The Age of Mythology is at least thousands of years old, and even antique artifacts from that time are rare, let alone a magical simulacrum with certain intelligence.

But this magical simulacrum opened its mouth and said, "Eat it?" ’, it feels like Qin Shihuang suddenly jumped out and said, ‘Unify, unify’.

Everyone looked at each other, no one expected it to be this style of painting.

"Eat, eat some solid food."

Aldee actually answered.

I have long heard that most powerful masters are just teasing. I thought it was a rumor before, but it turned out to be true when I saw it today...

Fortunately, the other party just said a simple greeting, and then he said:

"What time is it now?"

"The Demon King's calendar year is 648. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. This is the new calendar. According to the original old calendar, it should be 6423 years."

"It turns out that it's been so long..."

The magic simulacrum shows a very realistic expression of confusion, but don't be fooled by the image. The intelligence of this thing is not that advanced, and all its reactions are preset.

Just like the AI ​​customer service on some online shopping platforms, they can only answer your specific questions. If there are no preset questions, they cannot respond.

"What was the outcome of the Battle of Enzmauz?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you know? It turns out that future generations no longer know about the Battle of Enzimaoz."

Then the magic simulacrum cleared its throat and said solemnly:

"For the latecomers who heard this, I don't know when you will arrive or who you are. I can only place my hope in the distant future."

This passage sounds like a recording, a tape from ancient times being played.

"There are great secrets hidden here. No matter what your reason is for coming here, please make an accurate judgment."

At this time, the magic simulacrum disappeared and was replaced by a square magic screen. The screen showed a group of people with unclear faces crowded into the screen. It looked like they were raising their hands and shouting something.

"In our time, some people tried to rebel against the gods and their creator. They traveled across the entire plane and even the multiverse to find weapons that could kill the gods. They almost succeeded."

In the picture, huge statues can be seen being torn down, stones broken, and temples burned.

"I was once one of them. I thought they were resisting the tyranny of gods and allowing mortals to be free. But I was wrong. They were not following freedom, but following the deeper ancient darkness."

The screen went black, and then several human images appeared.

Some are warriors wearing heavy armor, some are mages holding staffs, and some are people whose profession is difficult to judge by looking at their appearance.

"After losing its ruler, gods from outside the realm invaded this plane. This is when strife and chaos began."

The scene then turned into a war, with people colliding and flaming stones thrown by trebuchets roaring past.

"The actions of our predecessors can only be evaluated by future generations like you. I can only remind you to be careful of the enemies dormant in the darkness, but also beware of the enemies in the light."

These words were said without any beginning or end, and Aldai frowned while taking out her notebook to record.

"I can't make up for my mistakes, and I don't know the purpose of your coming here, but I still want to give you a hint."

He said:

"When the last bloodline of the kingdom retreats, the ancient king finally wakes up. The scattered power will be recovered, no one can stop the torrent of fate, and the dust-laden secrets will be unlocked with the fall of the gods. The golden staff is in the hands of the Avengers, and the fallen gods are helpless. King, you will return, but the shadow of the light will come, and it may destroy the kingdom. The secret of breaking the situation is in the king's hands. When will you find it? Returning strength is the most important thing.”

This is a prophecy, a prophecy from thousands of years ago.

Prophecy is also a large category in magic, but the spells of the prophecy school...

Let's put it this way, it's basically like saying it in vain.

Most mages who are good at the prophecy school usually work as weather forecasters in big cities. Other than that, it is difficult for the prophecy school to say anything about its accuracy.

Different people have different views on the interpretation of prophecies. A prophecy has different interpretations in different eras. In many cases, the interpretation of the prophecy will be very different.

What's even worse is that even if you can accurately predict the future, you can't make any changes to the future.

As the magic simulacrum said, no one can stop the flow of fate, everything is arranged.

The magic screen disappeared immediately, and the magic simulacrum appeared in front of the four people again.

"The recording has finished playing, and the simulacrum is about to self-destruct."

"Wait, what exactly is stored here?"

The magic simulacrum stirred and said in a harsh noise-like voice:

"The Heart Stone will tell you the answer."

Then the image shattered and disappeared, and the magic circle on the ground was burned in a burst of bright light, leaving nothing behind.

Draeger took out his ears that were stung by the noise:

"What did he just say? Why can I understand what he meant even though it's in a language I've never heard before?"

"That's ancient language, and its characteristic is that there are no communication barriers."

Aldai explained casually and closed the notebook with a snap.

Palin also asked:

"What does he mean by the return of kings and the fall of gods?"

As a priest, Palin was certainly more sensitive to the subject of the gods.

"I don't know, let's keep exploring."

This is pure nonsense, and Orday knows something.

Viola was forced into a desperate situation and had no way out. The Demon King God awakened and intervened personally.

This confirms the first sentence of the prophecy, 'When the last blood of the kingdom has no way out, the ancient king finally awakens.'

'The scattered power will be recovered, and no one can stop the torrent of fate' probably means that the Demon King God will gradually find the Demon King Ring and restore its power. This is a foregone conclusion, even if someone wants to stop it in the dark.

But Orday couldn't understand what happened next.

What gods fell, what golden staff, what shadows in the light, Orday was confused.

Gods can't fall. If the multiverse world loses all gods, the whole world will collapse.

If this is true, the subsequent prophecy cannot be realized.

Besides, Li Chengxi just yelled in Orday's ear through the 'oracle' and asked her to go home quickly. This doesn't look like the gods fell.

Prophecies are like this, they all seem to make sense, but in fact most of them are nonsense.

It is difficult to extract useful information from them and make use of them.

Speaking of this, perhaps I should report it to the Demon King.

Gods look at things from a different perspective than mortals, from a higher dimension, which is why many priests have to rack their brains to interpret oracles. Perhaps the Demon King can get useful information from prophecies.

But not now, Alde does not want to take out the holy emblem and kneel down to pray in front of others, so let's continue exploring.

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