Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 55 Holy Light Shines

Li Chengqi pulled his hand out of the screen when he saw the majestic white dragon on the screen being bounced away by him and hitting the mountain wall on one side.

Rubbing the snowflakes and ice particles on his hands, he reached out and took off his gloves.

This time, he fully learned from the experience of accidentally interfering directly with his fingers for the first time. In order to prevent his fingers from being scratched again, he turned out the gloves he used to ride bicycles in school.

Not to mention, it works pretty well. It not only prevents scratches, but also resists cold. My fingers are not cold at all.

"I finally took action..."

Looking at the large amount of faith value, Li Chengqi was a little reluctant to part with it.

He gave the blessing spell to the 10 most devout knights of the Guards, spending a total of 200 faith points. But the brain-breaking thing just now cost more than three hundred.

I finally managed to accumulate a faith value that was close to one thousand, but now I have less than five hundred left.

There was nothing we could do about it. We originally planned to rely on Viola and the others to solve it themselves. It was going smoothly, but who knew that a white dragon suddenly appeared.

The white dragon's ability panel is displayed on the left side of the screen. The health bar has almost been cleared, but its level says 'LV: 45'.

He can fly, and his level is super high. I feel like if Viola's army is ignored, it will definitely be severely damaged, and it is not impossible that the entire army will be annihilated.

Just spend more faith points, at least it will be less than killing the winter wolves directly, and the magic given can not only be used once.

From this perspective, this kind of faith consumption is quite cost-effective.

He stuffed his gloves back into the drawer under his computer desk, and a row of dialog boxes appeared on the screen.

Basically, the soldiers were shouting "Long live the Demon King" and the like, occasionally mixed with some "Gan!" ’ and ‘Grass! ’.


Indeed, Li Chengqi feels a little bit shit now.

Moreover, the winter wolves on the screen are retreating little by little. Without the threat of the white dragon, they will not go south casually. This monster crisis has almost been resolved at this point.

Just as he was about to see where the white dragon that had been ejected by him went, the computer screen suddenly went black. Not only the computers, but also the lights and air conditioners stopped working.

"Damn it! You actually cut off the power for me right now! Stop it!"

For the best viewing experience, Li Chengqi used a desktop computer this time. It seems that no matter how amazing this game is, it still needs electricity to run.

Li Chengqi quickly raised his head and looked out the window, and found that there were still lights in the community not far away. It seemed that there was a power outage in his own home.

But when I looked at the power distribution box outside the bedroom, it didn't seem to be tripped.

This was beyond what Li Chengqi could handle. He quickly sent a text message to the property management, hoping that they would have an electrician on duty in the middle of the night. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to have no air conditioning at night in the dog days of summer.

The laptop does have power, but maybe because the screen is too old, it is very dark no matter how you adjust the brightness, which is uncomfortable for your eyes. Li Chengqi had to go to the drawer to look for emergency lights.


For Li Chengqi, he just bounced and his head collapsed, but for those present, the sound was simply earth-shattering, and many soldiers were directly blown to the ground by the terrifying sound waves and air currents.

And the white dragon can now be said to be directly embedded into the smooth mountain wall on one side, leaving a clear dragon-shaped pit.

Bailong knew that he was very weak now. Not only did his internal organs hurt as if they were about to be broken, but all the bones in his body also screamed.

The dizziness caused by the blood loss and pain made it seem like it was seeing a revolving door in the past.

When Bailong was born, he had ten brothers and sisters.

However, dragons are not qualified parents. They will leave when the dragon eggs are about to hatch, leaving the young dragons to fend for themselves.

In the common sense of dragons, only those who can survive are worthy of being called dragons, so they don't care about their children.

White Dragon learned to hunt with his brothers and sisters and lived on small animals or insects around the nest, spending a relatively safe childhood.

At this time, twenty years have passed since the egg was broken, and Bailong and his brothers and sisters have also grown to the size of a calf.

But at this time, the food around the nest can no longer satisfy their growing appetite, and they have to take greater risks to hunt farther away.

When the white dragon grew bigger and its wings appeared but could not fly yet, only three of the ten baby dragons could return to the nest.

Although dragons are the most powerful creatures in the mortal world, they are not born that powerful, nor are they invincible.

Wild beasts in the forest, other monsters, and hunters chasing young dragons are all threats to them.

As time went by, the white dragon returned to its lair less and less often, and had fewer and fewer opportunities to meet its brothers and sisters. Eventually, it stopped going back at all.

As for what happened to the remaining brothers and sisters, it didn't care and had no time to care. After all, it was already difficult for him to stay alive.

During this period, a huge and indelible shadow was engraved in Bailong's heart, and he had only one belief in his heart.

I want to live and live better!

Eventually, with the help of caution and luck, the white dragon grew up and entered the young dragon stage.

At this stage, the dragon can feel much more at ease, as there are basically no natural enemies.

Its wings become powerful enough to fly, and its breath becomes more deadly and unstoppable.

But the sense of crisis he felt when he was young has never been eliminated from Bailong's heart.

So it came to this snowy area. In this place where even other dragons were unwilling to come, Bailong decided to live well.

A revolving door of memories kept flashing through his mind, but it had to be said that Long's physical fitness was really strong. The cold wind carrying snowflakes fell on Bai Long's eyelids, which suddenly woke him up.

Then it saw that the soldiers it had just called tiny mortals were gathering together to surround it.

Viola led Reina and Zola forward, raising the sword in her hand.

"The Demon King and God King have blessed us again, and we will never let him down."

Viola lightly touched the sword's spine, and flames quickly wrapped around the blade.

"This is the Vermilion Fang, the magic sword of fire."

She aimed the blade at a different-shaped scale on the white dragon's belly.

Although it was the first time she saw the real thing, Viola also knew that behind the scales was the heart of the dragon, which was the only weakness in the body of this powerful creature.


Bailong wanted to struggle, but the alarms coming from all over his body prevented him from moving.

Its throat is no longer able to produce normal sounds, and it can only use magic to construct a voice to plead.

"I will retreat, I will never come south again!"

"The dragon's promises are unbelievable."

Dragons are the embodiment of power and greed, and they have little credibility.

Among the dragons, Bailong is considered to have a weak brain, but when his life is in crisis, Bailong seems to be smarter.

It quickly said:

"You just mentioned the Demon King God? Is that a god? I am willing to be loyal to the god!"

Viola stopped moving now:

"You were defeated by Your Majesty. I should indeed seek Your Majesty's opinion."

Then Viola turned towards the sky and shouted:

"Your Majesty! Are you going to let it go?"

In response to Viola, except for the echo of her own voice in the valley and the whistling of the wind, there was only silence.

After waiting for almost ten seconds, Viola raised her sword again.

"It seems that your Majesty has decided what to do with you."

The white dragon closed its eyes. It was unwilling to give in and wanted to continue living.

"Wait, Your Highness, please wait a moment."

Zola stopped Viola who was about to stab Nilin, pointed to the sky and said:

"Look at the sky!"

Under the dark clouds, in the dark sky, a beam of light fell from above the clouds. It pierced through the thick dark clouds like a sharp sword, causing it to spin like a whirlpool, leaving a neat circular gap.

The soldiers knelt down and prayed, thinking it was a miracle from the Demon King God.

The light shone on Bai Long without any bias.

Seeing this, Viola extinguished the magic sword in her hand:

"Your Majesty has made a decision. From today on, you will be your servant."

On the other side of the screen, Li Chengqi watched the soldiers kneeling to pray and the conversation between Viola and Bai Long, and numbly turned off the emergency light in his hand.

Suddenly I felt like I had created another serious misunderstanding...

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