Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 538 It's on fire

One is the mastermind who follows him like a shadow and whose true identity is never confirmed. The other is an unknown god who seems to still exist despite the fall of the gods. What is their relationship with the Demon King God?

Things are becoming more and more complicated. The more you understand, the more complicated it seems.

But on the other hand, this makes Aoerdai more excited.

What did the rebels who raised the banner of rebellion against their creator do in the mythological era? What role did the god of the Black Sun Holy Emblem play in it? What secrets are there that even attract travelers from other planes? What happened to the Demon King God?

These keywords kept spinning and replaying in Aoerdai's mind. Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality...

Damn, the words are mixed up.

It is clear that an ancient secret that almost no one knows is waiting for Aoerdai to discover.

Aoerdai is so excited!

Suddenly, I understand why Ivan, who is a natural warlock with the ability to cast spells, prefers to be an archaeologist. The pleasure of discovering the truth of history is irresistible.

"Miss Orde?"

Zora patted Orde on the shoulder again. Seeing that she stood there for a long time without saying anything, he thought something had happened again.

"I'm fine. Don't touch this black circular pattern. Let's go around it and continue walking. There are more secrets waiting to be discovered below."

Although Orde wanted to write a few long papers to express her views, the whole thing was not suitable for publicizing now. This kind of mythological secret involved too much and might even shake the foundation of the ruling class.

Don't forget that although the legend is vague, it was the seven apostles who stole the Demon King's ring, and this was clearly passed down.

All the rulers of the Demon Kingdom today are high-ranking demons, and the high-ranking demons are all descendants of the seven apostles.

If someone makes a fuss about this, all the Demon Kingdoms may be in turmoil.

How much of this matter can be announced and who can be told need to be paid special attention to.

Zora and Nimya had no idea what Aldo was doing, but she said to keep going, so they went ahead.

"I'm good at walking through mazes, leave it to me."

Nimya patted her chest and assured that she was sure about this, and she was not just showing off.

Having lived on the streets since she was a child, Nimya's experience as an adventurer was indeed insufficient, but her professional ability was not a problem, and she was very confident in memorizing the maze path.

But when standing in front of the maze and looking at the dim passage, Aldo took out a small glass bottle from his magic bag.

The glass bottle was filled with orange-yellow powder, and the orange color was a bit scary.

Nimya, who had just patted her chest and assured, jumped and moved sideways on the spot when she saw the glass bottle:

"Isn't that Orange Paradise!"

"Oh? Do you know it?"

"When I was a child, I saw too many people who took this stuff and their families were destroyed!"

This is a powerful hallucinogen that can only be taken from the plant of the same name. A small bottle is enough to destroy a family.

When she was young, Nimia dared to do anything to survive, except this thing.

"Don't worry, how to use things depends on people."

Aerdai casually threw the glass bottle on the ground in front of her, and the orange powder inside turned into a cloud of smoke and bulged slightly, which made Nimia quickly step back and cover her mouth and nose, fearing that it would stick to her.

Aerdai made a few spellcasting gestures, and the orange smoke quickly turned black at the moment the spell was activated, and finally turned into a large black shadow-like thing. It seemed to be some kind of creature, and two red eyes were faintly visible in the shadow.

Not knowing what Aerdai summoned, she said to the shadow:

"Can we go to the other exit of the maze along one side of the maze?"

This spell is the flash of true knowledge, and the orange heaven is just a spellcasting material.

It can summon an evil shadow and ask it a question. Although it can only answer with yes or no, the probability of telling the truth is about 75%, which is already a very high probability.

It means that you need to be more careful when asking questions. You can't ask whether you can walk to the exit of the maze, because the entrance is actually considered an exit.

That's why Orde specifically mentioned another exit.

The shadow summoned by the flash of true knowledge was silent for two seconds, and left a word in a hoarse voice:


Then the shadow broke apart and disappeared completely.

"Well, good news, it seems that there is no teleportation in the maze, it's just a simple physical maze."

Orde's question, on the one hand, is to confirm whether the maze can be exited, and on the other hand, is to confirm whether there is a teleportation mechanism in the maze.

All mazes can be walked out by touching the wall on one side, at best it is just a matter of time, but if there is a teleportation mechanism or something like that, it is not a maze in the physical sense.

Because there is no lighting in the maze, Orde's peeping eye can't see which way is the right one when she flies over, and the peeping eye can't fly too far, so she can only walk in and explore the way herself.

But the wizard tells you that we have other ways.

"Instant Insight"

"Instant Mastery"

"Revealing the Lost Path"

"Echoes of the Deep Earth"

"Location Magic"

"Location Creature"

"Location Trap"


Casting spells one after another, Aldea was finally covered in a layer of colorful magic aura.

"Let's go, I found the way."

She waved her staff and walked ahead.

Nimia felt uncomfortable. It was like the job she had been working on for her whole life was finally replaced by machines and computers. It was about to lose its meaning of existence...


An adventurer team can have no magician, after all, magicians are too rare, and no priest, after all, priests rarely leave the temple, but it cannot be without wanderers.

The frontal combat power of wanderers is not strong, but whether it is unlocking, removing traps, or reconnaissance, the professional support of wanderers is indispensable. At least it can help the team avoid many monsters in the wild.

When seeing the maze, Nimia was still a little happy. Finally, she could show her value of existence.

But after a few magic spells from Olde, not to mention that she had explored the maze thoroughly, at least it was not difficult to find a way.

Nemia is in trouble...

Choosing Nemia and Zora is mainly for insurance. No one knows what is in this ruins of the mythical era. Maybe there will be problems that magic cannot solve. Otherwise, with Alde's personality, she would have come here alone.

The maze is just a simple physical maze. There are some traps, but they have all been ineffective for a long time. But the three of them still found some traces of recent activities and some recently set alarms on the way forward.

This shows that there are indeed people in the ruins. Considering the pile of corpses at the door, it doesn't feel very friendly...

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