Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 581 Crystal Castle (Part 2)

Although the mind suckers are thoroughly evil creatures, they are not easy to deal with.

Adult mind suckers are about level 40. In addition to their psychic powers comparable to super powers, their slender bodies are actually very powerful, and their sharp claws are enough to tear tigers and leopards apart.

This is just an ordinary mind sucker. If it is a mind sucker that practices both psychic power and magic, it must be above level 50.

Among the three, the highest level, Aoerdai, is only level 45. If she encounters one or two mind suckers, she can still deal with them, but if she encounters more, she is afraid that it is like delivering food to her door.

There are no special clues from the wound on the head, but then again, it is unexpected that there are mind suckers in the ruins.

Could it be that these guys also have something they want, so they ran to the ruins to look for it, but ended up having a conflict with another group of people and getting their heads cut off?

Thinking of this, Aoerdai suddenly had a new guess.

Is there a possibility that this place like a crystal castle was built by mind suckers?

The Five Kings Mountains period was the most prosperous era for the dwarves. At that time, other races had not yet developed, and the elves, the original world overlords, had become refugees.

The dwarves can be said to be the only one in power. If it weren't for the fact that these dwarves preferred to mine in the dark underground, they would have occupied the surface long ago.

But the Five Kings Mountains period ended very suddenly, causing a large number of dwarves to flee and flock to various planes of the multi-far universe. The dwarves in the Demon Realm also arrived at this time.

Since then, the dwarves have basically lived together with other races, and at most they have formed city-state-level settlements, and there is no longer a powerful dwarf kingdom.

The academic community has been arguing about how the dwarves declined during the Five Kings Mountains period. One of the hypotheses mentioned that the dwarves were attacked by the mind suckers.

The appearance of the mind suckers is even more inexplicable. Even the gods don't know where these guys came from.

They just happened to appear suddenly during the Five Kings Mountains period, as if they were a race that appeared out of thin air.

Because of their eating habits of eating brains, they would raise mortals like livestock, and the dwarves at that time just happened to suffer.

If this hypothesis is true, then this ruins can be explained. It is very likely that it was attacked by the mind sucking monsters, and a large number of dwarves fled to the Demon Realm closest to this demiplane.

Thousands of years ago, when the first Demon King God was still there, he would not allow the evil race of the mind sucking monsters to defile his sand table, so the dwarves were naturally rescued, and part of this ruins was occupied by the mind sucking monsters, and they used the dwarves who did not have time to escape as slaves to build it.

Think about it carefully, the horror legend about the mind sucking monsters appeared in the Demon Realm. It was after the Demon King God disappeared and ended the mythological era. Because of the lack of the deterrence of the Demon King God, the mind sucking monsters dared to enter the Demon Realm.

It really matches.

However, this is just a guess, and there is still a lack of decisive evidence, otherwise the academic community will not believe it.

Assuming that this guess is true, Aoerdai and others are likely to face two situations next.

One is that there are no or only a few illithids in the lower ruins.

After all, if there are a large number of illithids living here, no one would specifically hide artifacts or creatures such as the Demon King's Ring in it. Hiding it does not mean giving it to the illithids.

In addition, there is a race called the Gisyans who are hunting illithids all over the world. They were originally slaves of the illithids, but during the long process of slavery, the Gisyans obtained the psychic power of the illithids and successfully revolted. The illithids are now the hunted party.

If there are a lot of illithids living in a place, it will definitely attract the attention of the Gisyans, so the illithids will not gather together now, waiting to be wiped out.

The second guess is that it is just the opposite. There are really a lot of illithids here.

This is not without evidence. In addition to the head just seen, don't forget that the traps in the passage leading to the sixth floor are all in an unremoved state.

The legendary wizard Brian lived there, but he did not remove the traps in his living area. At that time, Alde felt very strange, which was quite inconvenient for life.

But what if these traps are to guard against the mind suckers on the sixth floor?

Of course, it is also possible to guard against some other monsters running up from deeper inside. After all, there is still a vast mushroom forest near the entrance to the sixth floor, but the possibility of guarding against mind suckers is not completely eliminated.

Aoerdai thought about a lot of things in her mind and silently grabbed the holy emblem around her neck.

Soon, Aoerdai confirmed through prayer that Li Chengxi had been watching her. After getting this answer, she immediately told Nimia and Zora to continue moving forward with confidence.

She still used prayer as a dedicated line as always.


Aoerdai’s fucking research spirit will not only cause trouble to the people around her, but at most, it will actually cause big trouble for herself.

However, Aoerdai’s strong curiosity does not mean that she is like Yang Yiyi, a reckless man who does not consider anything. Aoerdai also knows how to weigh the pros and cons and do what she can.

If it is a situation with a large group of mind suckers, then the three of them will not be able to get out alive. It is basically equivalent to giving the mind suckers a snack. It is almost impossible to win a head-on confrontation.

But we still have a safety net.

As long as we can confirm that Li Chengxi has been paying attention, then the matter will be settled. In the worst case scenario, we can just take refuge in the ‘God Realm’.

With a clear mind, Aoerdai was naturally bold and invincible.

——Although Li Chengxi felt a little bit shocked.

Continuing to move forward, the three of them soon found an empty small room with two passages, one on the left and one on the right, leading to different directions.

The map given by Yue Luo did not mark the sixth floor, perhaps because they had not explored it yet, so they could only go by instinct.

Just as the three of them were hesitant, suddenly, an exaggerated arc flashed behind the crystal panel above their heads, almost piercing people's eyes.

Referring to the previous experience, it might be that the image from other places was refracted.

But anyway, she didn't know whether to go left or right, so Aoerdai decided to follow the direction of the arc and entered the passage on the left.

As they went deeper, the arcs flashing behind the crystal above their heads became more and more dense, but every time the arcs flashed, they would find that the brightness in the passage was decreasing little by little.

It was not until the three of them walked out for nearly 70 or 80 meters that they saw something beyond the arc.

Guys wearing golden red robes and half of their bodies were mechanized standing on the crystal ceiling above their heads. The three of them could even clearly see the lines on the soles of their shoes.

These people held incense burners, scepters that looked like some kind of mechanical creation, or large, banner-like instruments.

Electric arcs gently passed by them, but they flickered fiercely, densely connected into one.

The Glow Ion Yin Cultivator Society, these guys were actually on the sixth floor.

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