Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 33 Ancient Town

Roy, who was in jail, looked particularly miserable now. His hair was disheveled and there were still some scars on his body caused by corporal punishment. It was obvious that Hill had brought people to interrogate him not long ago.

However, he was in good spirits. He noticed the sound and the fire, and even had the leisure to shake the bangs that blocked his eyes.

"Oh? Someone different today?"

He looked Lord Leon up and down and sneered:

"What ability do corrupt nobles like you have to make me speak?"

"Shut up! This is the Lord of Leon. You are lucky to meet this Lord with your status. Be careful with your words!"

"Haha, I have seen too many nobles. Do you want to scare me with a small lord in a remote place?"

Roy's eyes seemed to be shining like a wild wolf in the dark:

"You have done a lot of illegal things for profit. There is no need to deny it. You corrupt nobles have the same temperament. I can recognize it at a glance."

If it were normal, Lord Leon would be furious, but now his anger was like a quietly burning flame.

He ignored Roy's jokes and approached the railing and said:

"The guards will be back in fifteen minutes. What we say here, no fourth person knows."

When Roy saw Lord Leon say this, he immediately put away the joke.

"So, what does the Lord want from a prisoner like me?"

"I know why you came here."

This made Roy's heart jump, but he pretended to be relaxed:


"Before you came to Leon Territory, someone sent me a letter. I know what you were ordered to find, and I am sure that thing is probably in Viola's hands now."

Roy narrowed his eyes and looked at the face of Lord Leon.

He was neither happy nor sad, but he was filled with a determined will.

"So, you mean we have a common enemy?"


"You need to take the territory back from the princess, and I need to take the quest items and Princess Viola's head home. That's right, but..."

Roy lowered his head to show his body:

"You can see that I am still seriously injured. Even without these chains, I can't go far."

"That's not a problem."

Lord Leon took out a red palm-sized bottle from his arms. Roy was surprised when he saw it:

"Strong healing potion? I didn't expect that you, a country lord, actually have such a good thing."

"Since you know it, you should know that it can heal all your injuries in a few minutes. So, what's your answer?"

Roy did not agree immediately, but thought about it for a while, and looked up at the lord again:

"Do you have a plan?"


Demon King Calendar 648.

April 11, morning.

Zora, who was far away in the ruins of the underground town in the mythological era, received a signal from the Demon King God, indicating that you can continue on your way.

Everyone stepped on the slippery fungus carpet and moss and officially stepped into this ancient building complex.

"Is the Lord telling you the route?"

Zoya saw that he turned left without hesitation at the intersection, as if he knew the way here.

"Well, the Lord's voice echoed in my heart."

Zora also took out a notebook, and every time he passed an intersection, he would leave a simple diagram with charcoal sketches.

Zoya pointed to a stone slab in the middle of the road and said:

"I see that the ground in front is not natural, it may be a trap."

A guard knight took off the scabbard and poked it, and then saw that most of the road surface had fallen off, leaving a square pit.

"This place doesn't welcome outsiders..."

"The Lord also said that there are many traps and asked us to be careful."

"Are you an adventurer? I see that taking notes is a habit for you."

"Because of my family, I had contact with adventurers when I was a child, and the habit of taking notes was developed at that time."

The adventurer's habit is to prevent himself from forgetting or missing something valuable. Memory is never as reliable as a bad pen.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people forget some details, but if adventurers ignore details, they will easily die in the adventure.

"The Lord said that there are a lot of treasures in the deepest part. It is impossible for us to move them with just a few people. Leaving the route will also make it convenient to call the soldiers to move them."

As they talked, everyone passed through two alleys, and then Zora led them to turn right.

They are now at the edge of one side of the town. They can vaguely see the cave entrance they came in from, and not far away is the river that leads directly to the sea.

At this time, there is a circular terrace next to the river on the side of the road. Druid Al can't wait to get close to it when he sees it.

"This is a ring! The place where people in the mythological era worship nature!"

She gently stroked the stones that have turned into ruins, as if she was feeling the spirit of nature in ancient times.

"Unfortunately, the salt content here is too high, and the ancient language on it can no longer be seen clearly."

Druids are equivalent to priests of natural gods, but not all of them.

Some druids worship the laws of nature more, and Druid Al who came to hunt for treasure is one of them.

They have a natural affinity for places where people worshipped nature in ancient times, believing that it was the early intimate contact between the spark of civilization and nature. They consider such places to be holy places.

So it is not difficult to understand Al's excitement.

Zora said sympathetically:

"We can stay here for a few minutes."

"Thank you very much!"

Al cheered a little and carefully checked every crack and trace in the ring, as meticulous as if he was doing archaeology.

However, at this time, Zhuoya, who had been alert to the surroundings, suddenly took the bow off his back:

"I feel a cold breath, something may be approaching."

Zora was recording everything he saw, and immediately put away his notebook and put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, with only the rushing sound of the underground river and the breathing of everyone.


Zora turned around without warning and drew his sword.

A whistling scream like a gust of wind came from the air, and a nearly translucent human figure was cut out of the air.

This was like a signal, one after another densely packed translucent figures emerged from the air, squeezed into everyone's field of vision, they floated as if they were weightless, and their faces were completely blurred, and only a terrible big mouth could be seen.

"It's a ghost, switch to silver swords!"

Ordinary weapons cannot harm ghosts, and generally only magic and magic weapons can be used, but silver is an exception.

It is a kind of sacred metal. The performance of a silver-plated sword is not as good as a pure steel sword, but it can be used to deal with evil creatures.

The other two guards immediately switched hands and drew out another sword. They aimed at the incoming ghost and swung it fiercely. The translucent ghost immediately screamed and shattered and disappeared.

This also made the ghosts surrounding everyone seem to be enraged, and they rushed over in unison, like a neat wall.

"Fill the magic arrows!"

Almost unable to see the movements of her hands, Zhuo Ya quickly shot three arrows, and immediately blew a hole in the ghost's encirclement.

Then she drew out an arrow and did not put it on the longbow, but held it like a dagger, and her body spun and jumped, more like a graceful and deadly dance.

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