Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 238 Eliminating two wrong answers

Although the pace of life is getting faster and faster now, Li Chengxi's convenience store belongs to the slow pace of life. As long as it is not an urgent matter, Li Chengxi will generally choose to do it when he has more time.

But Qian Sen's words "Xue Wenshu is suspected" directly raised Li Chengxi's blood pressure. This matter must be done immediately, and it must be done now.

It is easy to find a blood donation vehicle. Qian Sen said that he was ready soon after hanging up the phone and informed Li Chengxi of the location.

Li Chengxi also called Xue Wenshu immediately. Of course, he did not use the rhetoric of donating blood to add points to the college entrance examination. Instead, he told Xue Wenshu that "no one can guarantee that he will have a disease or disaster in the future. Getting a free blood donation certificate can make blood cheaper in the future. Anyway, you have nothing to do at home, so come with me."

Xue Wenshu is just naive, not stupid. Donating blood to add points to the college entrance examination is nonsense as soon as you hear it.

Since returning from Jinniu Mountain, Xue Wenshu has been staying at home to study. Li Chengxi knows very well that he will not miss the opportunity to go out. Let alone donating blood, even if he wants to go to the roof to remove tiles, Xue Wenshu will follow him.

And Xue Wenshu's answer is even more amazing. He said, "My luck has not been very good recently. Maybe doing charity can change my luck. I'll go downstairs now."

This idea is really very Xue Wenshu. He must not know that high school students cannot donate blood...

Li Chengxi was closing the store, and Xue Wenshu happened to go downstairs. The two walked to the bus stop together.

Usually, blood donation vehicles are in crowded places. Li Chengxi and his team are usually near the city center. It is very inconsistent to suddenly drive the car to the entrance of the commercial street. Maybe they will be suspicious, so Li Chengxi and his team can only take the bus.

Of course, the ninth department is still reliable.

It is no exaggeration to say that the bus that Li Chengxi and Xue Wenshu are sitting on now, from the driver to the passengers, is full of people from Section Nine. In the several cars around the bus, there are also people from Section Nine who are following and observing at any time, just in case Xue Wenshu really has problems and suddenly makes trouble.

The timing of Aoerdai's return was not a coincidence. If she had returned a day later, she could have come together as a safety net. However, Qian Sen said that it was not a big problem because he asked Lei Lei to sit in an SUV behind the bus to provide support at any time.

Unlike Li Chengxi, who was a little uneasy, and Section Nine, who was like an enemy, Xue Wenshu did not notice any problems at all, and he still felt the same as usual when chatting.

This does not seem to explain anything. After all, Gan Xiaoyan was impersonated by someone, and even Lei Lei did not see the problem at that time. Her disguise ability was really good.

After getting off the bus, I went straight to the blood donation vehicle near the city center square. There were several vehicles parked here, and the outermost one was temporarily requisitioned by Section Nine.

Qian Sen told Li Chengxi the license plate number in advance, so he certainly knew which one to take Xue Wenshu to.

Everything went smoothly, but there was a small problem when they got to the blood donation vehicle.

Xue Wenshu looked at the needle in the nurse's hand and said nervously:

"Brother Li, have you donated blood before? Can you show me a demonstration first?"

Li Chengxi did donate blood before, when he was in college. At that time, he felt that he was in good health and donating blood was nothing, so he just regarded it as a good deed.

"Just think of it as an infusion, it doesn't hurt much."

"It's different, this one is flowing out."

"Don't worry, let's do a blood test first."

Before donating blood, you need to do a blood test to see if there is a virus or something before you start drawing blood.

Seeing that Xue Wenshu was a little afraid, Li Chengxi happily lifted his sleeves.

The nurse was also from the ninth department, and she quietly signaled Li Chengxi with her eyes, "Do I draw?"

Li Chengxi nodded gently, "Draw".

I don't know how many cc of blood the Ninth Department needs for the test. It would be best if it's the kind that can be used for blood donation. 400cc will definitely be enough. Anyway, let's go through the process first.

The nurse drew blood from Li Chengxi, and Xue Wenshu also stretched out his arm.

"Nurse sister, please be gentle. I'm afraid of pain..."

Yes, this 1.9-meter-tall, big-armed and strong boy is afraid of injections.

