Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1380: Encounter in the Zhenguang Galaxy (6)

"The enemy fleet's loss rate exceeds 20%."

"I saw the flash of explosion, but no signs of being hit by the naval guns were found."

"It must be Li Chengxi."

Alyssa, who was so angry about the new recruits, actually found that Li Chengxi, who always gave her a headache, was the most pleasing guy in this fleet.

——I felt like I was going crazy.

But then again, it was normal for the battle to be like this.

After all, the new recruits on my side were mainly concentrated on aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft, and the cruisers were basically veterans who had fought all the way, so there was no need to worry about their technical and tactical levels.

The cruise fleet on the Red Maple Republic side had veterans who were a rare species, and most of them, including cruisers, were new recruits. It was normal for the loss rate to exceed 20%.

But then again, Alyssa also saw from the radar that the enemy fleet was charging towards them.

All cruisers, no matter what shape they were designed, would be equipped with rams at the bow.

Even though some captains had been driving cruisers for their entire lives, they might not use them.

The power of the ram is actually very large. With the size of a cruiser of more than 300 meters and its powerful acceleration ability, the ram can directly hit the frigate, which will be seriously damaged or even directly broken into two sections.

But the premise is that you have to be able to get close.

The ram is because the cruiser is maneuverable and can maximize the ability of the ram.

The ram is not used because it is difficult to get close. These two points are not contradictory.

From the radar, the enemy is obviously moving at full speed. Maybe they will exceed the speed when they get close. This is obviously planning to fight with bayonets.

Why do they do this?

The loss rate exceeds 20%, which is not to say that they have no power to fight. According to Alyssa's estimation, they will have to fight for at least a few hours to decide the winner. If it doesn't work, the enemy's retreat is also an option.

Why do they have to fight hard?

Li Chengxi is too lazy to think about it, but Alyssa, as the captain and commander of this cruiser fleet, must consider the significance of the enemy's actions.

Even if the captain is too enthusiastic, this situation should not happen to the captain, especially the fleet commander.

Something is wrong, there is something fishy.

Alyssa was keenly aware that the opponent was not just coming up to fight with bayonets.

She quickly set a new route map and sent it to all friendly ships:

"Notify the entire fleet, aim at the enemy and launch void torpedoes, and then maneuver according to the new route map."

If you come up to fight with bayonets, then I won't fight with you, let's see the situation first.

The two fleets were originally facing each other, the Red Maple Republic was charging, and the fleet of the Rotating Water Federation started to turn 90 degrees after firing a wave of torpedoes and turned sideways.

"The enemy accelerated again, it should be turning on superspeed flight."

"The secondary guns continue to fire, and the torpedoes will help us complete the maneuver."

Due to design problems, the main guns of the cruiser can only fire towards the front and cannot rotate in all directions, so once it turns sideways, only the secondary guns can output.

But don't forget the torpedoes just fired.

The fleet of more than 100 warships turned to the left like a school of fish. The Red Maple Republic Fleet was speeding and obviously crossed the dangerous red line.

This red line refers to the distance between the warships of both sides. After crossing the red line, both the main guns and the secondary guns will basically not miss.

Several friendly warships that turned a step late were injured, but from Alyssa's command system, only one friendly warship signal disappeared.

But at this time, due to the speeding of the Red Maple Republic Fleet, they were playing against the torpedoes. When the Swan led the fleet to complete the turn, the torpedoes that had just been fired also reached the position of the Red Maple Republic Fleet.

A series of huge orange flashes appeared on the starboard side of the bridge. Alyssa called up the optical sighting system. She only saw more than 20 flashes visually. An Yun even reported that the enemy's loss rate of torpedoes exceeded 40%.

At the same time, the fleet's secondary guns were also firing, cooperating with the torpedoes to continue fire coverage.

Since it had reached the red line position, the shells were basically accurate, and the loss rate of enemy warships was still increasing rapidly.

Generally speaking, if the loss rate reaches 70%, the fleet can be considered to have been annihilated, and they do not have any ability to threaten the cruise fleet again.

This is why the cruisers have ramming horns, but they rarely use them. If they charge with bayonets, they may die on the way.

It stands to reason that because of this wave of operations by the enemy, the victory or defeat between the cruiser fleets should have been decided. After clearing the remaining enemies, the Swan will lead the cruisers to sneak attack the enemy's main fleet from the corner, not seeking to kill or injure, but only harass.

This is also the standard operation of fleet combat.

But why, Alyssa felt that things were not so simple, and it seemed that there was still a threat hidden somewhere.

While thinking hard, Alyssa suddenly saw that there were suddenly three fewer green dots belonging to the friendly forces on the command page.

The disappeared friendly forces were on the left rear, and the enemy's naval guns should not be able to attack them. Even if it was a stray bullet, it was too abnormal for three ships to disappear at one time.

She immediately became alert and contacted the friendly warships near the disappearing green dot:

"Report the damage."

"Two aircraft carriers and a cruise ship have been confirmed destroyed."

"Where did the attack come from?"

"The ballistic computer is calculating in reverse and cannot accurately assess it, but according to eyewitness reports, it came from the left front of our route."

Left front?

There is nothing there, nothing at all?

If there were something like a meteorite belt, it could be considered a sneak attack, but Alyssa used the optical sighting equipment to look and found that it was a completely empty star field.

The feeling of something wrong reached its peak. At this time, through the sighting system, Alyssa saw engine lights lit up in the dark void, and a large number of ion beams covered her fleet.

"There is an ambush! Emergency evasion!"

Until just now, no engine lights were found. Could it be that the ambush fleet slowly floated over by attitude control nozzles?

The fleet that had just completed the turn received Alyssa's order and began to maneuver in a small range, but because the incident happened suddenly, a large number of ships were still hit.

"The loss rate of our warships exceeds 10%!"

"Visual lock, return fire! Return fire quickly!"

Alyssa's turning operation actually saved the cruiser fleet. If it had not turned, the sneak attack just now would have hit from the side and rear.

And now it has become the left front to deal with the enemy.

At this time, the tracer bullets and ion beams slightly illuminated the outlines of the ships that had been hiding in the dark. The other side knew that they could no longer hide, so they simply turned on the navigation lights.

This was done to prevent their own people from hitting their own people. After all, fierce artillery battles were not impossible in the dark.

It was at this time that Alyssa saw the emblems printed on the attacking warships through the optical sighting system.

Those were warships from the neutral space station of the Knight Introduction Agency.

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