Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 302 Artillery Fire Direction

Since the counterattack plan was finalized several months ago, Wendy and her housekeeper Reina wrapped themselves in cotton clothes and rode on the white dragon to the World Spine Mountains in the dog days of summer to look for a suitable location.

Although this mountain range is as difficult as climbing to the sky for mortals, it is just a matter of flapping two wings for the white dragon. In less than three days, they found and fought here.

The original plan was to use explosive arrows or flaming arrows, and even considered small catapults, but Aoerdai said that I have seen information about gasoline barrel cannons in the God Realm, and this thing is much better.

I always think that she might have watched an anti-Japanese documentary at that time.

This is why Li Chengxi specially sent a batch of oil barrels. As for the problems of propellant and explosive packs, they were all solved by Aoerdai herself. She also added new ideas to extend the fuse of the explosive packs, add parachutes, and spread them farther by wind power.

Of course, don't think about accuracy.

Before the test, Aoerdai vowed that there would be absolutely no problem, but after the battle, she said it was not very reliable.

At this point, it's time to be reliable.

This may be the difference in thinking between the commander and the technicians on the front line.

Wendy was too lazy to argue with Oldie about this. She took out a monocular telescope from her arms and observed the landing point of the previous round of salvos.

Although she tried every means to extend the range, it was only about 300 meters. After all, this thing is still very different from a real cannon, and it can't even compare to a gas tank cannon.

However, they didn't want to rely on this thing to destroy the enemy. To be honest, an army of 120,000 people, even if it was bombed with modern cannons, would not be blown away in a few shots, unless it was an atomic bomb fired by a cannon.

Seeing that the landing points were all within the expected range, Wendy raised a small red flag and waved it to the back:

"Start the bombardment now and use up all the ammunition!"

The soldiers who received the order quickly reloaded, and soon a series of explosions pushed the explosive packs towards the enemy positions below, exploding into colorful sparks.

You can see the panic of the enemy troops below, and you can also see the flames caused by the sparks igniting the flammable materials, but for the well-disciplined Subia Demon Kingdom Army, this trouble will be solved in no time.

There are only fifty gasoline barrels stuck on the hillside, and the ammunition they carry is only enough for seven or eight rounds of volleys. The damage caused by this firepower is very limited.

But they still fired, and they also cooperated with Qihang City to let them launch a feint attack.

The reason.

The explosive packs fired were not for killing, but as a guide.


The muffled bangs mixed with the explosions of the explosive packs falling to the ground were connected, and the Subia Demon Kingdom Army did cause some confusion, especially the soldiers who were awakened from their dreams. They thought they had encountered an enemy attack on the camp, and they ran out with their weapons without wearing their armor, and searched around in a mess.

When the officers arrived, the chaotic situation was quickly ended, and they all cooperated to put out the fire under the orders of the officers.

Some soldiers were transferred to the vicinity of the gate. They thought that the enemy might take advantage of the chaos to launch an attack. After all, the power of the explosive pack was really limited. Unless they were unlucky enough to hit their heads, they would basically have no killing power on people.

"Notify the general that the enemy has launched explosive packs at the north gate to create chaos, and there may be other major actions."

The officer ordered the messenger next to him that all unusual movements must be notified to the headquarters as soon as possible.

The messenger next to him nodded and was about to leave.

"What is that!"

Suddenly, a terrified voice came from the soldiers who were putting out the fire.

The messenger turned his head and saw a huge red beam of light falling from the sky. It landed on the open space outside the military camp, illuminating the nearby rocks red.

The dark red color like blood plasma was chilling, and what was even more terrifying was that the red beam of light began to slowly rotate and expand.

Standing in the distance, we can clearly see the rotating red beam of light falling on the ground and turning into a rotating magic circle pattern. With the knowledge level of the officers, it is really impossible to identify what kind of magic it is, but it is certain that the huge magic circle has almost covered the entire north gate. Once activated, the power of this magic must not be underestimated.

It is too late to order the soldiers near the gate to escape now, and the soldiers guarding the gate think that we can still rescue them, and they all turn around and run for their lives under the illumination of the red light, only regretting that their parents didn't give them two less legs.

In a panic and sense of crisis, the rotating red magic circle suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared, and it was very doubtful whether it was just to scare them.

The soldiers who fled even slowed down their pace. They couldn't judge what happened. They could only glance around in confusion, confirm that there was no problem, and then look up at the night sky with snowflakes falling.

At this moment, they saw that the dark clouds that covered the stars and the moon above their heads suddenly bulged up a large piece, and something huge fell from the sky. The torn dark clouds were like smoke wrapped above, and something that was not sure whether it was ice or snow was pulled into thin and long silk threads during the high-speed fall.


The giant made a terrible muffled sound when it fell to the ground, accompanied by a slight earthquake-like shaking, and the soldiers couldn't help but crouch down.

"Illuminating arrows! Quick! Fire illuminating arrows!"

Through the gate, you can see that the falling behemoth has a terrible shadow comparable to a small mountain, and it fell on the open space outside the military camp.

The officers had a bad premonition. Damn, this could not be a monster summoned by super magic?

The archers drew out their special lighting arrows and fired them. The arrows flew to the commanding heights, bursting with a layer of flashes and slowly falling.

With these weak lights, a vague outline of something that had never been seen before emerged from the darkness.

It looked like a car, but there was no livestock pulling the car. It was much larger than the largest sailing warship, and the wheels alone exceeded the wall of the military camp.

The heavy body showed an inappropriate oily sheen, and some parts looked like glass, but with the current level of productivity, they could not make such a large piece of glass with complex curved surfaces.

The upper part of the car had a relatively slender structure, which was separated like petals, revealing a black hole.

For some reason, the officers instinctively felt that the thing looked like the muzzle of a cannon. But reason made them feel that it was impossible, after all, no country could make such a large-caliber cannon now.

Just when everyone was stunned, they heard a low hum from the behemoth that fell from the sky, as if it was activated.

A dark red light band lit up along the outer shell of the vehicle, like the eyes of some prehistoric giant beast looking at the dumbfounded soldiers of the Subiah Demon Kingdom.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped everyone, as if a knife was pressed against their foreheads, bringing a faint sting.

The wheels began to roll forward. At first, they could still be seen clearly with the help of the illuminating arrows, but soon the speed of the wheels became very blurry, and even the huge grooves on the wheels were difficult to identify.

Almost in an instant, the solid wooden outer wall and the gate were shattered together, and the soldiers who did not have time to jump off the gate of the barracks were crushed one after another. Some lumps that could not be distinguished as mud, rocks or human body fragments were mixed with falling snow and flew everywhere.

"Form a formation! Form a formation!"

The officer shouted loudly, trying to suppress the terrible buzzing sound of the operation, but his voice was still not loud enough, and the soldiers ran around like headless flies.

Seeing the huge monster advancing towards the depths of the military camp, the officer turned around and shouted to the messenger:

"Inform the general of all this, North Gate..."

The messenger, who was listening carefully to the officer's order, suddenly heard a crisp sound, accompanied by a strong wind pressure sweeping past his ears. He turned his head slightly and saw woodenly that the officer who was still full of energy just now was left with only a pair of legs sticking in the same place, and his upper body had disappeared.

The messenger touched the warm and sticky blood on his face, and his brain was unable to make any judgment for a moment.

He saw that the tents in a straight line with the officer and the warehouse where military supplies were stored were hit by some large sphere, but he couldn't see what it was.

Until the huge monster roared past the messenger with unmatched momentum...

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