Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1409 The back mountain exploded

The armor-piercing ability of the shells must be taken into consideration, so even armor-piercing grenades with explosives are not actually loaded with large amounts of explosives.

Take the tanks of World War II as an example. The 88 gun of the most famous Tiger tank actually only has a few dozen grams of explosives.

In contrast, since high-explosive shells do not have the need to penetrate armor, the shell body can be made very thin and filled with explosives. The 152mm shell has a charge of up to six or seven kilograms.

The situation of machine mines is similar to this. Except for the fuse, it is full of explosives inside, and the shell is very thin.

Besides, the explosives used by Viola are much more powerful than TNT, RDX and other things.

Yang Yiyi was really obedient. When Li Chengxi told her to run fast, she turned around and ran without hesitation, jumped onto the wall, and then jumped onto the roof.

Seeing that Yang Yiyi wanted to continue jumping, Li Chengxi said:

"Go down, don't jump on it, run down!"

Yang Yiyi jumped down from the roof. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she heard a deafening roar from behind her. Even the thunder in the sky was not so loud.

The explosion power of a bomb in a closed environment is much higher than that on flat ground. Small explosives such as rifle grenades are not very obvious, especially since the space in the basement is quite large.

But when the machine gun exploded, the space in the basement obviously could not accommodate the rapidly expanding high-temperature and high-pressure gas.

The shock wave of the explosion swept Yang Yiyi who had just landed in an instant. Li Chengxi was quick and reached in. The blue light that lit up was like a broom, sweeping Yang Yiyi under the wall not far away.

Almost at the same time, countless tiles were blown away, and it looked like raindrops spreading in all directions.

The solid wing made of bluestone bricks was as fragile as building blocks under the impact of the shock wave, and was swept flat within one thousandth of a second.

Even Eagle Dad, who was hovering in the sky and paying close attention to the situation below, was almost knocked down by the shock wave.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky with the spreading shock wave. The nearly 300 kilograms of explosives were enough to rival a high-powered bomb. The solid reinforced concrete bunker might not be blown down, but the people inside would definitely not be well.

The soil and vaporized substances were mixed in the mushroom cloud. The entire right rear of the Liu family mansion, as well as all the buildings directly behind it, were swept down and flew away. Even the main house, which was hundreds of meters away, collapsed on a large scale.

The earth began to shake and crack. If the Liu family was built on the edge of a cliff, it would be fine. The entire Liu family building might fall directly down.

Li Chengxi in front of the screen touched his nose, as if he underestimated the power of the mine.

He knew that this thing was powerful, and he had seen Viola use a catapult to launch a mine, but it didn't seem to make such a big noise at that time, and it only blew up the city wall.

That's for sure, this time the explosion was in a closed environment, and the enchanted city wall is not comparable to the brick and stone structure of the Liu family.

Next time, try not to use this thing, even if it can be detonated at a fixed time, it is too dangerous.


The Liu family is as stable as Mount Tai. Even if the government represented by Sun Wei and the underworld represented by Zhou Yuxuan came to the door, Liu Changfeng still used the word "delay" to deal with it. In short, he pretended to be stupid, wronged, slandered, and it didn't happen.

It looks very confusing. Do you think you will be let go if you delay for a while?

After all, Sun Wei doesn't know that the Liu family still has an ancestor hidden, and this ancestor is absorbing the power of Taoyuan Valley. Once he succeeds, whether the Liu family can be saved is another matter, and everyone present will die.

However, Sun Wei's ignorance of the inside story does not mean that he will continue to chat with Liu Changfeng. I told you so much to express the correctness of our arrest.

The main reason is that this matter is of great importance, and many people inside and outside the court are watching. Otherwise, Sun Wei would not waste words. When we, the Plum Blossom Guard, arrest people, we always shoot arrows first and then draw targets.

So when Liu Changfeng and Zhou Yuxuan talked for a few words, it was considered to give Zhou Yuxuan face. Then Sun Wei waved his hand and arrested people. Those who resisted would be killed without mercy.

The Liu family would definitely not surrender. Three groups of people stood on both sides and soon started fighting.

But in the final analysis, it was somewhat unnecessary for the Liu family to resist the court with their strength. It was true that the Liu family's servants knew some martial arts, but the disadvantage in numbers was already great. In addition, when Zhou Yuxuan saw that the government had taken action, he also brought people to join in the event. Almost as soon as the fight started, the Liu family's people were hammered.

Liu Changfeng knew that this was a critical moment. As long as he could delay until the ancestor came out successfully, the Plum Blossom Guards and the Sixteen Villages would be nothing.

In addition to leading the clan members to fight to the death, he also immediately called out the archers. After two rounds of arrow rain, they managed to block the attack a little.

The Liu family's crime was enough to make them go through fire and water, and the possession of contraband such as bows and crossbows was even more serious. Simply beheading them would definitely not satisfy them.

The Plum Blossom Guards also brought bows and crossbows, but Sun Wei did not let them shoot.

The court hoped that the mastermind was alive, especially those who knew everything inside and out. It would be best if they were alive.

Although the result was death, the mastermind could dig out more information if he was alive.

As for whether to tell or not?

Once you enter the prison of the Plum Blossom Guards, it is not up to you.

And those people who were fooled by the Liu family were in a dilemma at this time.

On the one hand, they didn't believe that the Liu family would actually engage in treason and trafficking of women, but on the other hand, not only did the government produce evidence, but even Zhou Yuxuan, a well-known Sixteenth Village in the martial arts world, brought people here. They were in a dilemma for a while.

So this group of people didn't know whether to leave or stay.

Until they saw a group of disheveled and extremely embarrassed women going around the back door of the Liu family and going to the front door, Sun Wei and Zhou Yuxuan quickly sent people to meet them, and then they found that this group of people were locked up in the dungeon of the Liu family.

Now those who were fooled in the martial arts world are convinced that they are indeed helping the evil.

What followed was strong anger.

People have a compensatory mentality. For example, when some people play free games, they will be filial to the operator because they think that they play the game for free, so what's wrong with saying a few good words to others?

In fact, this is a substitution of concepts. Free is actually just a means of operation, and these filial sons are actually one of the services provided by the operator to the krypton gold bosses.

But when they find that they originally wanted to help good people, but ended up helping evil, the compensatory psychology will turn into strong anger and shame.

Now these Jianghu people at the door also have this mentality. They are so angry that they scream and run to Liu Changfeng to ask for an explanation. They fight more fiercely than the Plum Blossom Guards.

But they can't perform for long.

Well, because the back mountain exploded.

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