While the generals defending the city knew that the situation was hopeless, Viola, who was far behind the army, was using a telescope to observe the resistance on the city wall.

"It's almost done. Tell the cavalry to harass the enemy a little when they retreat, and there is no need to pursue them deeply."

The gap left deliberately was for the enemy to escape. Viola was not interested in the lives of thousands of defenders in the fortress. The key was to capture the Lookout Fortress.

The so-called blasting of the drainage outlet was also a feint. Viola still planned to take this fortress. Besides, they didn't have enough explosives. The explosion was just the explosive packs left over from the gasoline barrel cannon before, and the power was at most similar to that of fireworks.

Of course, they must not escape too easily. It is okay to harass them a few times, but don't chase them all the time.

Although it is unlikely, if they are forced to kill back, it is unnecessary to increase the losses of their own side.

The messenger trotted away, and Zora stayed beside Viola like a door god, fearing that the princess would rush up on a whim.

The Avarus royal family is like this. If something happens, he will really go.

Then Viola said to Olde next to her:

"Notify Renia and ask her to follow the cavalry to harass the defeated army. She is not needed on the city wall for the time being."

The dragon has a strong presence. With her chasing behind, the defenders will definitely run fast.

To be honest, the siege battle was fought like this, which was expected, but it was also a bit unexpected.

Because the current battle situation was the best result in the previous war game simulation, they didn't think it would be so smooth at the time, but the fact was better than expected.

After taking down the Lookout Fortress, the biggest challenge is the Gate City. Not only must it be done in a short time, but also guard against the counterattack of the Four-Nation Alliance.

While thinking about what to do next, Olde suddenly said after sending a message to the white dragon:

"It's bad, it's a bit troublesome."

This made the people around him stunned, wondering why Olde suddenly said this.

But before he could ask, Olde raised his staff and pointed it diagonally to the sky.


A huge buzzing sound suddenly entered the ears, and a fierce flash of light broke out about ten meters above. It looked like a four or five-meter-long, rapidly approaching light arrow hit that position.

Beams of light circled around like smoke, and the surging magic aura made it impossible to open your eyes. It was not until then that everyone realized that they were attacked by long-range magic, and Alde blocked it with a defensive spell.

Two or three seconds later, the light disappeared, and the shield at the front collapsed.

In the sky, a meteor-like trajectory could be seen from a distance, rushing towards the location where everyone was, as if to tear off all the dark clouds floating in the night sky. In a blink of an eye, a shadow in a black robe appeared above everyone's head.

Its pale finger bones were exposed, and the eye sockets of the skull under the hood flashed with a needle-like red light. Just looking at each other, there was an illusion of being stung.

This is a lich.

Viola immediately drew out her long sword and stabbed it into the ground.

Almost at the same time, a huge golden aura rose along the ground, like a small church made of light, shining on everyone.

This is the Temple Art, a kind of divine art, which temporarily turns an area into a temple and can defend a large area.

Considering the importance of Viola as the leader of the counterattack and the possibility that the enemy might send assassins to assassinate her, Li Chengxi gave her this divine art early on.

Even the lich shrank back when facing the divine aura, and floated back slightly, as if avoiding the light.

As long as they are in the Temple Art, the lich will have no way to deal with them, but it is hard to say how much casualties the lich will cause to the army during this period.

Viola was about to turn around and ask Orday how to deal with the lich, but when she turned around, Orday had disappeared. Looking up, she saw a buzzing light gate opened not far from the lich. Orday walked out of the portal with a staff and floated in the air opposite the lich.

You see, the Avarus royal family is like this. They really dare to take action when something happens!


Lich is not a small fish. Each of these undead spellcasters who rely on transformation into undead creatures to gain nearly eternal life is quite difficult to deal with. They may plan for decades to deal with difficult enemies. After all, time is no longer a luxury.

Moreover, all liches are the best in the field of spellcasters. The minimum standard for transformation into liches is level 50.

Aoerdai is level 45. It seems that the gap is not big, but in fact, the gap is not small.

Level 50 is called a ten thousand enemy. Even if facing an army of 10,000 people, even if they can't beat them, they can retreat calmly. Those below level 50 don't have this ability and will still be killed by the number of people.

To put it more intuitively, if a dragon is an adult, it is the minimum standard of level 50, and a level 50 adult dragon can easily beat three young dragons like Rhaena.

But Ordai was not afraid at all. She walked out of the portal and looked directly into the lich's eyes that emitted a pair of red light that was as painful as a needle tip.

"Alais, right? I knew it was you when I saw that evil robe."

The lich's black robe was hung with some miscellaneous things, such as dried animal viscera, amber made from living people's eyeballs, etc.

"Ordai... you seem to be stronger."

The lich's voice was hoarse and cold without any emotion:

"What research have you been doing recently? You can actually detect my ultra-long-range spells."

"But I'm still not as good as you."

The two knew each other, and when they were in the academic city, they could even be considered research partners.

Ales, the lich, is a newcomer who has only been a lich for a few years. He was originally a dragonborn, so his skull looks more like a lizard's skull.

"I saw your masterpiece. The power of the ship-borne magic convergence cannon is quite amazing, but heat dissipation is still a big problem that cannot be solved."

"Hehe, without your assistance as a material professional, I can only do this much."

Although it was a compliment, the lich's tone was still as mechanical as if it was without any fluctuations.

Lich will gradually lose the emotions of living people. Ales was originally a person with indifferent emotions, and he became even colder after becoming a lich.

Ales is obsessed with the development of magic technology. When time is no longer a luxury, his desire for research and knowledge has reached its peak. Few people can bear it. The idea of ​​the lich recruiting capable assistants has never been smooth.

Until Alday appeared.

Aoldai's thirst for knowledge is almost endless, and she is also very active. Most importantly, she is a genius.

Ales once thought that he had found a soulmate. If Aoldai's level was not enough to transform into a lich, he would have helped Aoldai transform long ago.

But no matter how much you admire someone, once there is a situation of different ideas, you will not be able to cooperate.

Aoldai believes that magic technology should be used in people's livelihood to make the world a better place.

Ales believes that magic technology should be used in the military. Only by ending the situation of the seven countries and achieving unification can there be a steady stream of technology and human resources to develop higher-level technology.

The differences between the two have reached an irreconcilable point, and they finally parted ways.

"So, what are you here for? I don't think you're just here to say hello."

"I'm now loyal to the Tandron Demon Kingdom. My main purpose is to find out what force defeated the navy, but seeing Princess Viola is here, I think the war can be ended in a faster way. What do you think?"

The lich doesn't consider emotions, but pure reason. Indeed, the simplest and most direct way to end this war is to kill Viola.

As long as she disappears, the resistance of the Avarus Demon Kingdom will also lose its flag, and the war will naturally end.

"I'm sorry, I don't think so."

"I admit that you have become stronger, but are you sure you can resist me?"

The lich raised his birch staff, and the threat was very obvious.

Aurda also raised his staff and said to the lich:

"I may not be able to do it, but I want to try."

The huge blue orb on the staff in her hand lit up with magical light, illuminating the surrounding airspace.

"I have to say, your luck is not good."

The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger, and the magic power of both of them is at the limit of being ready to go.

Fighting is inevitable.

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