Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 3 Strange Religion

Demon King Calendar, the end of March in 648.

Five thirty in the afternoon.

Princess Viola was kneeling down to pray with all her guards.

This church-like thing was originally the audience hall in the castle. There was not even a statue of the god they were worshipping, but they were just worshipping the empty throne.

Everyone saw the miracle with their own eyes, and the unrivaled power did not belong to the mortal world. Viola knew that her prayers had been heard by the Demon King.

In this case, Viola decided to hold on to this life-saving straw, so she came to pray immediately after the war.

She knelt on the ground, chanting the prayers praising the Demon King in her heart, and repeated the kneeling action.

After one kneeling, she saw that the clay slab on the throne was dented, and she immediately felt ecstasy in her heart.

"My guards!"

Viola stood up and raised the clay slab so that everyone could clearly see the clear handprint on it.

"The existence of the Demon King has always been just a legend, but from now on it is no longer a legend. He has responded to us!"

The guards looked up and saw the handprint that did not exist on the clay plate, and they all exclaimed.

"We will use this as a holy emblem to fulfill the will of the Demon King. We have His protection! We will be invincible!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

The audience hall immediately cheered warmly, and Viola held up the clay plate:

"I will serve as the first archbishop and spread His teachings on behalf of the Lord! The forgotten glory of the Demon King will be recast by our hands! The destruction of the despicable invaders is imminent! Cheers!"

A strange religion was born suddenly...


"Boss, give me a pack of Yuxi."

Li Chengxi, who was behind the cashier, took a pack of cigarettes from his back and handed it over. He didn't even notice whether the customer had scanned the code to pay, and his eyes were fixed on the laptop screen.

It's weird, really weird.

Last night, Li Chengxi tried to delete the game files, but he couldn't find where the game was installed after searching the hard drive. It seemed that there was only an icon on the desktop.

And deleting the icon was useless. No matter whether it was completely deleted or thrown into the recycle bin, it would reappear the next moment.

The email sent to test the qualification disappeared without a trace. Li Chengxi searched all the QQ mailboxes, but still couldn't find any clues.

He tried to destroy the laptop, but it didn't work.

Throw it into the water, it won't short-circuit. Hit it with a hammer, it won't be damaged at all. Even if you throw it in the microwave for two turns, it will still be fine.

As the saying goes, if you come here, you should make the best of it. Anyway, there is no way, Li Chengxi plans to continue to see what is going on.

There is a day and night cycle in the game, but it seems to be a few hours behind the reality. He watched the two-headed soldiers clean up the bodies outside the city, and watched the little people on the streets of the city go home. The screen dimmed and it was night.


After that, he couldn’t resist the sleepiness and fell asleep. When he got up in the morning to open the store, he moved the notebook to the cashier and stared at it.

“Is this Mr. Li Chengxi? OK, there is a delivery for you.”

The mouse that originally came with the notebook had died. Li Chengxi specially ordered a new one last night. He quickly took the delivery and opened it and plugged it in.

Move the mouse and click on the map icon below. You can see a large area of ​​black, with only a small circular area in the upper left corner lit up. You can zoom in and out to see more details with the mouse wheel, but you can’t see anything in the black area.

Exit the map and Li Chengxi clicked on the ‘Palace District’ ​​again.

At this time, the sky in the game was already bright, and you could see a group of two-headed pixelated people kneeling in a church-like place to pray, and the number seemed to be a little more than yesterday.

After watching all night, Li Chengxi didn’t do nothing.

He found that he could switch the screen freely with the mouse, and he would be sucked in if he reached out to touch it.

If you are sucked in, the "faith value" on the left side of the screen will be consumed. Originally, there were 500 at the beginning of the game, but now there are only single digits, and it is rising little by little.

When the faith value is insufficient, touching the screen with your hand is a simple touch operation, and you will not be sucked in.

I don't understand how much faith value will be consumed by doing specific things. Anyway, it's less than 10 after a night, and you won't be sucked in if you touch the screen now.

I clicked the red little man who took the lead with the mouse, and this time the pop-up portrait also became a princess named Viola kneeling down to pray.

And a dialog box popped up, saying "Demon King, please guide your believers on the way forward, what should we do now."

How do I know how to guide?

Click the map with the mouse again, and click the black unopened area on the map. Li Chengxi wanted the little man in the game to explore the dark area, but there was no response.

Turning off the map, looking at the dialog box in front of Princess Viola's portrait, Li Chengxi tried to type on the keyboard.

The result still didn't work, and even the input method didn't pop up.

"Maybe... I can use the microphone to talk to the NPC inside?"

The NPC inside all used text to express the dialogue, but Li Chengxi couldn't type to respond, maybe audio could.

However, Li Chengxi didn't have a microphone at hand. He glanced at it casually and noticed the small words "MIC" written on the side of the laptop.

Then he remembered that his ultrabook also had a built-in microphone, but he had never used it.

So he said to the side of the screen:

"You sent people to investigate the surrounding area...Gan! The microphone is actually blocked!"

Due to its age, the microphone has long been covered in dust. Li Chengqi had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and place an order from the online shopping platform again.


After changing out of her armor and wearing loose robe-like clothes, Viola was conducting morning prayers with her knights.

Although it was said that the Church of the Demon King was to be formed, there was no teaching at hand. Moreover, Viola was in a very dangerous situation. She could only hide for a while in a remote territory, but not for the rest of her life.

A carefree princess suddenly lost her father, her brother, and her country and family. Viola was very confused.

So when she prayed, she hoped that the Demon King God could show her a clear path.

As the sun gradually rose, Viola stood up and ended today's morning prayer.

"Your Highness, has the Demon King and God Lord responded to you?"

As soon as she stood up, the surrounding knights immediately surrounded her.

Viola nodded calmly:

"Maybe we are not pious enough. I couldn't hear the voice of the Demon King and God Lord clearly. I could only hear part of it clearly."

"What is it?"

With steady eyes, Viola moved her luck to her dantian and uttered one word in a deep bass:


The sound continued to echo in the audience hall, and the knights looked at each other in confusion.

"Your Highness, what... does this mean?"

"I don't know, but since it comes from the mouth of the Demon King and God Lord, I think it must be very profound."

Upon hearing this, all the knights felt that it made sense. After all, God's thoughts were not understandable to mortals.

"So I propose to use Gan! as our prayer."

"Your Highness is right!"

"That's right, we should let more people listen to the holy voice of the Demon King!"

Then the audience hall rang with the everlasting chant of ‘Gan! ’, startling the pigeons that landed on the roof to fly away.

Weird religions just keep getting weirder…

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