Across the screen, Li Chengqi looked at a group of tree elves and a pigeon with big eyes and small eyes in confusion.

Then a dialog box appeared on the head of one of the tree elves in wolf skin, 'This is a holy symbol I have never seen before! ’

Generally, the dialog box will appear only when you click on the NPC to participate in the conversation. If it pops up automatically without any operation, this is usually when the sound is too loud.

This made Li Chengqi a little unhappy.

What happened to my holy symbol? You've never seen anything so ugly, right?

Right-click on the shouting tree elf and click on the ability column. In the title column of this tree elf wearing wolf skin, it says 'Springwood Druid'.

Druids are also a common type in fantasy themes. In Li Chengqi's impression, they are a group of people who can transform into bears or wolves, talk about protecting nature and act like pacifists, and get into fights and get slapped in the face.

In the skill bar below, Li Chengqi also found skills that looked like a druid at first glance, such as wild transformation, animal conversation, and entanglement.

Seeing that his presence enhanced the magical feeling, Li Chengqi didn't care.

After all, he also felt that the Holy Emblem of the Demon King was a bit ugly...

He clicked on a tree elf present. This operation was equivalent to joining the conversation. Li Chengqi could see everything they said.

"We must contact the princess."

"Perhaps it can break the power of the Plague Goddess."

"But we don't know whether he is an evil god or not. There will be a heavy price to pay for dealing with beings we don't understand."

Li Chengqi was confused by conversations like this.

What do you want to do by contacting Viola?

Who is the Plague Goddess?

What does it mean to break the divine power?

Since Li Chengqi didn't know the cause and effect at all, Li Chengqi watched their conversation as if his hands were shaking and he skipped key cutscenes, unable to understand what was being said.

But having said that, is the Plague Goddess an NPC or a player?

Is this still an online game?

Cut out the game and click on network usage monitoring. You will find that the AAI game is not connected to the Internet at all.

It is said that in this game, people can reach in and directly affect NPCs. It doesn't seem to matter whether they need to connect to the Internet via a network cable or not.

As for whether the Plague Goddess was a player or an NPC, Li Chengqi decided to give up in less than three seconds. It was useless to think about such a thing with no clue at all. He would wait until he actually encountered it.

The first question now is to figure out why these tree elves want to contact Viola.

Li Chengqi could only talk to believers. NPCs with a piety level of 0 could not hear his voice, so he could not talk directly to the tree elves present.

Zooming out on the map, you can see that Viola, who is going down the mountain, is not too far away from the Far Forest. It is okay to ask her to send a few people over to ask about the situation on behalf of Li Chengqi.

But this is a bit too rash, after all, it is not clear whether the tree elves are enemies or friends.

After much thought, the only way...

Li Chengqi clicked on the pigeon that was staring at the tree elf, and then picked up the headset.


"This is the Holy Emblem! It's a Holy Emblem I've never seen before!"

The Druid's voice sounded shocked, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Because the holy symbol itself represents God's eyes and ears in the mortal world, and is also proof of God's presence in the mortal world.

So in theory, every god's holy symbol will be recorded in religious books, which is common sense that all clergy must memorize.

Druids are clergy who serve nature gods, so this common sense certainly applies.

What surprised him was that this holy emblem had never appeared before, but it actually had the ability of the holy emblem. It was connected to a true god, not a false god selling sheep's head as dog's meat.

The tree elf next to him saw this and quickly asked:

"Can you get the name of this god? It would be nice to have more information."

You cannot worship gods indiscriminately, because there are many evil gods in this world, and there are also some types who are not considered evil gods, but asking for his help randomly will make things more troublesome.

The tribe of tree elves stores many classics that have been handed down from long ago. As long as you know the name or title, you can roughly find out the information about this god.

The druid also quickly made a few spell-casting gestures to activate the magical art of animal conversation.

It allows the user to communicate with animals without any barriers. It is a magical technique exclusively used by druids and rangers.

So a large group of people just watched the druid and the pigeons cooing there.

"Xiao Bai said that this is the holy symbol of the Demon King whom Princess Viola worships."

"Demon King God?"

Everyone looked at each other, many of them had never heard of this name.

Only some older tree elves thought for a while and said:

"That should just be a legend from the mythical age."

"It is said that He created all the demons on this continent."

“But before this there was never a temple or a church for him, and he never performed miracles.”

"Wait a minute, since there are rumors that the Demon King God personally defeated thousands of bandits, does it mean that He once fell into a deep sleep and is now awake?"

Seeing that there was a lot of discussion in the room, the tree elf who seemed to have the highest status and was leaning on a cane knocked on the table hard.

"Quiet! Now is not the time to discuss legends."

Seeing everyone quiet down, he continued:

"If this is the age of mythology, I have no doubt that the Demon King God has the ability to defeat the power of the Plague Goddess, but now, how much power does he still have?"

This is not an unfounded conjecture. The source of God's power is priesthood, faith and believers. For a long time, no one has worshipped the Demon God, which means there is no source of power.

Originally, he might have powerful divine power, but now he may not even have weak divine power. At best, he is just a demigod of the lowest level.

For mortals, it is crushing, but not for God.

"And we know too little about Him. Do we really have to put all our hopes on this god?"

These words made the excited tree elves feel depressed.

After a few seconds, the druid raised his hand:

"I'll use Vision to see it, so that all the consequences will be borne by me alone. If anything happens to me, I'll leave the Spring Forest to you."

Vision is a special ability born with it. You can observe the source of power through subtle clues.

In the current scenario, you can see the God who is observing the mortal world with the Holy Emblem through the Holy Emblem, so that you can clearly and intuitively observe the power attributes of this God.

This is certainly not without risk. Using this method to look directly at the gods will put great pressure on the mortal's spirit. If the gods are not happy about this, then the best outcome for the person using the vision is to go crazy, and it is very likely that the brain will explode and die on the spot.

When the druid made this decision, he had already made up his mind to die. This is all for the forest, for the home where they have lived for generations.

Every tree elf has the awareness of devoting everything to the tribe, just like Zhuoya is willing to take great risks to go to a completely unfamiliar city to find Viola.

The druid looked at everyone and nodded, as if saying goodbye, and then reached out and gently pulled up the holy emblem wrapped around the pigeon's legs.

His eyes immediately lit up with a layer of golden light, his pupils dilated and had no focus, and his vision had already followed the holy emblem to the realm of the true god...

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