Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 155 The tip of the iceberg

When Li Chengqi and others discovered that something was wrong and someone sneaked into their midst. A series of footsteps sounded in the underground parking lot of the mall.

Due to the police blockade, the underground parking lot should have been deserted at this time, but the footsteps did not sound like one or two people, but like a group of people, and more like the number of people was changing.

Sometimes the footsteps sound like seven or eight people walking, and sometimes it sounds like just one.

The lights quickly went out when the footsteps approached, but when the footsteps left, the lights returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The same goes for the red indicator lights on the surveillance cameras. Even any surveillance camera cannot capture useful images. The moment the footsteps approach, all nearby surveillance cameras will be disabled at the same time.

A guy... I don't know if he can be called a human is walking in the underground parking lot. If anyone observes this scene nearby, he will find it very strange.

The picture seen by each observer is different. Some people will think it is an old grandfather with a cane, and some people will think it is a graceful girl.

Its shape depends on the observer. Of course, there are ways to make the observer only see certain shapes.

Walking casually to a car, this creature opened the door. It didn't need a key, because when its fingers were close to the door lock, the fingertips would become like liquid metal and get in, making it effortless. Open any lock.

As soon as it sat in the driver's seat, the car radio immediately made a piercing noise. Even if the vehicle did not start, the radio was not powered on at all.

After a while, the noise subsided and a cold electronic voice said:

"Where are you?"

"Just hanging out for fun, what? Is there something urgent?"

When it answered, its voice changed several times, as if each word was spliced ​​together with human voices of different ages and genders.

"No, I just want to remind you not to overdo it."

"I've always been very measured."

"If you really knew what propriety meant, you wouldn't run out to have fun."

The cold voice seemed to have a tired tone:

"What did you just do again?"

"It adds a little color to the boring lives of local people."

"I'm asking about the specific content, not your nonsense."

"Don't be so serious, I found the god you created."

"Oh? That software has taken effect?"

"I haven't seen the details, but his divinity and power cannot be faked."

"The earth you are on is very strange. It is different from other earths. I suggest you be careful."

"We have no conflict of interest with God."

"It's your imprudent attitude that makes you more careful."

"I know."

The person on the other side seemed to sigh and added:

"Remember to keep in touch, Patrino."

"Same for you, Mr.0."

The radio made a shrill noise, then went completely silent.

The creature called Patrino started the car and drove arrogantly onto the corridor leaving the underground parking lot.

The car lights went away, and in the darkness, a man in a police uniform said to the communicator:

"The target has already driven away and will be arrested as soon as it is far away from a densely populated area."

The unknown things in this world only show the tip of the iceberg...


A big event like armed robbery almost instantly aroused public opinion, especially now that everyone has a smartphone, the speed of information dissemination is even more exaggerated, and it spread throughout the Chinese Internet in less than ten minutes.

It might not be that rare in the Americas, but it is very rare in China.

Li Chengqi also successfully entered the palace for the second time and was taken to the police station again.

When the policeman who was taking his notes saw Li Chengqi come in, even the professional policeman laughed on the spot.

Why is it you again?

Li Chengqi was also puzzled, yes, why is it me again...

Although Li Chengqi himself did not want this kind of experience at all, as the saying goes, once a child comes back again, he told the police in detail what happened, but he concealed some things that should not be told to the police, and just said that he took advantage of the opportunity. The gangster was unprepared and jumped up to grab the gun.

Of course, Li Chengqi was educated by the police again.

Speaking of which, a large part of this matter should be handled by the Nine Sections. However, Li Chengqi did not see Qian Sen in person. He just sent a message to him through Gan Xiaoyan, saying that he had already said hello. Please be careful when taking notes. That’s it.

Because of this, Viola simply did not take notes.

After all, not only does she not understand the language, but she is now a shady person. The police will find out if she doesn't say hello, and she will be taken into custody if she doesn't say hello.

Apart from taking notes, there was nothing else to do. Qian Sen did not disclose at all that someone was pretending to be Gan Xiaoyan. He only said that he was investigating and felt very busy.

When Li Chengqi and Viola returned home, they turned on the computer and saw that this incident had made headlines on major news websites.

It's really a big deal.

The official information released so far is very little. They only mentioned that there were no casualties at the scene. The weapon used by the suspect was not a real gun but a modified cannon gun. It had no lethality except for making a sound. Finally, he added a sentence about the case. This is the case during the investigation.

When Li Chengqi saw the police announcement, he felt like he had nothing to say and was so panicked.

Ah, co-writing is just a toy?

After all, the sound was loud, and the man was wearing a black hood and camouflage uniforms. At first glance, I thought it was a real gun. Besides, the shape was too real. Li Chengxi approached and grabbed the gun but didn't know whether it was real or fake, let alone other people.

Of course, the leaders of the local municipal bureau should be more uncomfortable.

The bank robbery incident originally made the leaders of the municipal bureau scolded by the higher-ups. They must be held accountable for such a big incident within their jurisdiction.

Now, it happened twice in less than two months, and it became known to the whole country in an instant. It might even be on the news broadcast.

Even if it was a fake gun, even if there were no casualties, if such an incident happened, it would not be resolved without firing a few officials. After all, such a big incident happened within your jurisdiction, what are you doing for a living?

This is like sitting at home and the pot fell from the sky.

There is no way, the person responsible must be held accountable.

Li Chengxi returned home, and only felt scared when he sat in front of the computer, but this time he was not scared of being blown away, but of a third person who was hiding in the dark, and Li Chengxi even invited him to drink milk tea.

On the way home, he felt that everyone he saw was pretending, and he was a little scared.

He wanted to call Qian Sen, but he could foresee that the other party must be very busy at this time, and calling him at this time would be like adding to the chaos.

The only person who made Li Chengxi feel some psychological comfort was Viola.

Compared to being alone at home, having one more person means more peace of mind.

Speaking of Viola, her performance was nothing special. As soon as she got home, she stayed next to Li Chengxi as usual, and she even felt more relaxed.

Before, she was standing next to Li Chengxi, but now she moved a plastic stool and sat next to Li Chengxi, as if what had just happened was not worth mentioning.

Come to think of it, it was true that Viola, who had just been stabbed by a deformed centipede not long ago, didn't care about it.

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