Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 5 The Beginner's Tutorial is Important

Li Chengqi glanced at the resource list in the upper right corner of the screen. The gold coin column said 2500 (originally 2000, plus the bandit's 500), and behind the gold coin number, there was the word '-175'.

This is probably the number of gold coins that are ready to be spent but have not yet been released from the warehouse.

"The lack of resources in strategy games is indeed a problem..."

The biggest difficulty in this type of game is operation, and there is a saying that as long as you learn how to operate, you can win even if you are tied.

Of course, this is also the most fun part of strategy games.

Therefore, Li Chengqi never uses any modification methods when playing this type of game. After all, it would be meaningless if he changed it, and he would quickly lose interest.

But it's different now.

Although there are many unknown aspects of this game, in Li Chengqi's opinion, it is almost like raising a tank of goldfish. It is very interesting to observe every move of the goldfish every day.

He thought about it every two seconds and immediately cut to the game screen.

I can't find any information on the AAI game at all on the Internet. Li Chengqi tried it last night. Therefore, it is not feasible to invite the Wind Spirit Ancestor like in other games.

But as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Li Chengqi skillfully found the CE modifier in the computer.

Short of money?

This is not a problem at all in the game!


"It still doesn't work. This game can't capture memory at all, and floating point modifications are completely useless..."

Including the most commonly used CE modifier, Li Chengqi changed seven or eight to no avail, and was completely unable to make any modifications.

After taking a look at the modification experience posts summarized by online experts and confirming that all methods had been tried, Li Chengqi had no choice but to close the browser and switch back to the game screen.

After working on it for several hours, I even had lunch by the way. By this time, no one was in the conference room.

Li Chengqi switched the floor display and found no trace of Viola, feeling that she might have left the castle.

Exiting the castle screen, the screen now displays a 45° overhead view of the Leon Fortress. Just as he was trying to find traces of Viola in the city, Li Chengqi suddenly noticed that several small dots at the city gate were moving towards the distance. .

After zooming in, I saw that I was indeed right. A group of three cavalrymen were riding away from the city.

"A scout?"

When you open the map function, you can see that the originally regular circle has become less regular in the detection area. Although the map size can only be regarded as a speed change of one pixel, if you look closely you can still see that it is getting bigger.

"The broken microphone on the computer still works? Did Viola hear me?"

Thinking about it carefully, even if she didn't hear it, Princess Viola was in a state of escaping now, so she would definitely send scouts to the nearby area to check the situation, so as to provide early warning in case of encountering bandits again.

Li Chengqi reduced the scale of the map and looked at the area outside the city that had been explored by the scouts.

The shape is very irregular, and the "fog of war" in some places is at a clear right angle to the detected area boundary. In addition, the screen shows mountains, and it feels like the Leon Fortress is right among the mountains.

The scouts heading south almost always followed the dirt road. Occasionally there were some flat areas, and there were definitely mountains not far away.

The scouts walking north could see large areas of plains and farmland, and even two or three village-like signs appeared on the map.

Li Chengqi casually clicked on the nearest village, and the screen shifted to an overhead view of the entire village. Rows of simple thatched cottages and villagers carrying hoes appeared on the screen. There were even cats lying on the roof playing haze and farmers following them. Dogs that wag their tails can see clearly.

By moving the camera and roughly counting the number of houses in this village, I feel that it should be a small village with a few hundred people called Hain Village.

Li Chengqi noticed at this time that there was a triangular mark on the side of the signboard with the name of Hain Village at the entrance of the village that could be clicked. Once clicked, a drop-down menu immediately popped up.

It clearly shows information such as the population and resources of this village, and a red font at the bottom states, 'There are no believers or temples in this gathering place. Relationship: Neutral’

"It should be a neutral force that will join us only if certain conditions are met, right?"

Similar settings are not uncommon in strategy games, and you will know what is going on at a glance.

Li Chengqi exited the village screen and clicked on Leon Fortress again.

On the side of the city gate's name, there is also a triangular drop-down menu that can be clicked. After clicking it, a briefing on the city's resources, population and other information also appears. The difference is that at the bottom it says, 'There are a small number of believers in this gathering place. No Temple, Relations: Friendly'

Who does this ‘relationship: friendly’ refer to being friendly to, Viola? Or is it friendly to the demon king played by the player?

It is still important to confirm this. After all, some places may welcome Viola, but they may not accept the belief in the Demon King God.

However, you can wait until there are more samples in the future and compare them for reference. There is no need to rush to figure it out for the time being.

Li Chengqi then enlarged the game screen and could even see the stones and weeds on the pixel ground. Then he stretched out his hand towards the screen and touched it carefully and quickly.

His fingers were easily sucked into the screen, and Li Chengqi had a clear feeling of touching the ground.

Looking at the faith value consumption next to it, it only consumes 1 point.

The height of the camera will directly affect the size of the range of influence when you reach into the game. When you reach the highest position, you can crush a country with one finger, and when you reach the lowest position, you can just touch the soil on the ground.

Different influence ranges consume different faith values. The larger the range, the higher the faith value consumption.

I just don't know if there are any other restrictions.

"Is that Mr. Li Chengxi? There is a delivery for you."

The voice from outside the door scared Li Chengxi, who was thinking. He looked up and found that it was the courier.

The courier was also puzzled by Li Chengxi's big reaction. He walked two steps towards the store and saw Li Chengxi's laptop under the cash register. He immediately showed an "I understand" look...

I always feel that he may have misunderstood something.


Li Chengxi couldn't wait to try whether he could talk to the NPC with a microphone. He deliberately found a headset that could be delivered on the same day to place an order, so he bought it in the morning and it arrived in the afternoon.

Fortunately, the headset port on the side of the computer comes with a dust cover, otherwise, with this Iraqi laptop, the port is likely to be blocked by dust.

So, now that I have a headset, how can I talk to the NPC?


Li Chengxi thought for a moment and decided to go find Princess Viola.

He kept moving the mouse around in various areas, but he underestimated the difficulty of finding someone.

Even though the resource list of Leon Fortress said that the population was only more than 15,000 people, it was still very difficult to find someone on the screen who didn't know where to go.

If you change to other strategy games, if you want to find a certain general or a character, just type the name in the search box in the character column, but Li Chengxi has never seen a character list in the AAI game.

It was not until he looked at the city for half an hour that he remembered that there was an unnatural blank space above the name and resource list of the gathering place.

Perhaps, that was the search box of the gathering place?

Reopen the resource list of Leon Fortress and click the blank space above the list. Sure enough, a cursor that can be typed appeared on it.

Therefore, guidance for new users is very important.

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