Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 546: Itchy hands

Before coming, he had expected that someone would definitely hinder his actions. Aoerdai knew that the other side had more people, but he only brought two teammates with him. His purpose was to sneak into the village without shooting.

As a result, when he arrived at the place, he found that this was not a matter of the number of people. An unidentified god was involved. The traversers from other planes seemed to be connected. In addition, the drow...

What happened in the mythological era was indeed very far-reaching, but he didn't expect it to be so wide-ranging. It was no longer just a matter of the demon realm.

Aoerdai had a strong urge to go back and beat up the three parties in the melee, so that they would spit out everything they knew.

Fortunately, it was just an impulse.

Aoerdai was indeed a high-level mage, but a high-level mage was far from invincible. Besides, this was not a matter of combat effectiveness. If the other party didn't speak, it would be useless no matter how hard you beat him.

In short, although he was curious about what happened here, he still followed the original plan and took the Demon King's Ring and ran away. The other details would be investigated slowly later.

The three of them took a rest for a while to heal their wounds, and then continued to move forward.

The cave that Aoerdai and the others came into should be a karst cave. It is closer to a mine tunnel than before, and stalagmites and stalactites can be seen everywhere.

The good news is that there are no forks in the road and no monsters are found. The bad news is that after walking for more than an hour, there is still no end in sight. It is really hard to say how big this ghost place is. At least it is certain that it is several times larger than the last ruins.

After walking for almost two hours, the three of them heard a roar coming from the passage at the same time, accompanied by a strong wind.

Zora and Aoerdai immediately looked solemn, and tried to identify what the roar was, but Nimia, who had always been the most timid, was very calm this time.

"That's the sound of the wind, not a monster."

"The sound of the wind? How do you know?"

"When I was a child, I lived in a cave in the wild with some orphans. In spring and autumn, I would hear roars similar to those of monsters coming from the cave. I'm used to it."

She seemed to say something miserable without caring.

Zora and Orde were a little skeptical about this, but Nimya was confident that she would not admit her mistake. The three of them continued to move forward. This time, they walked for about ten minutes. The deeper they went, the more they could see traces of artificial repairs around them. Large slabs of stone and bricks appeared from time to time.

Going a little further, a square doorway decorated with slabs appeared in front of the three people.

The hole was less than three meters high, and two slender cracks reinforced with building materials could be seen on the left and right sides.

Orde held up the lighting of the dancing light to check and found that the whirring wind was blowing out from the cracks on the left and right sides. When the wind speed was strong enough, it would become the roar they heard before.

Nimya proudly put her hands on her waist:

"I'm not wrong, that's the wind."

"You're right, it seems that I still have little experience in going out for adventures."

Orde took two steps back and looked up at the pattern above the doorway.

Whether it is the craftsmanship or the decorative style, this doorway fully shows the characteristics of the dwarves, giving people a rough and solid feeling.

On the door frame above the doorway, it is written in Dwarven language, "The Roar of Moradin".

Moradin is the racial god of the dwarves and the main god of the dwarven pantheon. Legend has it that all dwarves originated from Moradin's furnace, and he forged the first batch of dwarves with precious metals and gems.

In general, Moradin is to the dwarves like the demon king is to the demons, which is the relationship between the creator and the creature.

The so-called Roar of Moradin refers to this tunnel that roars from time to time.

The dwarves have a habit, they like to name some places after Moradin.

For example, the place where metal is forged will be called Moradin's Hammer by the dwarves, the sentry tower responsible for reconnaissance will be called Moradin's Eye, and the warehouse where grain (especially wine) is stored will be called Moradin's Cup.

So this Roar of Moradin is a typical dwarven naming style.


Isn't this the place where the Demon King's Ring is stored?

When she saw the tombstones of the dwarves before, Aldea felt something was wrong. When she saw this very dwarven doorway, this feeling of something was wrong reached its peak.

All signs indicate that this is the remains of the dwarves. Why put the Demon King's Ring here?

Is it simply because there is a ready-made maze?

But the maze that I walked through before was obviously not built in the style of the dwarves...

I can't figure it out, so I'll take another look.

After entering the doorway, the magic light illuminated the nearby stone slabs. A deep passage led to nowhere, but the dusty, dwarven-style walls around it clearly told you that this is the dwarf's territory and it has been abandoned for a long time.

Compared with the cave, this kind of artificially repaired passage is of course easier to walk, at least you don't have to go deep and shallow in the dark cave.

But the problem is that such a place with obvious human traces is likely to have traps.

Anyway, the way here was blocked, so Nimya, the team's eyes, was not in a hurry. She bent down and looked to see if there were any traps on the ground while leading the way. She would squat down from time to time to take out the tools in her waist bag and work.

Aurday and Zora did not rush Nimya, but looked around to see if there was anything else worth noting in this place.

From the style of the decorative relief, it doesn't look like the type that modern dwarves like. It is likely to be from the mythological era. As for more specifics, Orday can't judge.

After all, she is not good at archaeology. Ivan is better at this.

After walking and stopping for a while, Orday saw a recessed closet by the wall, in which there was a bottle that looked like ceramic material. She recognized it as a sentinel bottle at a glance.

This is also a habit of the dwarves. The ashes of some sentinels who are willing to continue to perform their duties after death will be placed in such small bottles and placed at important entrances and exits, indicating that loyal guards are still performing their duties.

Orday is interested in it because this sentinel bottle is a funeral custom, and the dwarves will put precious metals in the coffin of the deceased during the funeral.

The dwarves are the race that currently has the most alloy formulas. Their mines often produce metals that seem useful, but they don't know what they are used for. Most of them will leave samples and formulas to be carefully kept, and some of them will be placed in coffins as burial objects.

These special alloys may not have been known to anyone at the time, but now they are likely to be used in all aspects.

After all, those who study materials know that materials science is like krypton gold card drawing, no one knows when SSR will be drawn.

And materials science is the field that Aoerdai is good at.

So when she saw the sentinel bottle, she immediately reached out to take it, wanting to see if there were any precious metal alloys buried with the dead.

At this time, Nimia breathed a sigh of relief, touched the sweat on her forehead, and was about to turn around and say to continue walking, when she saw Aoerdai's fingers had touched the bottle, and she had no time to stop it.

"Don't touch it! It's a trap!"

"It doesn't matter, after all, it must have a history of thousands or tens of thousands of years, and the trap should not have been..."

Before he finished speaking, the three saw that the bottle that Aoerdai had touched suddenly fell inward, as if it was stored in the wall, and then there was a sound of gears running.


Suddenly there was a bad premonition.

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