The princess looked in good spirits, not defeated by the setback of the capital's capture.

Seeing this, Wendy felt relieved and bowed her head and said:

"Your Highness, I'm so glad you're safe."

"Wendy, it's been a long time since the last celebration."

"Yes, Your Highness, it's been four years."

Wendy's family is also a feudal noble family, and they are generally not allowed to go to the capital without special circumstances. So the last time they met was four years ago during the National Day of the Avarus Demon Kingdom.

Wendy sat down opposite the sofa, and her housekeeper Reina put down her backpack and quietly stood behind her master.

"I didn't expect you to be the first to find me. I thought it was a pursuer."

"I heard that after leaving the capital, Your Highness headed north and then lost track. I guess you probably came to the Leon territory."

At this time, Zora, who was standing behind Princess Viola, asked:

"How did you get here? The canyon road has been blown up."

"Well, it was completely destroyed. The baggage and supplies can't get in at all. But if you are careful, a single person with light equipment can still find a way through the rocks."

Very enthusiastic to Viola, but relatively cold to Zora.

This is because Wendy is very jealous of Zora. She should have been one of the guards knights, but she has no talent in martial arts.

"Is the Marquis okay?"

"Grandpa passed away recently, and now the Sailing City is managed by my father."

Viola said with some disappointment:

"Is that so..."

Wendy's grandfather, Marquis Thor, is the best general in the Avarus Demon Kingdom and is loyal to the royal family. Any lord may surrender, but Viola knows that he will not bow his head.

If you think about it carefully, Marquis Tor is almost 90 years old now. Considering the local health level, it is not surprising that he could pass away at any time at such an old age.

"Your Highness, there are still many people in the kingdom who are resisting, but there is no royal family to lead them. I came to you in the hope that you can lead us to drive out the invaders as soon as possible."

"I know, but not now."

Wendy showed a puzzled expression:


"Because I have things to do here and cannot leave."

"Your Highness."

Wendy emphasized her tone:

"I came here this time to bring good news and bad news. You just learned the good news that the kingdom has not fallen, and some people are continuing to fight, but this is also bad news. Many nobles will not surrender to the enemy, but the people may not."

She said:

"In order to resist the invasion, the lords of various places have to impose heavy taxes to maintain military strength. At first, the people will be willing to contribute because of their patriotic enthusiasm, but soon, when they find that the war will not end in a short time, war-weariness will spread, and they will even feel that it doesn't matter who the noble master is, since they are all ruling anyway."

This is an objective fact in front of us. It will take a long time for the four-nation coalition to completely annex the Avarus Demon Kingdom. If the Avarus Demon Kingdom wants to maintain its independence, it must fight with it.

The four-nation coalition has looted the richest capital of the Avarus Demon Kingdom. Their military expenditure is far less than that of the lords who are still resisting in various places. It is no exaggeration to say that we can afford it.

The first two of the right time, right place and right people are not easy to get together, so right people become the most important point.

The kingdom will not perish if the capital is breached, but if it completely loses the support of the people, the Avarus Demon Kingdom will really be submerged in history.

"The common people don't care about the honor of the nobles. Although they are patriotic, they can't be compared with food, clothing, housing and transportation."

Wendy waved her cane:

"No need to blame. For the people, survival is the most important thing."

Wendy seems to be outspoken, but after all, she is the granddaughter of the best general in the kingdom, and she sees the situation very clearly.

"Your Highness, you have to stand up and unite the resistance forces in various places. Only in this way can we have a chance to expel the invaders in a short time."

"I understand, but I still give the same answer. I have unfinished work here and cannot leave."

Wendy sees it very clearly. As a princess Viola who was educated by the elite, doesn't she know?

Of course she knew. When she led her troops to flee the capital, she had anticipated what might happen in the future.

"I don't understand, Your Highness, what can you do that is more important than the country?"

"I won't leave, precisely for the country."

Viola explained:

"I first came to the Earldom of Leon, just to temporarily station there so that the soldiers can have time to rest, and then turn to Qihang City to find your grandfather, Marquis Thor."

"Then why haven't you taken any action until now? Is it because there are too many wounded?"

"No, it's because I got the divine revelation from the Lord of the Demon King here."

"The Lord of the Demon King? I just saw someone preaching in the square. Does He really exist?"

"I had some doubts before, but when I saw the miracle with my own eyes, I knew that the Lord was watching me."

After roughly explaining what happened during this period, Wendy frowned and thought:

"I heard that there are priests of other gods preaching in the occupied areas, using religion to appease the occupied people. If the belief in the Lord of the Demon King can spread, we can fight against them. But you don't have to be here."

There are only more than 10,000 people in the territory of Leon, and even if the surrounding villages are counted, the number of residents is quite small.

"If you come back to Qihang City with me, I believe that the Demon King and God Lord will also be happy. There are many people there who can accept faith."

"But Sailing City is being attacked now, am I right?"

Viola knew that the four-nation coalition would not let go of Qihang City, an important northern shipping hub.

"War will affect your faith."

"Then let your Majesty help. Once a miracle appears, it will be easier."

Wendy believed Viola's words, but did not believe in the Demon King God. Her analysis was purely based on reason.

"No, you are the one we should follow, not a convenient tool. We will pray for your guidance and help, but we cannot hope that everything will be solved by God."

Seeing that Wendy couldn't agree, Viola tried to persuade her from another angle:

"Furthermore, I want to build the Leon Territory into a counter-offensive base. I didn't say I wanted to hide here all the time."

"Indeed, the terrain here is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If it is used as the rear area, it is indeed very safe. If the news about you here spreads, it will have the same effect as going to Sailing City."

This reason barely convinced Wendy, but she added:

"Won't the local lord have any objections? If he is dissatisfied, I will go to him and complain."

Zola explained:

"Lord Leon was hanging outside the north gate not long ago for trying to assassinate His Highness."


Assassinating a royal family is of course a serious crime. The law requires that after the mastermind is hanged, the body must be hung in the wild until the body turns into bones.

"I was able to see through the lord's conspiracy, thanks to your oracle."

Viola felt very proud when she mentioned this.

"I know you may not agree. It doesn't matter. If you can get His blessing, you will find that He is a powerful, wise and merciful God."

Wendy really didn't believe this at all. Although she also knew that God really existed, God's actions were purposeful and would not help a princess in trouble for no reason.

But when Wendy saw Viola so addicted, it was hard to say anything.

"So, Wendy, do you want to stay and help me, or return to Sailing City?"

"Of course, stay."

Wendy stood up, opened her skirt slightly, lowered her head and saluted:

"Wendy Pat Thor is willing to swear allegiance to Princess Viola Avarus until the last drop of her blood is shed."

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