If you want to act, do it in full. After getting the blood samples of the two, the nurse asked them to wait for a while, and she took the blood samples to another car.

Xue Wenshu thought it was a blood test car, but it was actually a car-mounted testing device specially brought by the Ninth Department. The accuracy is definitely not as good as the large equipment of the General Administration, but it is much better than the usual handheld equipment.

Not long after, the nurse notified that the blood test results were fine and he could donate blood.

This also shows that the blood just drawn was not enough.

Li Chengxi was just accompanying him this time, and he planned to draw 200cc.

Xue Wenshu, on the other hand, seemed to be encouraged after seeing the poster in the blood donation vehicle. He told the nurse to take blood as he pleased, saying that he had plenty of blood.

—— He was still as naive as ever.

Honestly, there was nothing wrong with this attitude. If he was really pretending, he should have found an excuse to refuse the blood draw.

Li Chengxi felt much more at ease. When he came out after drawing blood, Xue Wenshu still had half of his blood left.

Leaning against the railings at the edge of the square, Li Chengxi looked left and right and noticed a car parked on the side of the road not far away. Lei Lei and Gan Xiaoyan waved at him in the car, indicating that they were always nearby.

"The blood test results showed no problems. Xue Wenshu is still Xue Wenshu."

Li Chengxi was about to turn around when he heard Qian Sen's voice, and then he heard Qian Sen say again:

"Don't look back, it will arouse suspicion."

He saw a man in a police uniform and a yellow vest standing behind him. Because of the mall robbery that happened not long ago, the police patrolled frequently during this period. It was not out of place for Qian Sen to stand there in disguise as a policeman.

"Does this confirm that Xue Wenshu is fine?"

"We can't be 100% sure. We still have to wait for the blood sample to be sent to the General Administration and wait for the results. But the suspicion has dropped significantly."

"When will the results be available?"

"No later than this evening, the results are expected to be available in the afternoon."

Hearing what Qian Sen said, Li Chengqi breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if Xue Wenshu is really replaced, there will be too many things to worry about.

"You said on the phone before that the garbage thrown away by Xue Wenshu had the same force reaction. If there is no problem with Xue Wenshu, is it possible that there is a problem with a classmate who is very close to Xue Wenshu?"

"I'm also doubting this. I have to find a way to get them all for a blood test."

"There's nothing I can do about others."

"It's a good thing to be able to rule out one. I will inform you when there are new developments."

Having said this, Xue Wenshu also jumped off the blood donation car, holding a blood donation certificate and souvenirs in his hands, but his arms were stained yellow by iodophor.

Qian Sen walked away quickly and calmly, and Li Chengqi came up to him and asked:

"What did you do?"

"When I got up, I couldn't hold it back because I was so excited that blood flowed from my hand..."

Okay, this is indeed what Xue Wenshu can do.

Li Chengqi was about to take Xue Wenshu back when he heard someone not far away saying in surprise:

"Mr. Li?"

When he turned around, he found that it was Xue Wenshu's teacher Lin Qiaoya standing not far away with a bag. It felt like she might be out shopping during the holiday.

She also saw Xue Wenshu at this time, saw him pressing his arm with a cotton swab, and then looked at the blood donation cart next to her:

"Now the blood donation truck collects blood from high school students?"

It's bad, someone who understands has come.

Li Chengqi quickly lied:

"I came here mainly to donate blood. This guy came with me. The nurse said he only needs to be old enough, even a high school student."

Seeing that Lin Qiaoya was still a little suspicious, Li Chengqi said again:

"It's good to donate some blood, but no one can guarantee that they will be free from illness and disaster in the future."

"Yes, Teacher Lin, I think doing good deeds should bring about luck."

When Lin Qiaoya heard this, her teacher's enthusiasm rose.

"Free blood donation is a public welfare and should not be too utilitarian. Moreover, any transshipment is superstitious and should not be thought of in this way."

Lin Qiaoya should be a very upright type in school, and it is difficult to make jokes.

But she immediately answered:

"No matter what the reason, it is good to donate blood to help others."

After saying that, she also pulled her sleeves:

"I'll donate some too."

Qian Sen, who was hiding aside, was overjoyed that there was an unexpected gain.

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