For gods, undead creatures are not a threat at all.

Any god, even an evil god, can purify undead creatures in an instant as long as he wants, and even the god himself is not aware of this purification. Just getting close is enough.

No matter how powerful the lich is, it still cannot escape the category of undead creatures.

The siege near the Lookout Fortress has basically ended. Many soldiers' attention is on the sky. Seeing the fist that appeared out of thin air smashing the lich, the soldiers burst into warm cheers.

Compared with other gods, the Demon King God frequently interferes with the mortal world. Because of this, the distance between believers and gods has been greatly shortened, making them understand that the gods they worship are always paying attention to themselves, not just observing.

Li Chengxi pulled his hand out of the screen and shook it. The touch of the lich is a bit like a crisp biscuit, but he died, and he also covered Li Chengxi's hand with powder, which was a bit disgusting.

He got up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he came back, the soldiers had already started cleaning the battlefield.

Except for the sudden appearance of a lich, Li Chengxi had to intervene, Li Chengxi watched the whole siege.

Viola and the others had the ability to fight, so they didn't need Li Chengxi to help every time. This was actually good news. After all, the consumption of faith value was a bit intense. In order to ensure that there would be enough reserves in the future, Li Chengxi decided not to intervene directly as much as possible.

When Viola and the others made the counterattack plan, they did not take into account the assistance of the Demon King God, because Viola felt that always asking for assistance from the gods was a very blasphemous act.

Although Li Chengxi didn't really care.

Looking at the time on the computer screen, Li Chengxi felt that there was nothing to do, so he stretched and went back to the room to sleep. Recently, Viola always acted at night, which made Li Chengxi a little sleep-deprived.


A great victory greatly boosted morale, and what was even more encouraging was the successive victories.

The successful capture of the Lookout Fortress was actually more meaningful than defeating the 120,000 Subia Demon Kingdom troops that surrounded the Sailing City.

Taking this place is equivalent to cutting off the supply line of the Subia Demon Kingdom. It is also like a nail that firmly locks the surrounding villages and towns, echoing with the Half Moon Fort from a distance, and can block a large area. Once there is any disturbance, they will know it in advance.

But this is just the beginning. After taking the fortress, the Avarus Demon Kingdom army only rested for one night, leaving the seriously wounded and two thousand soldiers to guard the fortress, and sent people to send messages to Qihang City and Half Moon Fort in the rear, and then set off again.

In terms of the route, they seemed to be chasing the previous defeated army, making the Subia Demon Kingdom army that escaped from the fortress run faster. On the road, you can often see the abandoned wounded and lost personal belongings.

However, Viola really didn't have the idea of ​​catching up with the defeated army. They deliberately took action overnight, a bit like a driver whipping a donkey forward with a whip, telling you clearly that if you run slowly, you will become my prisoner.

According to the scouts, some of the defeated soldiers had secretly taken off their uniforms and fled, and the psychological warfare was more effective than expected.

But the next step should not be so easy. The next target is the most important and the strongest fortress of the Avarus Demon Kingdom, the Kaimen City.

Viola and his men marched in the valley, and their speed was far from fast. This was to maintain their physical strength. After all, the closer they were to the Kaimen City, the more likely they would encounter an ambush halfway.

They marched for almost ten days, and the follow-up supplies from Qihang City had arrived before they finally saw the shadow of the Kaimen City.

This huge city has a fixed population of more than 60,000, and the floating population is at least twice as much.

It is octagonal, with a huge city gate on each side. The city is located in the valley, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on one side.

The name of Kaimen City comes from the fact that the city has eight huge gates that lead in all directions. To the south are the Subiah Demon Kingdom and the Tandelong Demon Kingdom, to the east is the capital core of the Avarus Demon Kingdom, to the north is the trade transit station of Qihang City, and to the west is the sea, which brings convenience to sea transportation.

Its geographical location is extremely important, equivalent to the crossroads connecting the three countries, and the terrain is rugged and easy to defend. It is a strategic location that can be attacked and defended.

To exaggerate, if it is captured, half of the territory of the Avarus Demon Kingdom will be in hand.

Due to its important geographical location, the fortifications of Kaimen City are also of utmost importance. Not to mention anything else, the 30-meter-high enchanted city wall alone is enough to resist most enemies. There are military camps everywhere in the city, and the stored supplies are enough for the defenders of Kaimen City to use for five years or even longer.

Since the founding of the Avarus Demon Kingdom, the capital has fallen four times, but Kaimen City has never been captured once.

But now, this strongest fortress has become the enemy's shield.

Viola and the others chose to camp on a hillside. They could see the shadow of Kaimen City from afar. Through observation, they found that the fortress was still intact and not much affected by the war.

This shows that Kaimen City surrendered on its own, just like the information provided by Qihang City, without any resistance at all.

It is definitely impossible to enter from the weak area affected by the war. The 30-meter-high enchanted city wall and the dazzling array of defense facilities on the city wall are enough to resist the attack of more than 100,000 troops.

Viola and his men only have more than 20,000 troops, and the total number of troops in Kaimen City, including the previous defeated troops, may have exceeded 100,000.

In this case, any rash attack will bring about a devastating blow.

But there is also good news, such as the navy has arrived nearby.

When the Avarus Demon Kingdom was breached, the navy did not surrender, but moved to the Sailing City Military Port.

There are now few fishing boats in the port of Kaimen City because the navy has blocked the sea route to this city.

So if you want to attack Kaimen City, Viola has three ways to go.

One is to take the sea route, break through the port, and enter Kaimen City for street fighting.

The advantage of numbers in street fighting is difficult to play out, and the morale of the defeated troops is insufficient, so there is a certain chance of winning if they really fight.

But if you do this, let alone whether you can win, the casualties of the soldiers will definitely be huge, and Viola does not have too many troops to waste.

The second way is to continue harassment and psychological warfare.

After all, the civilians in Kaimen City are still from the Avarus Demon Kingdom. They have a higher sense of identity with Viola, the princess, and hope to drive away the invaders.

Carry out harassment operations to enhance the perception of civilians in the city and force the defenders to come out to fight. In an encounter environment, there is no need to worry about the heavy walls of Kaimen City.

Like the first method, there are also disadvantages.

Mobilizing civilians is likely to cause large-scale casualties, and the Subia Demon Kingdom is also likely to shrink in Kaimen City and not come out. Harassment operations take a long time to show results, and what is lacking now is time.

Viola must take over Kaimen City before the other three Demon Kingdom armies react, otherwise she will be in a dilemma.

So there is only the third option left, and the first option can be used as a backup.

And the third option...

First, someone must be sent to sneak into Kaimen City first.

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