Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1356 It's you?

It is actually very easy to hide yourself from the naked eye in the void. Just paint the body black, turn off all the lights, and don't start the engine, and almost no one will see it.

Of course, the human eye can't see it, but the radar is another matter.

Many space fighters are painted in dark colors, just to use the cosmic background to destroy the outline of the fighter, making it difficult for the enemy to aim.

But this is the first time I have seen a situation where there is no reaction at all, including the radar, and the radar has lost its effect. This situation is very abnormal.

There are ion beams in both directions, which side should I chase?

This is definitely a difficult question for space fighters, but Li Chengxi is driving a real Gundam this time, not a space fighter.

So, I won't choose, I want them all.

The beam Balkan cannon aims in one direction, and Li Chengxi raises the beam rocket launcher in the other direction, firing in both directions at the same time.

This operation can be done by the magic mecha, but not all pilots can do it, especially firing in two directions at the same time, which is equivalent to drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other hand, and it must be accurate.

Without any automated equipment to assist, the requirements for hand speed and accuracy were too high.

The opponent did not seem to expect Li Chengxi to fire at the same time. The direction of the rear ion beam was hit by the Balkan cannon, and the orange flash of the explosion immediately lit up.

However, the flash was too small, not like the body, it felt more likely to be an automatic turret.

The railgun did not hit the target this time, but it seemed to hit a piece of cloth.

A small piece of darkness in that direction shook, as if the railgun shells tore open a piece of curtain, and then a blackened magic mecha appeared on the screen.

So it was not invisible at all, nor were they two magic mechas, but just a magic mecha covered with camouflage cloth, relying on the automatic turret to create the illusion of attacking from multiple directions.

After understanding this, Li Chengxi was relieved. He immediately let go of the railgun on his waist and grabbed the beam rocket launcher, and a series of light green particle beams swept over.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was very flexible. This time, he really started the engine. The machine seemed to be dancing an elegant waltz, flexibly avoiding the pursuit of the particle beam.

This action looked familiar.

Before he could think about it, the opponent raised a long rifle with both hands while dodging, and then aimed the beige ion beam at Li Chengxi.

It was not clear whether it was a sniper rifle that could fire ion beams, but this grandson's sniping accuracy was very high, and Li Chengxi's machine's flexibility was a shortcoming. When he couldn't dodge, he used a shield to block it.

The two sides fought and flew quickly, and the deadly beams flew everywhere, clearly telling the friendly forces around to stay away.

Being able to fight with Li Chengxi, especially his machine transformed from the GP02 Gundam, this grandson's ability was obviously stronger than all the people he had killed before, and it was ridiculously strong.

To be honest, judging from the maneuvers of the two, if there were anyone in the cockpit, I'm afraid they would have thrown their brains out.

Moreover, the more Li Chengxi looked at this grandson, the more familiar he looked. He must have seen his aerial combat movements and some habits.

At this time, a beige ion beam attacked from the left. Li Chengxi did not see it, but as if he had predicted it in advance, he pulled the flight joystick hard, and the aircraft immediately stopped moving forward and turned to fly upward.

This set of actions did not go through his mind at all, it was a completely instinctive reaction.

But this also reminded Li Chengxi that it was not an automatic turret at all, but a line gun!

No wonder he had an instinctive reaction to avoid the attack launched by the line gun from an invisible angle. He had seen him before and had an instinctive reaction to his combat movements.

"It turned out to be you! Last time you drove a battle cruiser, and this time you drove a magic mecha?"

No one answered Li Chengxi's shouting in the public channel, but Li Chengxi was very sure that this was the guy who had entangled with him before.

The first battle was a pirate attack on a neutral space station. Li Chengxi was driving the Manta Ray at the time, and Hall was sitting in the cockpit. The other party drove an ordinary space fighter, which was barely a draw.

The second time, the other party changed to a battlecruiser, but Li Chengxi changed to a lionfish. After defeating the battlecruiser, he failed to destroy all the escape pods, so he let the other party escape.

This time, the other party actually changed to a magic mecha.

Although Li Chengxi never knew who the other party was, the three encounters were already an old fate.

This also successfully aroused Li Chengxi's interest, which was much more interesting than simple target shooting.

Although the other party did not reply, seeing that Li Chengxi had seen through his tricks, he simply showed it openly.

In the dark background of the universe, almost undetectable cables flew out from the back of the magic mecha. Li Chengxi could only confirm that the wired gun was trying to aim at him, but he didn't know how many there were.

Pushing the flight joystick hard, the body pressed down and spun, avoiding the strangulation of at least three beige beams. Almost at the same time, a series of more than a dozen slightly flashing light spots flew out from the backpack of the body.

The other party was also unlikely to see clearly, but he also noticed something unusual, and immediately put away his rifle and began to maneuver, avoiding several green beams of light.

The two sides seemed to be jointly encircled by invisible people, and beams of different colors formed a net, shining on the two people respectively.

For a while, the flashes of various colored beams kept flashing near the bodies of the two people, and they might be pierced if they were not careful.

This made the fighters of both sides even more afraid to approach, and who knows if coming up to help rashly would be more troublesome.

This stranglehold lasted for more than ten seconds. Li Chengxi suddenly changed his continuous maneuvers just now, and maintained a level flight as if he didn't care, and complained loudly in the public channel:

"Wire guns are outdated. You can make some improvements if you copy them!"

The difference between the two sides is that although Li Chengxi's floating guns are less powerful than wire guns, they are more numerous and are not bound by cables, so they are more flexible.

The wire guns move slowly, and the cables are a fatal flaw.

Since we know that the opponent is a wire gun, we can consciously guide it when dodging, for example, let the opponent's wire gun tie a knot.

While complaining, the beam Balkan gun started and hit an almost imperceptible bulge in the dark. There was no flash of explosion, but as long as you look closer, you can see that several twisted cables were broken by the beam Balkan gun.

Li Chengxi has been playing with wire guns for a long time, and he knows the weaknesses of this thing very well.

You can only control four at most, and it is best to control only two, because if there are more, the cables will easily get tangled.

The opponent obviously failed to achieve the desired result. Although the exact number is unknown, there must be more than six line guns activated at the same time.

There will be no obvious disadvantages when bullying, but when encountering someone like Li Chengxi who is familiar with line guns, it is naturally at a loss.

After dealing with the line gun, Li Chengxi immediately grabbed the beam rocket launcher and aimed and fired.

However, the moment he pulled the trigger, the magic mecha that was besieged by the floating gun suddenly glowed.

It seems that something is wrong.

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