Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 287 The Temple is Completed

The temperature was getting colder and colder. When the calendar said "heavy snow", snowflakes finally fell from the sky.

Li Chengxi stood in his convenience store, enjoying the comfort brought by the heating, watching the heavy snow outside the glass window and the pedestrians on the road hurriedly walking, feeling very comfortable.

A few days have passed since Aoerdai ran to find the Demon King's Ring.

These days are very peaceful. Nothing happened in the game, and it was completely idle. Qian Sen didn't call Li Chengxi at all.

Looking at the news, the world is still the same. At most, there are occasional news about armed conflicts in certain areas. Overall, it is still peaceful.

The fact that the gods landed on the earth did not seem to enter the public's field of vision. Perhaps colleagues from the Nine Departments around the world are working hard.

After standing at the door for a while, the air conditioning blowing from the crack in the door was still a little cold, and Li Chengxi returned to sit behind the cashier.

On the screen of the new computer, Viola can be seen standing in front of a newly built building, holding up the holy emblem of the Demon King God, and loudly leading the civilians below to pray.

This newly completed building is the temple of the Demon King.

Its main body is made of logs, with a Viking style, or the style of the Elder Scrolls Skyrim.

It is not very majestic in size. The entire temple can only accommodate a large statue, plus some rooms for people to live in the back. The size is about the same as a small church in the countryside.

Viola certainly wants to build a grand and large temple, but the material conditions really do not allow it.

The Leon territory is too barren, the labor force is already scarce, and there are a lot of infrastructure projects waiting. Even if a lot of prisoners of war have been captured as labor, it is just a thought to build a large temple.

However, this is the first real temple after all, and its commemorative significance is far more important than its appearance.

Li Chengxi doesn't care much about the size of the temple. He doesn't even think about it as a big deal. But Viola thinks it is very important and specially held a grand sacrificial ceremony.

Looking at the "Gan!" and "Cao!" that keep popping up on the screen ', and roughly understand why Li Chengxi didn't care much...

As the ceremony progressed, a guard knight brought the last stone brick, and even tied a red ribbon on it to show its importance.

This is similar to the leader cutting the ribbon, and the sense of ceremony is needed.

As the self-proclaimed archbishop, Viola had to put down the last brick of the temple, and then the temple was successfully completed and could be put into use.

Li Chengxi watched Viola put down the brick happily, accompanied by the cheers of a group of believers, just like watching the news broadcast.

It didn't seem to be a very important matter. Li Chengxi just looked at it and planned to turn around to look at Yang Yiyi on the old computer.

But at this time, a dialog box suddenly popped up on the screen.

'The temple has been built, do you want to start setting it up?'

What else can be set up in the temple?

Li Chengxi suddenly became interested and picked up the mouse and clicked 'Yes'.

Then a new interface popped up. On the upper left was a thumbnail of the entire temple, and below it was written:

‘Increase the amount of faith gained by 5%’

‘Reduced the cost and requirements of divine spells by 10%’

‘The followers of hostile gods are weakened by 10% after entering the temple’

There are still many empty spaces below, but there are only these three attributes.

Maybe the temple is still too small. If it were a large temple, the attributes would be better.

On the right side, there is a box with many spaces, and on the right side of the box is a drop-down menu.

There are more options this time.

For example, the increase in the amount of faith gained increases by 10%, 15%, and 20%. In addition, you can also see high-end attributes such as ‘automatic healing of followers entering the temple’, ‘automatic enchantment of weapons and armor enshrined in the temple’, and ‘automatic generation of temple guards’.

However, when you click on these attributes, you will be prompted with ‘insufficient temple slots’.

The box with many spaces is the slot. Different bonuses require different positions, just like playing Tetris, inserting attributes of different shapes and numbers.

Naturally, small temples have fewer slots, and large temples must have more.

Li Chengxi has seen similar settings in mobile games. The biggest problem with this kind of gameplay is how to maximize the use of limited slots.

After a few minutes of struggling, Li Chengxi chose "Increase faith value acquisition by 15%", "Increase divine healing effect by 10%", and "Increase piety growth by 1".

Because it is a small temple, there are not enough slots, so Li Chengxi did not choose those options that require a lot of positions and are fancy, and chose three that feel most practical.


Demon King Calendar 648.

September 11, morning.

"Praise the Lord of Demons!"


"Praise the Lord's gift!"


Wearing a laurel crown and a golden robe, Viola led the people to praise loudly, and the civilians below also shouted "Fuck" and "Fuck", feeling like some cult scene.

The completion of this temple is extremely important to Viola. If conditions were not allowed, she would have recruited civilians to build it long ago.

Although it is only a small temple, it also represents that the Lord of Demons has returned, which has great historical significance.

Looking at the cheering people below, Viola swore in her heart that she must drive out the invaders and spread the glory of the Lord throughout the world.

She saw Zora brought the last brick and raised her hand to signal the people:

"The temple is about to be completed, and the glory of the king will bless everyone!"

The believers below burst into warm cheers again. They may not understand the value of faith, but they know that the existence of the Demon King God has earned them benefits.

This is enough to gain the support of the people.

Viola held the ribbon and lifted the last brick to the door of the temple.

"The temple will be open to everyone, regardless of rich or poor, and everyone has the right to believe in the king."

This sentence once again ignited the enthusiasm of the people. People shouted "Gan!" and "Cao!" in unison, and the scene was a little out of control.

Viola was about to signal the guard knight Shelley standing on the periphery to maintain order, and then she was pulled by the sleeve by Orde next to her.

She was about to tell Orde to stop making trouble, and then she saw the roof of the temple, where the sun's light seemed to gather there, forming a huge halo.

The people who were cheering also froze in place, and the scene was silent for a while.

The huge halo on the roof broke after four or five seconds, turning into a huge beam of light that shot straight into the sky. Some thin clouds in the sky were torn apart by the impact, revealing a standard circular hole.

Then, the beam of light broke and turned into a rain of light falling from the sky.

Standing at the gate of the temple, Viola could see that the golden light was flowing on the tall statue carved by Li Chengxi in the temple, and it even blinked at Viola as if it came alive.

But when Viola rubbed her eyes, she found that the light on the statue had disappeared.

This means that the king has blessed the temple, and it already has the function of a temple.

Temples and statues are not just man-made objects. Usually, when a new statue is built, the gods will bless it so that it can play the function of the statue.

In short, it is like opening the light.

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