Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 562: Liberation

Dwarves, like demons, are not naturally born races.

The demons were created by the Demon King God in his own image, and the dwarves were similarly forged by the dwarf god Moradin in his own furnace.

In a very, very long time ago, the first group of dwarves dug underground and gradually established a huge kingdom.

At that time, it happened to be the era when the elves were most prosperous. When humans and other mortal races were still in the Stone Age, dwarves and elves were almost automated.

But everyone has a moment of glory, don’t take a moment as eternity.

First, the elves got out of control 12,000 years ago, and the entire elven civilization was destroyed. Many elven gods became gods only at this time, in order to avoid this great disaster.

The dwarves were not affected at all. Their underground kingdom was still prosperous, but the same good times did not last long. Seven or eight thousand years ago, the dwarves suffered a disaster.

No one knows exactly what happened. The five originally prosperous kingdoms fell apart, and a large number of dwarves fled to different planes in the multiverse world.

The dwarf subspecies were also differentiated during that period, such as the golden dwarf, the shield dwarf, the gray dwarf and so on.

The good news is that the dwarves have not been exterminated. The bad news is that they can no longer return to their former strength. Although forging technology still has inherent advantages, compared with its previous heyday, it is completely a family-level technology.

Aldai judged that this place should be a very ancient dwarf ruins, but she never thought that it was actually from the Five Kings Mountains period. This factor is not only very different in archeology, but also in terms of materials.

The forging skills of the dwarves are said to be inferior only to gods, and this god is their main god Moradin, which shows how awesome they are.

The dwarves behind the Five Kings Mountains have lost a large number of alloy manufacturing recipes, advanced weapon manufacturing methods, etc., so it is particularly important from the perspective of materials science.

After all, materials science is like drawing cards with krypton gold. Who knows what you can make by adding a little of this and a little of that.

This means that in addition to the Demon King's Ring, the ruins itself is also a huge treasure house.

Yue Luo seemed to understand Aldai's excitement, and even missed it a little.

After all, her lover Brat was also deeply fascinated by it. If it hadn't been for this, the two of them wouldn't have become what they are now.

It's a bit embarrassing to say it, Yue Luo sighed:

"We don't know what is in the deepest part of the ruins, but we have explored a lot in the first few floors and specially drawn a map. If you need it, I can tell you the location."

Having a map will be a great advantage. At least you can have some mental anticipation of what you will encounter.

But when Aldai heard this, she calmed down.

"What do we have to pay?"

In this world, there is never any help for no reason. What you receive and what you give must be proportional to each other.

"I wish, no, I beg you, to kill me."

Yueluo hangs down the oak tree trunk. Due to the change of angle, it seems that the relief pattern of the girl on the tree trunk is crying.

"I've been trapped here for too long, and I want to return to the embrace of the Sprout Goddess."

Only then did Aldai realize what was wrong with Yueluo's timing unit just now.

In this underground forest, due to the eternal blazing sun, there is no distinction between day and night, and Yueluo, who was turned into an oak tree, cannot move at all. She can only stick here like a real big tree, Slowly waiting to wither.

It looked like she had a long life, but it was actually a kind of torture. In order to prevent herself from going crazy, Yue Luo would count secretly in her mind. As a result, when she talked about things that happened more than a hundred years ago, she said four things. Billion seconds.

Although it sounds a bit pitiful, Aldai will not believe the other party so easily, so she still has to ask again.

"Three people came to your place before us. Why don't you ask them for help?"

"You must be talking about the three people led by the paladin."

"Yes, since you know that there are paladins among them, instead of entrusting us, wouldn't it be a better choice to entrust the paladin?"

"Like Bratt, you like to get to the bottom of things."

Although it was Brat who turned her into this, Yue Luo had already given up on her, and it could even be said that she had brought the blame on herself. After all, both of them had paid the price for their quarrel.

"There are two reasons. The first is because they are chasing a black dragon, and they seem to be in a hurry. This is also the first time I have seen humans. Although there are paladins, I believe they are demons more than humans. Of you. And the other party has urgent tasks, so I don’t want to trouble them.”

Hearing this, Nemea interjected curiously:

"Speaking of which, where is the black dragon?"

"You shouldn't be interested in the black dragon, but okay. I saw it flying over the waterfall. There is a large swamp there, and the black dragon must be hiding there."

Black dragons like to build nests in complex environments, because the more complex the place, the easier it is for it to carry out sneak attacks on intruders.

However, Neemia just asked out of curiosity. The purpose of Aldai and the three of them was never the black dragon.

So Aldai brought the topic back again:

"What's the second reason?"

"Their weapons."

As expected, Yue Luo also noticed the weapons wrapped with cursed belts in the hands of the three of them. It could be seen from their appearance that they were very abnormal.

"I don't know what is sealed by the curse, but it gives me a bad feeling. If I ask them for help, they will definitely use that weapon to chop off my trunk. I vaguely feel that it won't work."

The priests have strong perception abilities. Druids are actually priests of the gods of nature. What they vaguely feel is not good, and it is likely to be true.

"Okay, I'm willing to help you, but you have to make sure the information is true."

"You can rest assured."

A vine poked its head out from the other side, like a hand holding something up.

"My equipment has been taken away by Bratt, leaving only these. Please don't dislike them. They should be worth some money as a reward."

There are only two things that the vines hold up, one is a palm-sized oak box, and the other is a ring that looks like it is made of grass stems. There are a few cute little grass flowers where the gems should be inlaid.

Although the painting style is not very good, even if Alde has not used it, she can feel the surging magic power on it. It must be a very powerful magic item.

The first rule of adventurers is to do things when you get paid.

On the other hand, if you don't pay, don't blame us for leaving.

This is the rule of the trade.

Yueluo was once an adventurer, so he is very sensible.

After all, she pretended to be an adventurer to talk to Yueluo. Aoerdai put away the things Yueluo handed over, walked around the big oak tree twice, her eyes lit up with light blue light, and looked carefully at every corner.

Yueluo said that her condition was caused by the transformation spell, which is not a particularly powerful spell, and it should be easy to remove.

But Aoerdai looked around and brought bad news.

"This transformation spell is too complicated, even as powerful as a legendary spell. With my ability and spells, I can't help you remove it."

Yueluo, who has turned into an oak tree, did not show any expression, but the slightly drooping tree crown still expressed her state of mind.

"But... you are lucky today."

Auldai looked at Zora, who nodded, pulled out the holy emblem from his collar, and said to Yueluo:

"Respected Druid Lady Yueluo, my Lord has just given an oracle. He is an ally of the Spring Goddess, the sister of the Sprout Goddess, which means that all the gods of nature are his allies. And my Lord will not watch his allies suffer, he will personally help you get rid of it."

Almost as soon as the words fell, a beam of sunlight shone on the big oak tree.

Unlike the Eternal Blazing Sun, it was real sunlight.

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