Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 517 Water Slide

Li Chengxi's true identity is not important to Lei Lei. She just likes the feeling of unraveling the secret.

A rare human-shaped land god who almost does not exist, but he does not know that he is a land god. Judging from Li Chengxi's reaction, he seems to know a little bit of the inside story now.

It feels so good to dig out the big secret bit by bit.

Lei Lei certainly could not have thought that Li Chengxi was simply confirming the credibility of the land god with her.

After all, the immortals are comparable to strategic nuclear weapons. It is too dangerous for Yang Yiyi and others to enter the inheritance left by such a powerful boss.

Originally, they just wanted to see what the land god sold in his gourd. Since it is such a dangerous situation, they have to confirm whether what the land god said is credible or not.

The result is that one said the front door building and the other said the hip axis, and they did not match the radio waves at all.

Lei Lei was very happy to carry the bag and left. She looked a little jumping. Li Chengxi was puzzled but did not care too much.

Maybe he was happy because he was relieved of the burden after the college entrance examination?

So after Lei Lei walked away, Li Chengxi sat back at the cashier counter and turned on the microphone.

"I've done it, let's keep going."

Yang Yiyi and the others stayed where they were and didn't dare to move. After all, this was the place where the immortals left. If Li Chengxi, the immortal who held the sky, didn't speak, how could they dare to touch it?

When Li Chengxi said to keep going, Yang Yiyi put both hands on the stone slab with the inscription and pushed it hard.

This stone slab is actually a door. It has not been opened for a long time, but there is no lag at all. Even Yang Yiyi felt very easy to push it.

And this door is tightly closed. When it is closed, it can't be seen that it can be pushed open with the naked eye. These abnormal places are reminding everyone that this is unscientific.

When the door is opened, the first thing that enters the ear is a series of rushing water sounds. Following the sound, you can see that there is a very exquisite underground stone chamber inside.

The gurgling water slowly flows out from the rock wall on one side, gathering into a small river that passes through the hall. The riverside has been repaired to ensure that the river water will not flow outside.

In the deepest part of the stone room, you can see a stone table and chair, which is covered with thick moss, as if telling you that no one has been here for a long time.

Above the table and chair, a beam of sunlight falls from the cracks in the stone, illuminating the huge roots of the banyan tree next to the corner of the stone room, and directly under the sunlight...

"Is that a sword?"

"Not sure, the moss is too thick."

No wonder Yang Yiyi and Qin Yan didn't see it clearly. The sword under the sun was covered with thick moss. The sword body was particularly short, which was obviously different from the most common three-foot green blade. It was more like a short sword slightly longer than a dagger.

However, its hilt was very long, giving people a feeling that the length of the blade and the hilt were reversed.

The hilt of the sword is vaguely visible to be made of bamboo, but bamboo has never decayed in such a humid environment, which in itself shows that the sword is unusual.

This is a real magic weapon. Li Chengxi used the steel mace welded with HB400 threaded steel purely to bully the local smelting level. This is a treasure type.

The three of them unconsciously moved closer. Wu Shaoyi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, tilted his neck to try to see more clearly, and then said:

"This should be the inheritance of the Fairy Qinglian, but... how to get it?"

This made Qin Yan immediately look at Yang Yiyi, who also woke up immediately and asked hurriedly:

"Brother Li, shall we go and get it directly?"

"Don't go, wait a minute."

Li Chengxi immediately used the right button to try to open the item information of the dagger, intending to see what it was first.

But strangely, the window opened by right-clicking to view the information was blank, as if there was nothing there.

At first, Li Chengxi thought that he had clicked the wrong button due to his shaking hands, but after clicking three times in a row, the button was blank, which gave him a bad feeling.

Is this thing just an illusion?

Just when he was about to tell Yang Yiyi and the others, the three people who stayed in place and looked around immediately heard a loud sound of water.

Turning around, they saw that the spring water that originally flowed slowly from the rock wall suddenly surged more than ten times. At most, the river water was just above their feet. When the three heard the sound and felt the water flow increase and lowered their heads, it had already covered their ankles.

"Get out first, there is something wrong with this place!"

Before Li Chengxi finished speaking, he immediately saw the three people on the screen begin to...


Or to say, they slowly began to move sideways, and this slowness was only a matter of a moment, and the speed suddenly increased.

"Why is the river so slippery!"

"I can't stand steadily!"

Qin Yan's Qinggong was the best among the three. Her first reaction was to jump out of the water immediately, but when she exerted force with her feet, the water flowing quickly by her feet seemed to be like gel, tightly holding her feet and not letting her jump at all.

Apart from being sticky, it felt exactly the same as ordinary water, but it was particularly slippery.

The three of them were just like being swept away by a torrent that barely covered their ankles, or more like stepping on an icy slope, and quickly slid to one side of the room.

This stone room was not big, at most only 20 to 30 square meters. Yang Yiyi and the others slid to one side, and it was reasonable that they would definitely hit the stone wall on one side.

But the moment the three people collided with it, the water outlet that was just the size of a fist quickly expanded in their eyes. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a big hole, and the three people who were forced to slide were rushed into it.

To put it in a bad way, it's a bit like shit being flushed away in a flushing toilet...

The cave was dark, and the light of the bright flashlight temporarily placed on Wu Shaoyi's legs swayed from side to side as Yang Yiyi and the others slid along.

Wu Shaoyi quickly grabbed the wheelchair with one hand and the flashlight with the other. Without either of these two things, it would be very uncomfortable.

Yang Yiyi and Qin Yan did not fall down. Now they felt like they were sliding down the slope, and they couldn't see where the head was. They moved their dantian with luck, lowered their bodies, and tried to stabilize with the skill of a thousand-jin fall.

However, no matter how they operated, the gliding speed did not decrease at all, and even seemed to increase.

The three of them were just like sitting on a water slide, sliding all the way into a dark, bottomless cave. This was definitely not a comfortable experience.

"Don't separate, hold on tight!"

Li Chengqi quickly picked up the microphone to remind him that this change was unexpected. Because it was too dark, Li Chengqi could not see the surrounding environment clearly except for the three pixel villains.

Hearing Li Chengqi's voice, Yang Yiyi hurriedly turned around and grabbed Qin Yan. Qin Yan also grabbed Wu Shaoyi's wheelchair, and the three of them formed a chain.

The two of them also knew that this situation was definitely not normal, and the only one who could possibly get out of this situation was Immortal Qingtian. Once they were separated, it would be troublesome.

And at this moment of panic, Yang Yiyi, who was gliding at the front, suddenly felt...

Seems to have turned a corner?

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