Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 405 Clank Clank

I am afraid that I don’t know as much about the monks as I do about magic. After all, Li Chengxi usually asks Aoerdai directly when he has any questions, and rarely asks Lei Lei.

However, this time, because the style of the Ghost General doesn’t look like magic, I asked Lei Lei.

I didn’t expect her to give the explanation of dancing the shaman.

But then again, the witches Yang Yiyi met were not fooling people, but had real skills.

This reminded Li Chengxi of when Yang Yiyi and Qin Yan were traveling together, they once mentioned in a chat that Southern Xinjiang was good at witchcraft.

Witchcraft and witchcraft should be viewed separately. Wu refers to witchcraft, and gu refers to gu insects and poisons.

Combined with the name ‘Jan Ah Si’ on the book I found before, it seems that it is indeed in the style of Southern Xinjiang.

For the people in the Central Plains, the people outside the pass are all aiming at the dog coins of my fertile land, whether it is the Western Regions or Southern Xinjiang, it is the same.

The Tianlang Cult in the Western Regions was secretly operating in the Central Plains, collecting the Sky-lifting Stones and transporting them back to the Western Regions. The Sixteen Villages were also investigating whether they were taking the Southern Xinjiang route back to the Western Regions.

If so, it means that Southern Xinjiang and the Western Regions may have reached some agreement, which is not good news.

And in a place just a few days away from the capital of Liuzhou, Pingkang City, the Ghost General summoned by the witch was found...

Is there any connection here?

Or is it just a coincidence?

How could people from Southern Xinjiang come to the Central Plains?

Although Lei Lei gave an explanation, it seemed that there were more and more questions.

Because the road ahead was unknown, Li Chengxi asked Yang Yiyi to sit in meditation and rest on the spot to restore her internal strength.

While she was practicing, Li Chengxi could also see that the true energy value was slowly recovering.

It took almost half of it to kill the Ghost General just now, and this direct interference was indeed very strenuous.

By the way, if Yang Yiyi was also a believer of the Demon King God, would it be better if Li Chengxi intervened again?

At least if Yang Yiyi can be granted magic, she shouldn't be afraid of weird things like witchcraft.

But the answer is no.

With Yang Yiyi's trust in Li Chengxi, if she knew that Li Chengxi was the Demon King God and became a believer, she would be like Viola, with full piety, and no need to worry about not being able to grant magic.

But granting magic and being able to use magic are two different things.

Magic is just a permission opened by God. When God blocks this permission or no longer grants new permissions, the priest will lose the ability to use magic.

When using magic, the priest's own magic value is also needed. This part of energy is not given by God for free.

And Yang Yiyi...

She has no magic value at all, or her magic value is so low that it can be ignored.

The blue bar on her panel is internal force, not magic. You can't use internal force to cast spells.

According to Orday, Yang Yiyi's situation is actually very close to that of a pure martial artist, who fights with the "qi" she has cultivated. Although qi has certain similarities with magic power, they are not universal.

So even if Yang Yiyi becomes a devout believer, Li Chengxi cannot grant her divine arts. In fact, since Li Chengxi does not have any temples or statues in Yang Yiyi's plane, he is completely rootless and floating. Even if he intervenes directly with divine power, it will be severely weakened.

So having devout believers will not increase the interference power. Unless Yang Yiyi becomes an archbishop and starts to spread the doctrine of the Demon King God Church all over the world and attract more people to join, Li Chengxi's influence in that plane will be gradually increased. Otherwise, it's out of the question.

This is much more difficult than Viola's missionary work. It's better to let Yang Yiyi practice more...

While Yang Yiyi was adjusting her breath, Li Chengxi turned his head to look at another computer, found Orday, and consulted her.

Since Aoerdai mentioned before that Yang Yiyi is very much like a pure martial artist, how should martial artists defend and deal with magic?

Aoerdai's answer is very simple, beat it.

You read it right, beat it.

When magic comes, just wrap your fist or weapon with Qi to hit it, and there is a high probability that the magic will be directly broken.

Even if it is a status spell, martial artists can wrap the whole body with Qi, greatly shortening the effective time and effect of the status spell, or even completely defend it.

Even if it is applied to Yang Yiyi, it is actually completely possible.

One of the important reasons why the witchcraft in Southern Xinjiang did not enter the Central Plains is that the martial artists in the Central Plains have too many internal skills. Once the internal force is shaken, the witchcraft is shattered, and the ghosts die on the spot when they open their mouths and shout.

Knowing this, Li Chengxi was relieved. At least there is a way to deal with witchcraft, instead of just waiting to be hit stupidly.

As for the toxin?

Learn about the gas mask. If it doesn't work, we still have Qingxin Longkui, which can detoxify all kinds of poisons. There are also many detoxification potions that Orde left for Li Chengxi. There is always one that suits you.

It's a bit difficult to deal with the poisonous insects. Maybe go to the pharmacy to buy some anthelmintics for emergency use, but now.

Li Chengxi took a bottle of gunner insecticide from his own shelf and handed it to Yang Yiyi, asking her to spray while walking. I don't believe that any insect can withstand modern insecticides. I'm afraid that kind of insect has become a spirit.

In short, even if you know that there is a witch here, don't panic. The other party should be the one who panics when seeing Yang Yiyi.

So fear comes from the unknown. As long as there is a way to deal with it, there is no need to be afraid.

After adjusting her breath and returning to her peak state, Yang Yiyi continued to move forward. She got into the cave behind the ghost general.

This time, I walked in the cave for a longer time than before, almost an hour, before I finally saw some light at the entrance of the cave.

And this time, the light did come from the sun.

Yang Yiyi walked out of the cave, and a slightly damp breeze swept across her cheeks, but it was hard to tell whether she was outside the door.

A huge, low bush like a forest stretched in front of her eyes, and above her head was a net-like structure that seemed to be made of rocks. A lot of sunlight shone through the gaps in the net, and part of it was blocked by the creepers or vines on the top of the cave, making the light here flicker.

Or to use a more accurate metaphor, Yang Yiyi was like walking into the shell of a giant turtle as big as a mountain, and there were many air leaks in the upper part of the shell.

Li Chengxi guessed that the cause of this geological wonder might be that after the volcanic eruption, the magma returned to the crater and remained overflowing, and after the surface magma quickly cooled, the magma still flowing inside flowed away from other places, forming a shell.

The place where Yang Yiyi is standing now is probably the crater of a volcano a long time ago, but now it is just the inside of the mountain.

Yang Yiyi widened her eyes and looked around through the goggles of the gas mask.

Because Li Chengxi told her that there might be people who know witchcraft here, Yang Yiyi, who had never seen such a thing, was a little nervous.

At this moment, a very unpleasant sound like "clang clang" broke into the ears, like the cry of some animal, or like a carriage rolling over a gravel road, the decibel was so high that people's ears were slightly numb.

This sound is probably the strange sound mentioned by the villagers, and the source of the sound should come from behind a large bush that blocked the view...

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