Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 48 What is tolerable and what is intolerable

Li Chengxi obviously had no experience of being a hostage (generally, he would not have such experience), but he squatted facing the wall honestly, which did not attract too much attention from the robbers.

But to be honest, everything just now happened too fast, and Li Chengxi's mind was in a state of confusion, and he didn't even see how many robbers there were.

What's more, these guys were holding guns, and he was facing away, which really made him feel very insecure.

Fortunately, the Demon King's Ring was regarded as a worthless thing and was not taken away. Li Chengxi quietly turned the ring around and held the cat's eye part in his palm.

In an instant, his vision flew out of his body and pulled up. This feeling was very similar to the Eagle Eye Vision in a certain Assassin's Creed.

He could clearly see that there were six robbers in total, two of them were on guard and looking outside the bank, two were looking at the hostages facing the wall, and two were threatening the bank staff.

With a thought, he enlarged the picture a little, and could clearly see that the gun in the robber's hand was very plastic, and it really looked like a model.

But there was a layer of lime on the floor of the bank. Combined with the loud noise just now, the guns in the hands of these guys were probably modified from model guns.

It is definitely not as reliable as a real gun, but it is definitely not a problem to kill a few people.

Then Li Chengxi saw one of the people who threatened the bank employees walked towards the employee passage to the counter, but he and his accomplice did not threaten the people inside to open the door, but took out a key from their trouser pockets.

Didn’t these guys think that the key they made could open the bank door?

Although the bank door looks similar to the anti-theft door of an ordinary home, the door is customized from the door panel to the lock core, and the difficulty of unlocking is not the same as the anti-theft door of an ordinary person’s home.

Li Chengxi thought that the guy would be angry because he couldn’t open the door, but who knew that he just inserted and turned the key, and the door really opened by itself with a click.

Not only that, the second door inside was also easily opened. The robber easily entered the bank and took out a large woven bag for the bank staff to put money in it.

For the sake of safety, the two doors leading to the backstage of the bank will not be opened at the same time, and of course, only one key will not be used.

Where did these people get the key? Is there a traitor in the bank?

To be honest, it is really difficult for these people to rob a small branch.

The bank will not prepare too much cash, let alone this small branch. Even if all the cash is stuffed in, there may not be 100,000.

With such a small amount of money, these people risk being shot to do it...

Brother, you can earn more than this by moving bricks at a construction site, right?

Li Chengxi could only complain about these words in his heart, and he felt that he would be shot if he said it directly.

While using the perspective of the Demon King's Ring to look up and down, Li Chengxi felt that someone grabbed his hand, and judging from the touch, it was a woman's hand.

Then he heard:

"Brother, I'm scared."

There was a little tremor in the sweet voice, probably Lei Lei.

From this perspective, Li Chengxi's other senses were normal, only the vision flew up to the sky and looked down.

The girl came to the bank and encountered a group of vicious robbers. There was only one person around her who she had seen and barely knew. Of course, she would rely on him, and Li Chengxi understood it very well.

Lei Lei thought, "I have acted so hard, you have to show some respect."

For example, she suddenly showed her power and used magic or supernatural powers to knock down several robbers, or took advantage of their unpreparedness and kicked them out with three punches and two kicks.

Lei Lei just wanted Li Chengxi to take action. No matter how well he disguised himself, he would definitely reveal some clues when he took action.

Then she heard Li Chengxi whispered:

"Don't worry, don't be afraid, I'm here, and you'll be safe when the police come."

Lei Lei was shocked in her heart.

No way, big brother, you can bear this?

This is a weak woman showing fear, are you just going to send me away like this?

Go ahead, kill them all!

Of course, what Lei Lei thought in her heart, she couldn't say it out loud.

The man who was secretly watching them not far away was actually praying in his heart.

Praying that the police would come quickly, praying that no matter who it was, they would not take action, because the aftermath would be very troublesome. Many of his colleagues had become stronger and bald, but he still wanted to keep some hair to style his hair.

So one of the three was really scared and didn't dare to move, one pretended to be scared and waited to move, and the other begged the first two not to move.

Only the weak robber continued his robbery plan without knowing anything.

Look at this mess.

At this time, a shrill siren sounded outside the bank. Although it hadn't reached the door of the bank yet, it was estimated that it would be there soon.

The robber in the bank immediately shouted at the staff:

"Did you call the police!"

The cashier girl was almost scared to tears, and she just kept shaking her head.

"The police are here too fast! Ignore them, quickly lower the shutters outside!"

The bank has transparent glass walls. If the shutters are not lowered, the police can clearly see the robbers' positions by standing there. It is estimated that these guys will be shot dead on the spot by the police sniper team in a few minutes.

