Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 300 Counterattack

Year 648 of the Demon King's Calendar.

Early November, 9pm.

Entering winter, it gets darker earlier than before. Outside the city, the Subia Demon Kingdom army has entered night mode.

Since May, they have launched an attack outside Qihang City. They fought for half a year and still failed to capture Qihang City.

This sounds somewhat unbelievable, but it is actually normal. The main reason is because the defense power of Qihang City is too strong.

If it were a siege, it would be much easier than it is now. However, Qihang City faces the sea at its back and is escorted by a huge navy. The supplies can be obtained from the territory of the Demon Kingdom of Avarus that has not yet fallen. It was decided from the beginning that it would inevitably happen. It becomes a protracted battle.

However, the army of Subia Demon Kingdom was not without achievements. In the past six months, they successfully broke through two city walls and wiped out the solid fortresses around Qihang City.

The only thing we have to face now is the largest and strongest city wall. Qihang City has no room for error. As long as this wall is breached, the city will fall sooner or later.

According to the current progress, it is estimated that the city will be able to be invaded in three months at the latest, and the complete removal of this nail is just around the corner.

By then, the entire northern territory of the Avarus Demon Kingdom will be taken into the possession of the Subia Demon Kingdom. In this pink cake competition composed of the four-nation coalition forces, at least one-third of the territory will be won.

In order to eat this big cake, Subia Demon Kingdom also made great efforts. A large number of materials and soldiers were continuously transported from the rear, and the number of troops increased from the 50,000 people who initially besieged the city to 120,000.

When it was time to light a fire for cooking, the bonfires connected like stars, and the smoke covered the sky like clouds over the military camp, showing how powerful it was.

However, the Subia Demon Kingdom's army has made very little movement in the past half month and has not continued to maintain a high-intensity siege. This has given Qihang City time to repair the damaged walls.

It's not that the leading generals are slacking off, but that the conditions don't allow it.

The Demon Kingdom of Subia is located to the south of the Demon Kingdom of Avarus, and the climate is relatively warm. In the north, winter comes much earlier than in the south.

In the minds of people in Subia Demon Kingdom, it would not snow until at least December, but near the Spine of the World Mountains, it was already snowing heavily in November.

A large number of soldiers who lacked winter equipment had to huddle in tents to keep warm. The insufficient number of cotton-padded clothes made it difficult for the army to launch a truly effective attack.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, the veteran general known as the Tiger of the Kingdom has not thought about this problem. He had sent a report four months ago that he needed cotton-padded clothes for winter, but the number of cotton-padded clothes sent was far from enough. Used by soldiers.

He knew that this must be the result of the disputes between the ministers in the palace. They all hoped to end the war quickly and consolidate the land they had occupied. Soldiers were constantly sent over to urge him to pull out the nail in Qihang City.

But this group of nobles who had never held a sword obviously didn't know what fighting was about.

The aristocratic gentlemen would just continue to recruit troops and then send them over without considering the actual situation at all.

Kingdom Tigers made another report two months ago, requesting winter supplies as soon as possible. However, the cotton clothes still failed to arrive, saying that cotton production was insufficient.

It is true that Subia Demon Kingdom does not produce much cotton, but several months are enough to purchase necessary supplies from other Demon Kingdoms, and the time is wasted by them.

The Kingdom Tiger has no choice. It can't drive the trembling soldiers to attack the city, right?

This is simply a waste of human life, and may even lead to a mutiny.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the army of the Demon Kingdom of Subia is holding back for the time being. Either supplies will be sent to me, or they will have to wait for spring to bloom before they can continue to attack the city.

That night, there were scattered snowflakes in the sky, but the wind was very strong, and the strong wind made the tent roar.

The Kingdom Tiger and his staff sat in the Chinese army's tent and studied the sand table, looking for an easier way to invade Qihang City.

Although he used strong words in the report, it was not really a failure and there was no shortage of work that should be done.

"The navy of the Demonic Kingdom of Tanderon has completely hunkered down in the port and cannot come out. We cannot place our hopes on them."

"No one can tell exactly what happened in the Leon Territory. There is intelligence that Princess Viola's cousin Aldee frequently went to the Leon Territory. It may be that her magic defeated the navy of the Demon Kingdom of Tandelon."

"The negotiations with the Tandelon Demon Kingdom did not go well either. The other party refused to provide siege weapons."

"Our cannons are unable to defeat the last enchanted wall of Sailing City. In the attack launched half a month ago, the siege equipment was also seriously damaged. It will take time to re-manufacture and replenish it."

"Princess Viola has been sending out scouts frequently recently. It seems to be related to Lord Fran of Half Moon Castle. It is speculated that there may be some big move."

"Princess Viola only has 2,000 troops. Counting the soldiers of Half-Moon Castle, the total strength is less than 7,000. She poses almost no threat to us."

"We have sent people to conduct powerful reconnaissance, but Princess Viola showed great restraint, and we have not been able to figure out the specific personnel deployment."

"There are rumors that there are dragons in Leon's territory. We guess it may be related to Princess Viola's cousin Aldai."

"It is unlikely that a real dragon will come to such a barren land, but we do not rule out the possibility of being a half-dragon. If the number reaches double digits, it may cause interference to our army."

"Even if it is a real dragon, we have already prepared a response. No matter what Princess Viola does, the probability of posing a threat to our army is still very low."

The Tiger of the Kingdom listened to the conversation of the staff officers, and his eyes glanced at the World Spine Mountains on one side of the sand table.

"Has anyone scouted the mountains?"


The staff officers looked at each other, and then someone said:

"The World Spine Mountains are too steep. We have asked the locals and sent a large number of scouting teams to test them on the spot. There is indeed no possibility of climbing the mountain."

"If Princess Viola in the north wants to launch a surprise attack from the World Spine Mountains, it is impossible. Even if there is a road to the north, there is no way to go down the mountain in the south, unless they all know how to fly."

"Even considering the rumors that there are dragons in Leon territory, they still do not have the ability to raid. The transportation capacity is too low, and our air defense preparations are already complete."

In general, Princess Viola's actions were noticed by the Subia Demon Kingdom Army, but they did not think there was any threat.

After all, there were too few soldiers, and the routes that could be sent out were fixed, so they could only take the blocked canyon road. As long as the Subia Demon Kingdom Army deployed scouts nearby, no matter what Viola wanted to do, it would be discovered in advance.

With a few thousand against 120,000, even a night attack would be a disaster. Moreover, after half a year of confrontation outside Qihang City, the army of the Subia Demon Kingdom has turned the military camp into a simple fortress. It is not something that a few thousand people can rush in casually.

The Tiger of the Kingdom also knew that what the staff said was logical, and he did not miss anything, but for some reason he always felt uneasy.

At this time, two scouts rushed into the central army tent one after another.

"Report! The soldiers of Qihang City launched an attack at night and will contact our army in about 20 minutes!"

"The scout sent a message that Princess Viola led her army through the canyon road and was heading towards our army. The total number of cavalry is about 500!"

Sure enough, something happened.

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