Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 265: Unable to listen to advice

As the saying goes, everything can be found in dreams, and it is not illegal to dream.

But the dreams of gods are different from those of ordinary people. Driven by divine power, they may become reality.

In the same way, the simplest and most direct way to control divine power is to rely on imagination.

"Strongly imagine the person you are looking for, her gender, age, appearance, or personality, any one of them will do."

Aidas explained in a low voice:

"Melora said that it will be very uncomfortable at first. You can use gestures to strengthen your imagination. Once you get used to it, you won't need it anymore."

The principle of this operation is very simple. For example, if you raise a finger, the first reaction is to represent the number 1.

Li Chengqi was a little doubtful as to whether such an idealistic method was reliable.

But you won't get pregnant if you try.

So he stretched out his hand, pointed his fingers at the screen, and tried to remember everything about Aldai.

At first, it may be that the impression in my mind was vague and there was no response, but then the computer monitor began to appear blurred, like screen tearing caused by moving the lens at high speed.

In just two or three seconds, the screen returned to normal, and Li Chengqi saw a two-headed pixelated figure with blue hair in the center of the screen.

It really happened.

"Many manipulations of divine power only require imagination, as long as the thought appears in the mind. But it is not so easy for us to use divine power to influence the mortal world. It requires many different conditions."

Suddenly, he realized that forming an alliance with Aida was a very correct choice. If it weren't for her reminder, Li Chengqi would have no idea that such an operation existed.

"What's going on in the mortal world now?"

"I haven't seen anything unusual yet."

"I don't know how many gods have been shot down, but our domain should still be functioning. I hope we can resolve this matter before a big problem occurs."

"Anyway, let's settle down for now. Maybe the other gods who fell to earth know the reason."

Ada Si nodded and sat on the bed behind Li Chengqi.

There is no way, now we really can only wait for the news.

But Li Chengqi, who had reassured Aida just now, suddenly grabbed the microphone:

"Fuck! I told you multiple times not to go!"

There is nothing wrong with Aldai's picture alone, but if you look at the map, you will find that Aldai's current location is within the Tandelon Demon Kingdom.

In other words, when Aldai came here last time, she mentioned the possible location of the Demon King's Ring...


Year 648 of the Demon King's Calendar.

September 5th, three o'clock in the morning.

Aldai was walking in the deserted forest with her staff in hand.

This is one of the southern territories within the Tandelon Demon Kingdom.

Although the proximity to the sea brings convenience to shipping, because the forest area is too large and the creatures in the forest are too difficult to deal with, it is very difficult for civilization to expand in this area, and there is a large no-man's land.

These forests are also very old, and may have existed since the mythical era. No one knows how many dangers are hidden in them. Even adventurers who keep their heads tied to their belts and make a living rarely enter.

This means that this is one of the best places to hide things.

The cool magic light illuminates the road and drives away the wild beasts trying to get closer. Aldai gradually approaches the central area of ​​the forest. She must not take it lightly.

Of course, no matter how powerful a magician is, it is best not to go out alone. After all, anything can happen during an adventure, and magic is not a panacea that can solve all problems.

A female tiefling with maroon skin, black eye whites, and pupils shining in the dark said with some fear:

"I just saw the footprints of a Tyrannosaurus rex. I hope you don't smell our scent."

The dinosaurs in this world are not completely extinct, but due to the expansion of civilization, they have been driven to places where few people roam.

"Professor Aldai's magic will not fail. It can't smell our scent, as long as we don't run into it unluckily."

The person who answered the tiefling was a male dwarf. His stocky body was covered with thick armor, and he made a clanking sound when he walked.

"Are we in the forest south of Tanderon? If I had known we would come here, I would have put on my old boots."

A male halfling cleric wearing chainmail and carrying a mace was dissatisfied with the soft clay on his favorite boots.

The three of them didn't know where this place was because Aldai used group teleportation to bring them here.

The female tiefling is called Nemea. She is a new rogue who has recently joined the ranks of adventurers. Although she has little experience in this industry, she is quite skilled and is good at unlocking, reconnaissance, and stealth.

The male dwarf is named Derg. Compared to tieflings, he can be said to be a veteran. He has been in the adventurer industry as a warrior for nearly forty years.

Dwarves live as long as elves, with a lifespan of about five hundred years. However, in the adventurer profession, those who can work for ten years without dying are considered the chosen ones. Those who can survive forty years are definitely the elite among adventurers.

The last male halfling is named Perrin. He has been working as an adventurer for four years and is a bit neurotic. However, he is a priest that is in short supply among adventurers and is very popular in any team.

But the priest is different from the usual impression of a fragile wet nurse. He wears heavy armor and holds a mace. Not only can he nurse people, he can also act as a deputy when necessary.

The three of them had not known each other before, and had only heard of each other at most. They were not a small team, but individual adventurers hired by Aldai.

Not long ago, Ordai posted a commission to recruit adventurers in the tavern of the Academic City. The content was to escort Ordai to explore the ruins and do academic research.

In addition to the reward of up to 100 gold coins, it was also stated that all gold coins and gems found, except for antiques with research value, belonged to the guards.

This kind of commission is quite common in the Academic City, and it is a lucrative job. After one trip, you can basically retire and enjoy the rest of your life.

But when the enthusiastic adventurers squeezed over and saw Ordai's name written in the client column, they all backed out.

Ordai is a celebrity in the Academic City. Everyone knows that she is the youngest high-level wizard.

And think about it, a place where high-level wizards require guards to dare to go, can it be a good place?

Adventurers do put their heads on their belts to make a living, but they also have to do what they can, so generally adventurer teams with stable incomes will not accept such high-risk commissions.

However, there must be brave men under a big reward. The reward is really too high. For those who are in urgent need of money, they have to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

About five hours ago, everyone set out at midnight. Aoerdai used group teleportation to reach the target, and then they moved in the forest.

Adventurers usually move during the day and must find a place to camp at night, because many monsters are nocturnal, and the vision is blocked by darkness, which is very dangerous.

But Aoerdai asked to act at midnight, and for the high reward, I had to sacrifice my life to accompany him.

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