Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 317 Secret Base

The channel for processing fish is a bit like a canal that passes under the city wall. Although there are no fish in it, the smell is still very damn bad.

The three people who successfully entered the Kaimen City came to the main road and blended into the crowd without being noticed.

They all wore gray cloaks and disguised themselves as travelers. For this reason, Alde did not take her staff. The super-large blue gem on it was almost as eye-catching as a flare.

Although it is in a state of war, the actual impact on trade is not particularly large. In addition, since all the city gates are closed, the travelers stranded here cannot leave, and the three people will not be discovered in the crowd.

It is estimated that the lives of residents have not been greatly affected for the time being. Shops are open as usual, and pedestrians on the road are still shoulder to shoulder as usual. It’s just that soldiers can often be seen patrolling at intersections and questioning suspicious people.

It is estimated that the other party is also worried that someone will sneak in to cause trouble.

It has only been less than a day since the gate was closed, so there will definitely not be any big impact. The Kaimen City has stored enough supplies for the whole city for several years.

But the soldiers' mental state...

Some soldiers leaned against the wall to be lazy, some squatted on the ground and covered their eyes in pain, and some soldiers even went in and out of the tavern in broad daylight and got drunk.

The three recognized that their armor was a badge. Many of them were people who carried out siege battles outside Qihang City. The nightmare scene was probably still lingering in their minds.

According to the data on paper, Kaimen City has more than 100,000 troops. In fact, half of them can still fight is a very optimistic estimate.

The low morale cannot be restored in a short time, especially when they learned that Viola's army was outside the city, they might be afraid that the situation outside Qihang City would score twice, and each of them looked very decadent.

This is good news, but there are still a large number of people, and a strong attack will still cause great casualties to Viola's army.

Walking and looking, they bought a roasted beef leg for Renia on the road. The three did not stay on the road for long. Under the leadership of Rena, they quickly crossed the main road and walked through the alleys that no one passed by or even few people knew.

It is said that Reina was born in Kaimen City and was originally a pickpocket who made a living on the street. She is very familiar with every alley in this city.

Turning left and right, for almost an hour, Alde was a little tired and asked:

"How long will it take?"

"We are almost there, just ahead."

Reina led the way into an alley, turned a right-angle turn, and a dead end appeared in front.

Alde thought she had taken the wrong road, but Reina pointed to the front and said:

"We are here, near here."

Following Reina's finger, Alde saw that the only entrance and exit in this dead end was a round manhole cover on the ground.

"Could it be..."

"Well, the intelligence said that the people of the resistance organization have established a secret base in the sewer."


I really don't want to go down.


For any large city, sewer engineering is absolutely the top priority. After all, tens of thousands of people shit here every day. If there is no efficient sewage treatment facility, it may be as poisonous as the Ganges.

Because Kaimen City has been expanded several times, the sewers are almost like a maze, and in order to ensure efficiency and facilitate maintenance, the sewers are very wide, and it is not a problem to drive a carriage in them.

But no matter what, it cannot change the fact that this is a sewer. Aoerdai pulled her cloak and tried to stay away from the lumps floating in the waterway on one side. The paste reacted chemically with something unknown, forming large pieces of foam on the water surface.

There was a translucent bubble on her head. It was a spell called air filter bubble, which could filter toxic and odorous gases, but walking in such a strong sense of picture, it still felt like you could smell the stench of old shit.

Rena, who was leading the way with a magic lantern in front, also had one on her head, but Renia didn't need it. She was even chewing the meat on the roasted beef leg without paying attention to anyone else.

Dragons are really awesome.

"When I was in Kaimen City, our secret base was in the sewer. It was complicated and there were many secretly dug basements, which were convenient for some shady transactions."

Reina had been here before, and even felt like she was back home.

But Alde was the princess's cousin after all, and she had definitely never been to such a place, although she didn't really want to broaden her horizons.

But then again, although the sewer was wide, it was definitely not wide enough for the army to pass through. If they sneaked into the city from here, they would be treated as moles by the defenders.

For the same reason, the scale of the resistance organization in Kaimen City was estimated to be not very large. If it threatened the occupation of the Subia Demon Kingdom, it would have been wiped out long ago.

As they talked, everyone walked to a crossroads not far ahead, where sewage from three directions gathered, it was simply a rolling shit wave.

At this time, Reina signaled to stop and whistled in the direction of the intersection in a specific rhythm.

Soon, a rustling sound came from the intersection, which sounded like a large group of rats.

There are indeed a lot of these things in the sewers.

However, it was not a rat that came out from the intersection, but a person:

"Come here quickly, it's not safe here."

Reina raised the lantern and saw a tiger man peeking around the corner of the intersection. At first glance, she thought it was a real tiger.

The tiger man's appearance is exactly what it means, a tiger in human form, but he gives people a panic feeling, and he quickly calls Olde and the others over.

"Are you sent by Her Royal Highness the Princess? We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"It's us."

Reina stepped forward and said:

"Are you the only one?"

"I'm here to make a contact. Recently, the investigation of us has become more stringent. There are often guards patrolling in the sewers, so I was sent here to wait for you."

The tiger man said, looking around. He has dark vision and can see things clearly in the dark night.

After confirming that there were no pursuers behind the three people, the tiger man made a gesture to catch up.

"Finally, you are here. Many of our companions have been captured. I don't know how long they can hold on. By the way, I heard that the city gate was blocked this morning. Has Her Royal Highness the Princess arrived outside the city?"

"Yes, so we were sent in to find out the situation."

Olde is very reliable in magic, but very clueless in other aspects, not to mention Renia. The white dragon's IQ is as good as ever.

So Reina was in charge of the negotiations, and the other two were just providing combat power.

"Your Highness is still alive, that's great."

The tiger man pointed to his waist, where there was a badge.

"I was originally a guard of Kaimen City, but after the invaders came, I had to retire. I hope Your Highness can recapture Kaimen City as soon as possible."

He said as he pulled away a few bricks on the wall, reached in and pulled.

A muffled sound of 'emptiness' could be heard from the wall, as if a door had opened.

This was the secret base of the resistance organization.

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