Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1359 Enemy reinforcements

There is no war without death, especially for ships of the cruiser class, which are often the most dangerous troops in the fleet.

Cruisers do not have strong enough shields or powerful enough artillery, but they need to use mobility and flexibility to go deep into the most dangerous places for reconnaissance.

There is a very realistic rumor circulating in the army that when you are selected to join the cruiser, you can already write a suicide note to your family.

Light cruisers like the Swan, which have been modified many times, are individual cases and are not replicable.

Alyssa felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Her reason knew that death was normal, but the person who just reported to her was suddenly told that he was gone, and the feeling of loss still weighed on her heart.

Alyssa took back the smile that was revealed due to the easing of the war situation. She said seriously:

"Captain Holm and all the soldiers who died for the country are great heroes, Major, I will not allow you to tarnish the epic of heroes with tears on the battlefield."

"Yes! I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

The major on the other side of the screen blinked hard and tried to swallow back his tears.

For sadness, the most effective way to relieve it is to cry desperately.

Alyssa knew this very well, because when her grandfather died, she hid in the room and cried for three days before she calmed down a little.

But it's not possible now, no matter what.

The enemy will not give you the opportunity to cry bitterly. As the commander of this patrol fleet, Alyssa must do what she should do.

This is what is called, soldiers can cry, but not on the battlefield.

Taking a deep breath, Alyssa continued:

"Since Captain Holm has died, you should take the responsibility of the flagship and receive the new route map. We will..."

Before Alyssa finished speaking, she was interrupted by An Yun:

"New jump signals found! 173 in number! The type is estimated to be a destroyer or frigate."

Is it a friendly force again?

Alyssa raised her hand to the person on the other side of the screen, indicating to wait, and she immediately turned to look at the jump information marked by An Yun.

The predicted jump position is behind the enemy aircraft carrier...


This is not a friendly force, but an enemy reinforcement!

If it is a friendly reinforcement coming from the stargate, then the jump position should be behind the Swan, just like the cruiser formation just now.

The captain on the other side of the screen also found the jump signal and was looking down to check the information, but they did not have a psychic and could not accurately predict the jump position.

After all, the configuration of the Swan is too luxurious, and rare psychics are generally only configured on battleships or starships.

"There are new jump signals, 220 in number, and a very high mass signal was found, which is speculated to be a battleship or a starship!"

This is definitely not a friendly force. Alyssa knew that the Stargate would not be able to send the main fleet to support. If so, the defense force on the Stargate side would not be enough.

She made a prompt decision:

"Inform the entire fleet to abandon the attack target. Repeat, abandon the attack target!"

While she was speaking, she quickly clicked on the screen next to the captain's seat to reset the route.

"Starting from the last ship, all ships turn around and start pulse flight. We must rush back to the fortress immediately!"

Rather than rushing back to the fortress, it is more like running away.

The major on the other end of the communication was obviously stunned:

"Turn around? But the enemy is about to be completely destroyed. Even if it is the enemy's reinforcement, we should..."

"Obey the order! Major! It's not time for you to die for the country yet!"

The major clearly showed an unwilling expression, but the higher the rank, the more powerful the person. She gritted her teeth and saluted Alyssa:

"Yes, Captain Alyssa."

Then the communication was cut off.

It is understandable that colleagues are sunk and want to avenge their colleagues, but the emotion of revenge cannot affect normal judgment.

The recruits don't understand this truth and are easily emotional, so Alyssa forced them to obey orders.

But Alyssa didn't care whether they listened or not, and immediately said:

"We will turn around too, at the fastest speed."

Carlos hit the rudder hard, and the Swan, which was originally leading the charge, simply turned around in a drifting posture.

Even if the butt is facing the firepower of the remaining enemy troops, it must turn around.

"Engine room! Direct the energy into the pulse device immediately. This is the first priority!"

Generally speaking, it is necessary to issue pulse flight instructions in advance so that the engine room can allocate energy, but the incident happened suddenly, and the work that could have been done in an orderly manner suddenly became more intense.

Under Alyssa's order, the entire cruiser fleet began to turn around, and the ships at the end started pulse flight one by one to return to the vicinity of the fortress.

But even if this fleet was made up of mobile and flexible cruisers, it would not be possible to complete the series of actions of turning around and running away within 10 seconds. From the discovery of the jump signal to the end of the jump, it was exactly about ten seconds.

"The jump is over, the signal is clear... Visually confirmed that it is the enemy reinforcement fleet!"

The enemy fleet had arrived just as the Swan turned around.

A large number of destroyers and frigates appeared behind the enemy's mobile aircraft carrier. Although they had not yet entered the firing range, it was just a matter of acceleration.

Alyssa was also very nervous. No matter how tough the Swan was, it was only at the destroyer level. If it was covered by the firepower of the main fleet, its fate would not be much better than that of an ordinary cruiser.

But in the tension, she clicked the icons of friendly ships on the display one by one with very precise and error-free operations, and then initiated communication.

"Ships that hear the communication, immediately start the smoke generator and shoot out everything that can block the line of sight!"

The Swan also started the smoke generator immediately and threw smoke bombs out frantically.

"The enemy's second wave of fleet jumps over, the signal is clear, and the barrage is coming!"

"Emergency evasion!"

The smoke bombs have just been fired and have not formed a thick smoke wall. Besides, people only need to aim in a general direction. After all, Alyssa uses a relatively dense formation to destroy the mobile aircraft carrier.

The Swan just performed an evasive action, and immediately a large number of ion beams passed through the smoke that had not yet completely spread. Some ion beams hit the Swan's shield, making the azure shield flicker in the bridge, as if it was about to be penetrated.

The shield strength of the Swan is already comparable to that of a destroyer. It is so difficult now because after a period of fighting, the shield energy is not much left.

Since even the Swan was unable to resist, the cruisers were even worse off.

Just within Alyssa's visual range, through the bridge, she could see that several cruisers that were about to start pulse flight were hit and melted, and some even exploded because their engines were hit.

The cruisers could not confront the main fleet head-on, not to mention that everyone was now facing the enemy with their butts.

The Swan could resist, but only relatively speaking. Since the Swan took the lead in the charge just now, the Swan has now become the end of the team.

Moreover, the Swan has no means of resistance against the enemy behind it, and all its rockets have been fired, and it is now in a passive state of being beaten.

All the people on the ship can do is to adjust the ship's posture and pray that the cruisers in front can start pulse flight quickly and make way.

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