Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 540 Confess your sins in the holy current!

History is like this. What is written in books and passed down orally is not necessarily the truth. With archaeological discoveries, more and more new evidence can help future generations restore that period of history.

A tombstone of a dwarf god believer is enough to show that there is a big problem in this place.

After bypassing the collapsed area and continuing to move forward, the three of them soon saw something that concerned them.

A corpse that looked like a tiefling lay on the side of the road. I wasn't sure because he was unrecognizable.

The whole body swelled as if it had been soaked in water. At first glance, it looked a bit like a giant. But if you get closer, you will find that his body is full of large and small 'holes', as if something was sucking it from the inside. He ate it all, leaving only an empty shell. He could identify the race mainly by the tail of the tiefling.

Nemea shrank her head when she saw this. After all, she was also a tiefling. Seeing her own people die so miserably, she felt a little bit the same.

"He is a member of the Wild Bear Mercenary Group, Miss Aldai. Look, he still has the mercenary group's badge hanging around his neck."

The wild bear mercenaries who were chasing them in the city before seemed to have been in the ruins for a long time.

The corpse was extremely badly eaten, and it was difficult to tell how long it had been dead, but the mercenaries did not even bury the corpses of their companions, which was definitely not normal.

Aldai looked down and found some lumps on the body that were obviously not caused by decay.

If you poke it with a staff, the lump will even twist and feel...

Like some kind of parasite.

"This guy must have been used as a seedbed, a test subject for breeding some kind of creature. Judging from the wounds, I think it looks more like a spider."

"The Ghost-faced Spider wouldn't be like this, would it?"

Aldai shook her head:

"It's hard to say. It may be a special variety ripened by evil magic. Stay away from him. Let's go."

This series of clues clearly told Aldai that there was danger ahead.

The three of them continued to move forward along the passage. Perhaps it was the psychological shadow caused by the corpse. Nemea patted himself from time to time, fearing that he would be eaten from the inside by something like the tiefling.

This time I walked for almost half an hour, when a vague sound broke into my ears.

The three of them immediately became alert and moved from the center of the cave to the side, pacing carefully close to one side.

As the distance got closer, the sound became clearer and clearer, and it was possible to identify the sound coming from a human being. However, due to the echo of the cave, it was difficult to hear what was being said.

Going a little further, the three of them saw an exit.

Nemea carefully moved forward to investigate, not knowing what she saw. Aldee and Zola saw Nemea's tail straightened up. Then Nemea waved to them both and motioned to come over.

After walking out of the cave, we came to another huge underground cavity, but this cavity was not as huge as the first one, and we could see the head at a glance.

The entire cavity was illuminated by miserable green flames. The center of the cavity looked like a basin, and the three of them appeared at the entrance of the basin.

Looking carefully into the basin, I could see a large group of armed men standing nearby on guard, who seemed to be wild bear mercenaries.

In the center of the basin, a huge miserable green flame was burning, but surprisingly it did not emit any heat and even felt very cold.

Surrounding the flames, a group of unknown people wearing black robes with flame patterns on their hems were instructing the wild bear mercenaries to pick up the bodies and throw them into the flames.

Every time a body is thrown in, the men in black robes surrounding the flames will shout in unison:


This scene made Aldai slightly dizzy. She seemed to vaguely remember that she had seen a similar scene not long ago, but she was not sure.

"What is Imix?"

Nemea's low voice would be almost inaudible no matter how soft it was.

"I don't know, it might be some god. Let's check the situation first. It's best if we can go around it."

Zola nodded upon hearing this and tightened her grip on the holy symbol around her neck.

This kind of scene of using corpses for sacrifice, no matter how you look at it, Imix is ​​not a good bird, and he is probably an evil god.

Aldai shook her head, trying to wake herself up. At this time, she noticed that the corpses thrown by the wild bear mercenaries into the flames were all the ones she had seen at the door before. The group of prosthetic enthusiasts were suspected of being "Glow" Ion Yin Order's people.

Even their semi-mechanized bodies were easily burned away in the miserable green flames, leaving not even dust behind.

But with such a high temperature, I didn't feel any heat wave at all, and the flame was definitely not just green.

Reminiscent of the black circular pattern on the square in front of the maze, maybe this group of people had performed a sacrifice before.

But why do it again?

Why didn't all the previous corpses be used and why were they replaced in a special place?

The enemy's actions must have meaning, Aldai felt, this was not a good thing.

Just as I was thinking about this, a hoarse voice suddenly interrupted the ceremony.

He looked up and saw that one of the people from the Glow Ion Yin Order was still alive.

"I am a spark in the divine current..."

His voice didn't sound like a living person, but more like an electronic sound, coming from the broken mechanical structure of his throat.

"I am a cog in a majestic machine..."

"Throw him in!"

The man in black robe instructs the wild wolf mercenaries to take action. It doesn't matter whether they live or die. The sacrifice cannot be interrupted anyway.

This member of the Glow Ion Yin Order was still alive, but he only had one breath left. His mechanical prosthesis was broken, and a lot of dark brown stuff like motor oil flowed out of his mouth and the barely recognizable nose. His eyes were lifeless.

But he continued to recite like a machine:

"I am a piece of heating wire in the glow of creation!"

The Wild Bear Mercenary had already lifted this man up, and was shouting one, two, three, let go, and threw him into the blazing green flame.

And the semi-mechanized man continued to recite fearlessly:

"I will merge into His great code!"

Even though he was engulfed by the flames, the semi-mechanized man in a red robe was still fearless. He did not struggle in the flames, but raised his hands with all his strength:

"Pagans! You will be destroyed!"

A string of fierce electric light instantly covered the flames, and exaggerated arcs burst out from the center of the flames, twisting and leaving several burning scorch marks on the ground.

"Damn it! The ceremony was interrupted, we have to start over!"

The black-robed man who presided over the ceremony was furious, and an arc of electricity hit him, but it seemed to hit a phantom and did not cause any damage.

The people around him had no time to respond to him. The arc of electricity that burst out from the flames swept quickly, and the people around the flames were blown up by the arcs.

This was a good opportunity. While they were in chaos, the three of them could go around from above.

After all, there were too many people, and if they really fought, Alde and the others would not have any advantage.

But before the three of them could make any move, Alde immediately grabbed Zora and Nimia who were about to get up:

"Don't move, someone is coming again."

Almost as soon as Alde finished speaking, wherever the arc swept through the basin below, a thin purple-black crack opened up. If you look closely, you can even see twinkling stars from the crack.

"Pagan! Repent your sins in the holy electric current!"

As the electronic sound rang out, a large group of cyborgs in red robes holding knives and axes rushed out of the cracks and fought with the Wild Bear mercenaries who tried to avoid the electric arc without hesitation.

The scene was in chaos.

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