Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1428: Protective Shield

"Sacred weapon?! The hateful Demon King God!"

The golden divine power formed a spherical shield with no dead ends, surrounding Viola. The golden light rippled on the surface and even the classical flower and bird cloud patterns could be seen. It seemed fragile, but it could perfectly block Isaac's heavy sword.

Its source is a necklace hanging around Viola's neck. The spherical pendant looks like a gyroscope, with a perfect star sapphire placed in the center. It is the best for making magic items with useful protective abilities. choose.

The magical aura wrapped in the pendant is extremely dazzling. It can be said that most adventurers have never seen such a strong aura, because it is an epic magic item that very few people have seen, let alone owned.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire demon domain, it is difficult to find a second piece of equipment of the same level. This is also Li Chengqi's artifact.

"Your Majesty gave me His garden just to deal with sinners like you who have fallen for you!"

Viola simply dropped her shield and rushed forward. Isaac's sword edge slid on the edge of the spherical shield, causing his wrist to unconsciously deflect along the arc.

This spherical shield can resist attacks, but does not affect Viola's movements at all. Her sword can be easily swung out from the inside.

Throwing away the shield and holding the sword in both hands, Viola slashed diagonally, leaving clear cracks on the ground. It seemed that what she was holding was not a sword, but a machete. The attack range was the same as the visible blade length. Inconsistent.

Isaac dodges a little slower, and a piece of the armor on his left shoulder is torn off. He can only fight back with his sword across his teeth, but no matter how hard he tries, the attack will be blocked by the shield. Even Isaac's attack cannot make the shield appear at all. fluctuations.

Ever since Aldai mentioned that the Seven Apostles had begun to take action again and were probably targeting Viola, Li Chengqi had been very concerned about the girl's safety.

Although Viola has always been a very reliable person, considering that she has been assassinated before, she still can't relax. After all, it's easy to hide from open attacks and hard to prevent, and Li Chengqi can't keep an eye on her 24 hours a day.

So Li Chengqi made a new artifact.

This artifact was called the 'Golden Garden' by Viola, but in fact it was not Li Chengqi who gave such a second-rate name. Its real name is the unpretentious 'defensive shield'.

In terms of appearance, Li Chengqi referred to the shape of the national treasure-level carved aromatherapy ball, and placed a gem that he thought looked good in the place where the aromatherapy was placed. Because of this, flower and bird cloud patterns will appear on the surface of the shield after activation. .

As for why it is called the Golden Garden, it is probably because even a pious person like Viola can't accept Li Chengqi's simple and crude naming method...

Therefore, some characters are purely added by mortals themselves, and gods themselves have no intention of doing so.

The effect of this artifact is very simple. The person wearing it will automatically activate defense when being attacked. Of course, it can also be activated actively.

No more, that’s all.

Magic items that reach the epic level usually have some special abilities, such as utilizing the laws of the world. Legendary magic items have the ability to change and distort laws.

Li Chengqi's artifact does not have these bells and whistles. When making the artifact, he considered many top-quality equipment that appeared in the game, but in the end he felt that it was too bells and whistles and had little practical significance.

It can also be evaluated as an epic-level magic item, that is, it is a pure pile of materials, which has been piled up to the strength of an epic-level magic item.

This is actually a mistake. Magic items with simple abilities but super high levels have absolute advantages in the fields they are good at.

It is equivalent to doing only one thing with the same capacity, and naturally strive for excellence.

This epic magic item cost Li Chengqi nearly 500,000 of his faith points and upper limit. Although the artifact can be taken back to restore the consumed upper limit in the future, if it is destroyed, the upper limit will be permanently gone.

However, considering the importance of Viola, this level of consumption is quite worth it.

If there is a 10-level difference in level, the winning rate will be less than 10%. This is a pure crushing of attributes in all aspects. Although the real battle is far more complicated than comparing the level difference, this gap cannot be offset by simple skills.

But we can rely on external forces.

Equipment is an important part of offsetting the level gap.

The weapons and armor equipped by both sides are magic items, and there is no essential difference. However, Viola has an additional epic magic item, and the situation is immediately reversed.

In terms of basic abilities, Viola is indeed inferior to Isaac. Regardless of speed, strength, or skills, there are actually some gaps, but the degree is different.

However, if we turn on the invincibility skill, the health bar will no longer be displayed. Even though Isaac is so powerful and powerful, he can only be helpless and furious without breaking the defense.

To be honest, if it weren't for the high cost of making the artifact, Li Chengqi would have wanted to give Yang Yiyi one too. This thing seems to work really well.

Li Chengqi, who was watching all this in front of the screen, felt stable. I had already taken out my magic weapon and could I still lose?

But what he saw there was a two-headed pixel style, and things that were too detailed could not be seen clearly.

As a person involved, Viola actually feels more intuitive.

Isaac's counterattacks did not break the defense, but the force became stronger each time, which had already exceeded the increase that adrenaline could provide.

And Isaac's hand always stretches to his side unconsciously, as if something is pulling Isaac.

Viola's rage has subsided. She is very calm now. Unlike Yang Yiyi, who doesn't think about anything once she gets angry, she thinks during the battle.

Isaac couldn't be unaware of the risks of targeting Viola. Since he paid a huge price for the opportunity to fight Viola, he must have a trump card to achieve his goal.

Is it just because he defected to the enemy of the Lord?

No, it is impossible. Except for Li Chengxi, no god can interfere strongly with the Demon Realm. No matter how powerful the god is, he can't do anything.

Besides, if the god behind Isaac really takes action, Li Chengxi will not just watch. At that time, it will be gods fighting gods and people fighting people. Isaac still did this in vain.

So don't think that Viola seems to have turned on the invincible cheat, but she is actually very vigilant in her heart. Isaac must have something he hasn't used yet.

In fact, as Viola guessed, Isaac did have a trump card that he didn't turn over, but he couldn't turn it over now.

The thing about trump cards is that unless you are sure that you can kill with one blow, if you dare to use them, others will find a way to counter them. After all, there are still few fools in this world.

So Isaac is looking for an opportunity, and now is far from the time to use it.

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