and the others.

These crystal ships are so resistant, aren't they? They can float up even if they are pushed into the water?

But this is not important, at least not now.

Seeing the black dragon taking a breath again, Aoerdai immediately turned around and reminded:

"Lie down! Hide under the side of the ship!"

Nemiah, who was controlling the rudder, and Nimia, who was controlling the winch, immediately jumped under the side of the ship and used the crystal ship as a cover.

Almost at the same time, a large amount of dark green stinking acid sprayed over. Fortunately, since it was not aimed at Aoerdai and the others, the splashed acid only affected a little bit. The three of them hid in time and no one was hit.

Just when she wanted to look up at the black dragon's situation, Aoerdai suddenly felt...

The ship seemed to be diving!

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