It seems that the robbers still have this brain, but the question is how they plan to escape?

Is it really possible that no one in the bank will call the police?

Although he was panicking, Li Chengxi was probably just observing and watching the show. After all, the robbers only wanted money, and as long as he behaved himself, he should not be shot.

But if nothing unexpected happens, that is impossible.

At this moment, a baby's cry broke the silence in the bank. It might be that the sirens outside were too loud and woke the child up.

Through the perspective of the Demon King's Ring, Li Chengxi could clearly see a young mother dragging a baby carriage in front of him on the left. When she heard the child crying, she quickly held the child in her arms to comfort him.

But the child just didn't give face. No matter how she comforted him, it was useless. Instead, she cried louder and louder.

"Listen, people inside, you have been surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately to try to get leniency!"

At this time, the police shouted with a loudspeaker outside the bank. Regardless of the effect on the robbers, the child's cry became louder.

"This kid's crying gives me a headache! Shut up!"

One of the robbers walked over and loaded his pistol. Now the young mother who was coaxing the child also started to cry.

"Sister, let me try."

At the critical moment, Lei Lei raised her hands and stood up. Seeing that the robbers did not move further, she stepped forward and picked up the child.

Miraculously, the child stopped crying when she was in her arms, which made everyone feel relieved.

It was not that she had any unique skills to coax children, but because when she took the child, she quietly passed a moderate and peaceful magic power into the child's body, which helped the child calm down.

At this time, the robbers carrying money bags also came out from the back of the bank, and drove the staff out together.

"What should we do now?"

"Take a hostage and find someone to deal with."

The robbers discussed and looked at Lei Lei and the child she was holding.

Compared with adults like Li Chengxi, it is obviously easier to control a high school girl and a baby, and using them as shields makes the police more cautious.

"Give me the child, you go with us!"

Before Lei Lei could say anything, the child's mother collapsed.

"The child is only two years old! Please don't take it away!"

"Let go! Otherwise I will shoot!"

The child's mother and the robber started to pull, and right next to Li Chengxi, where he turned his head.

Through the Ring of the Demon King, Li Chengxi could clearly see that the robber had put his finger on the trigger, and his eyelids were trembling, as if he was about to explode.

Damn it, this is too much to bear!

Li Chengxi interrupted the effect of the Ring of the Demon King and turned around and jumped up. The robber who had not expected Li Chengxi to suddenly jump out was caught by him.

Maybe it had something to do with adrenaline. Li Chengxi felt that he was much stronger than usual, so he grabbed the robber's hands and raised them up.


With a loud bang, the gun in the robber's hand fired, and the bullet hit the ceiling, and a layer of lime fell off.

The other robbers also raised their guns and aimed at Li Chengxi who was pulling with his accomplice, but because the accomplice was too close, they did not shoot.

Li Chengxi seized the opportunity and kicked the robber in the stomach with all his strength.

He was just an ordinary person. Apart from the turtle punch, don't expect him to have any fighting experience.

So this kick can be said to be a misjudgment. Without the restraint of his accomplice, the robbers could certainly open fire without any worries.

Li Chengxi regretted the kick when he kicked it. When he saw that their guns were all pointed at him, he felt that the hair on the back of his neck stood up.

Fortunately, Li Chengxi was not the kind of person who would freeze in danger. He rushed out with a numb scalp, and then slid to hide behind the pillar in the middle of the bank.

When he was running, he could clearly hear a series of explosions, and could feel the wind pressure left by the bullets passing over his skin. Even Li Chengxi himself didn't know if he was hit, but he didn't feel any pain.

The hostages screamed, and while the robbers' attention was focused on Li Chengxi, the man who was responsible for monitoring him and Lei Lei also jumped up at the same time, kicked the nearest robber to the ground with a sweeping kick, and then went up and punched another robber in the nose.

Of course, the gun is fast at seven steps away, and it is accurate and fast within seven steps. One person can beat six people, unless he is the protagonist from a Hollywood blockbuster.

He had just knocked down the second one, and the other four realized that someone was attacking them from behind.

But at this time, the police outside heard the gunshots and were also worried about the safety of the hostages. A large group of special police with shields rushed in. The robbers heard the sound of breaking the door and just turned around, and then there was a dense gunshot, and the robbers fell to the ground.

It sounds troublesome, but in fact, all this happened in a few seconds. When the special police rushed in, Li Chengxi had only been hiding behind the pillar for less than two seconds.

He quietly looked out from behind the pillar and saw a group of hostages squatting with their heads in their hands, and a large number of special police were checking the robbers' vital signs.

Li Chengxi took a deep breath, but there was a new problem.

He wanted to go to the toilet...

That was so scary.

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