Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 564 The Goddess's Sacred Object

On both sides of the passage that clearly had dwarven characteristics, two rows of torches with light blue flames were burning. Instead of bringing warmth, its dim light made people feel a little cold.

The hazy voices were faintly heard along the echo of the passage. Although vague, it was certain that they came from the left side of the passage.

——Because the right side was a dead end.

The light blue torches were torches enchanted with the eternal flame. The characteristic of this spell was that it could illuminate for a very long time. It looked like a flame, but in fact it was just a flame-type light.

But the dwarf ruins of the Five Kings Mountains period could not have eternal flames. The dwarves at that time preferred to use their own mechanical lighting devices.

Besides, even if it was an eternal flame, it was unlikely to have burned from thousands of years ago to the present. There must have been people active here recently, and judging from the number, the temporary base might be nearby.

I had just come down from the second floor and had just got the map. Things were getting better, and then there was bad news.

Orde took out the map again and looked at it carefully in the light.

If you don't go this way, you have to go around a big circle to get to the entrance of the next level. I'm afraid it's unlikely to go around all day today, and there's no guarantee that you'll encounter anything on the way.

Speed ​​is very important. There are three waves of forces in this ruins now, not counting the holy warrior Andy we met before. No one can guarantee whether there are more.

If they are all heading for the Demon King's Ring, it will be difficult to hold on.

The three of them discussed in a low voice and felt that it was too early to go back and around now. Anyway, they would go forward and see, and then take a detour if it doesn't work.

In order to avoid being discovered, Aoerdai had to turn off her dancing light spell, re-cast the dark vision spell, and continue to move forward with the light of the eternal flame.

The eternal flame is like an energy-saving lamp with super energy-saving performance. It is very long-lasting, but the brightness is really unsatisfactory and can only be used at a makeshift level.

It would be better to use the dark vision spell, but the duration of this spell is not long, and repeated casting will increase the consumption of magic power.

Fortunately, this passage was not long. The three of them walked for less than three minutes before they saw a broken doorway on the wall on the right side of the passage. The vague voices they heard just now came from this doorway.

It was Nimia who stepped forward to explore the way and confirmed that there was no problem. Zora and Alde approached after seeing her gesture to follow.

Through the doorway, you can see that it was originally a dwarf factory workshop.

This huge room is a two-story building, but there is no floor between the two floors. The place where Alde and the others appeared was exactly the entrance to the second floor. You can see a crane similar to a crane and a large number of chains hanging on the ceiling.

On the first floor, you can see a large number of forging tables, conveyor belts, and things like small furnaces or crucibles. It is not clear what the dwarves built here in the past.

And the voices...

Nimia pointed to the side of a furnace, and Zora and Alde noticed that there was actually a row of drow behind it.

Dark Vision is not a night vision device. Its effect is just to brighten the image seen by the recipient. The dark skin of the dark elves and the rotten and dusty machines are almost like a protective color.

Is this place a temporary base of the drow?

In a sense, this is good news.

Among the three forces, the drow have the least number of people. Although they are strong individually, they are not enough to make up for the huge gap in numbers. Therefore, the drow will command a large group of spiders to help fight. Compared with the other two forces, the drow is easy to deal with.

Orde gently touched Zora and Nimia. When the two looked over, she immediately cast the invisibility ball and pointed to a row of things that looked like broken gas cylinders on the other side.

The three people sneaked over carefully. Under the protection of the invisibility ball, the drow didn't notice that there were three more people above their heads.

Looking down from behind the gas cylinder, you can see more clearly.

There were about five or six female drow priests. The leader was a guy holding a five-headed snake whip in his hand. He was sitting on the forging table that was supposed to be a forging platform, but was temporarily converted into a chair. The other female priests stood in a row behind her.

The male drow all stood opposite with their heads down, looking a little dejected.

The fierce curse came from the mouth of the highest-ranking female drow. I guess this guy is also a very powerful troll when he is a keyboard warrior on the Internet.

The beauty of elves is famous in the multiverse world. You rarely find ugly people among elves or half-elves with elven blood, but the excitement and distortion of the drow female priest made people feel that she was not beautiful at all. Instead, they were a little worried that she would spit on their faces.

Ordai and the others came at the right time. It is estimated that the drow were tired of spitting, and it was almost the end.

"A bunch of trash! If you can't get the goddess's holy relic back, I will use you to hatch spiders!"

The goddess's holy relic?

Oh, it's not for the Demon King's Ring?

How many good things are there in this relic? How come there is even the Spider Goddess's holy relic?

Speaking of which, the Spider Goddess's holy relic...

Ordai couldn't think of any specific name, mainly because the drow did not operate in the Demon Realm, and their knowledge of the Spider Goddess was limited to a few words mentioned in books.

However, Aldai knew very well that the reason why these drow were in such a hurry to find the holy objects was because their prayers could not be answered and they could no longer use magic. They were all in a panic. Thinking that he had been abandoned by the spider goddess, he hurriedly ran to find the holy object in an attempt to regain the goddess' favor.

This is a typical unequal information. The drow do not know that the Spider Goddess did not abandon them, but that the gods have fallen.

The consequences of losing the favor of the goddess are very serious for the drow. After all, their society itself is based on the absolute authority of the goddess. Without divine magic, the drow female priests will lose their lofty social status, and women will be superior to men. Society will soon collapse.

No wonder the drow are so anxious.

"Now, come here and get whipped!"

The male drow who were standing there being trained were very cooperative, as if they were queuing up. They stepped up one by one with their backs to the female drow priests. The female drow behind the chairs took off their snake-headed whips and pointed them at the male drow. My back was slapped three times, and then I switched to the next one and continued three times.

After being beaten, the drow could not say anything, but he could not remain expressionless. He had to show pain without moaning, otherwise he would make the female priests unhappy, and he would be whipped a few more times.

——It looks like they are playing some alphabet game.

Being whipped is the lightest punishment for drow, and they will even reward slaves with whippings, which is simply unreasonable.

The snake-headed whip is much more powerful than ordinary whips and is a symbol of status for the drow priests. Except for the one sitting on the chair who has five snake-headed whips, the others all have three or one.

It seems that this should be a Drow family that is not too strong.

The society of the drow is very sophisticated and orderly. In a drow city, while ensuring that the priests occupy a dominant position, several families will jointly manage the city and divide the interests of the entire city.

A strong family will naturally get more, while a weak family will have to work hard just to drink the soup. Whether it is strong or not mainly depends on whether there are high-level priests, the number of high-level priests, and how much they are favored by the goddess.

Men as the main fighting force and slaves as cannon fodder are secondary. As long as there are enough priests, a large number of men will naturally join them. With men, it is easy to capture or buy slaves.

Aldai and the three of them just watched the drow priest whipping the male drow one by one. To be honest, they were a little excited. They didn't know if they had awakened some not-so-good interests.

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