Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 470 It's over

Time went back a little bit again.

The Guard Golem was thrown into the battlefield, and the pressure under the city wall was instantly reduced. The enemy could not break through the blockade of the Guard Golem, let alone approach the city wall.

In the temporary command post, Alde saw the whole scene. Wendy wiped the dust off her face and said after seeing the image on the magic screen:

"It's too early. It's too early to send the Guard Golem out now."

This move was originally intended to be used as a killer. Now that it's on the scene, the enemy will be prepared.

Whether it's Viola or Wendy, they all know that this siege is likely to last for a week or even half a month. It's too early to turn the cards now.

But since it's all turned, there's no point in letting the Guard Golem come back now.

Alde shook her head and said:

"It's unreliable to use it as a killer."

These Guard Golems were all inspected by Alde herself. Even with the power of the Demon King's Ring to protect them, there is nothing rotten or rusty about the Guard Golems, but they are products of the mythical era after all.

Thousands of years ago, in the mythological era, the Guard Golem was basically an unstoppable monster, but now, with the great progress of technology, there are many ways to deal with the Guard Golem.

Sure enough, as soon as Alde finished speaking, the two saw a group of magic soldiers being transferred from the rear on the magic screen to deal with the Guard Golem.

The magic soldiers are a group of guys who are stronger than apprentices, but not up to the standard of formal magicians. They are a compromise product that knows a few spells, but their combat power and training costs are not as high as those of mages.

The magic soldiers can't beat the golems alone, but with more people and a few spells, they can still interfere with or control the golems and provide others with output opportunities.

Alde thinks that the Guard Golem can probably hold out for another half an hour, and then they must retreat immediately, otherwise they will be left with irreparable damage.

In that case, the resources and time required to make these golems work again will seriously delay Viola's plan to restore the country.

After hearing Aldea's professional explanation, Wendy hurriedly called the staff officer to discuss the work of supporting the guard golem to retreat back to the city.

At this time, a dull roar from a distance startled everyone, and a layer of dust was shaken off the ceiling, as if a loud thunder suddenly struck the horizon.

"What happened? Can you see it with your magic?"

"The sound source came from the sea, it's too far to see clearly, but I guess the Lord has done something again."

Aldea was turning her magic eye to try to capture more information, and a few seconds later, the screen suddenly turned pure white.

"It was a strong light that blocked the vision of my magic eye. This must have been done by the Lord."

Not only was the magic eye unable to see anything, the entire Kaimen City and the surrounding areas were all immersed in a pure white light, and the strong light made it impossible for people to see anything.

Even if they were hiding in the military camp, everyone could see the strong light shining through the cracks in the door, and this little light was very dazzling.

Fortunately, the light did not last too long. After a few seconds, the light disappeared as if it had never appeared, and the image displayed on the magic screen returned to normal again.

This operation was beyond the control of Orday. What was the purpose of suddenly making such a bright light?

Strong light can indeed make people unable to open their eyes, but both the enemy and us were affected. Even the golem could only temporarily stop moving, not to mention the naked eye.

Just when Orday was confused, a large area of ​​terrible golden light appeared on the magic image.

The light rushed along the trajectory of the sky like a surging river. This abnormal celestial phenomenon caused chaos to both the enemy and us.

But this time, unlike the simple light, Orday immediately noticed that when the golden streamer hovered over the enemy's head, a huge translucent shield suddenly appeared in the air, and this translucent shield had large cracks under the impact of the golden light, and finally collapsed completely.

The magic circle used by the Tandron Demon Kingdom to shield the direct influence of the Demon King God actually has an overload limit. When the influence of the divine power is too great, the magic circle can't hold on.

After all, it is only a temporary magic circle, and after all, it is only a means of mortals. This kind of shielding is far less powerful than the shielding of the Lord of Centipedes in the Sailing City.

When the shielding was lost, the golden light also disappeared, but the rain of fire cast earlier was not over yet.

Without protection, the rain of fire in the sky all fell on the heads of the enemy. For a while, people and horses were thrown to the ground, and it was even clear that the enemy's wave-like offensive had obvious faults.

It is difficult to say whether this operation was intentional by the Demon King God. Based on Alde's understanding of Li Chengxi, he may not know that there is such a method. Maybe it was the idea given by other gods in Li Chengxi's family.

But in any case, the enemy army hit by the rain of fire is now in a state of chaos, and the offensive has slowed down significantly.

The enemy was not stupid. Seeing this situation, they were still stubborn and were courting death. They soon blew the horn of retreat. Orde could also clearly see the enemy retreating in an orderly manner through the magic image.

Since the morning, the battle has been going on for several hours. Even if there is no rain of fire from the sky, it is almost time for the enemy to retreat.

A siege cannot be completed in one or two days. It is a protracted war.

However, just as the enemy retreated, the Kaimen City actually opened the city gate. A group of cavalrymen shouted praises to the Demon King, or prayers such as "Fuck" and "Crap", and rushed out like crazy.

It is indeed possible to send cavalry out to kill the enemy while they are retreating, but is it too early to go out now?

The enemy's morale should not have collapsed yet, otherwise the cavalry will be trapped in it.

Then Aldai took a closer look and found that the man leading the cavalry had conspicuous red hair...

As I have said a long time ago, the royal family of Avarus is like this, and they really do what they want.

"Your Highness rushed out!? Why didn't Zola stop her!"

"Zola was right next to Viola and rushed out with her."


Wendy was afraid that Viola would be impulsive, so she specifically asked the knights to keep a close eye on her. Unexpectedly, they were supposed to be dissuading people, but they went crazy with Viola.

"Don't worry, don't worry, at least Viola will be fine."

Aldai pointed at the magic image, and then Wendy noticed that Viola, who was riding out on horseback, was covered with a layer of divine light. Especially when Viola shouted something like "for the glory of the Lord", that The Holy Spirit Light of the Layer God expanded like a ball of light, and no enemy army could stop it.

"Your Majesty is really biased, and He gave Viola divine power."

Aldai also wanted it, although she only wanted it for research purposes.

At this time, a messenger knocked on the door. Wendy took a document from the other party's hand, looked at it for a few times, and said immediately:

"Prepare the aftermath, this battle is over."

Obviously just now she said that this siege would take seven to eight days to half a month, but suddenly Wendy changed her tune.

“The Oswea Demon Kingdom has already attacked the Tandelon Demon Kingdom. Although their goal is probably to recapture the fortress taken away by the Subia Demon Kingdom, the Tandelon Demon Kingdom has ordered its troops to return to defense. Moreover, the scouts have just confirmed the news that the Lakshurya Demon Army has rebelled. Not only has it retreated from Kaimen City, but it has also sent a reserve team to attack the rear of the Enwei Demon Army.”

Wendy threw the document on the table, shook her head and said:

"They moved much faster than expected, but the troublesome things have just begun."

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