Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1343 Cutting off the retreat, Ilxia defensive operation (1)

For Villania, the Gundam opened by Li Chengqi is a magic mecha, but it is a magic mecha that uses different technologies and different structures.

The part that interests her most is not the technology itself, but the design ideas.

After all, Vilania is a student at the School of Ships and Void Devices in the Kingdom of Storms, and design is her major.

When talking about this, Alyssa was still a little scared.

Fang Lanyin took apart the backpack on his back, especially the tail rotating magazine on the backpack that could be docked with the beam rocket launcher.

She found three hydrogen bombs inside, four in total including those that had been used.

Alyssa didn't know the principle of this weapon, but one shot could destroy the military port at the bottom of the cosmic fortress Ilsha. If it exploded on the Swan, everyone would be able to rise to the sky instantly.

Even though Li Chengqi repeatedly stated that this thing was very safe, at most it only had some slight radiation and required wearing protective clothing to get close to it. It was less likely to explode than gunpowder weapons.

But when she thought of the huge fireball with the brilliance of the star, Alyssa couldn't help but think about what to do if it exploded on her ship.

"Who is on duty on the bridge today?"

"An Yun and Carlos, if I remember correctly."

Alyssa's head still hurts a little, she slept for too long, and the bed in the officer's dormitory is not very comfortable.

Rubbing her swollen temples, Alyssa asked:

"Are you going to go back to your room and rest?"

"No, let's go play cards."

Villania pointed behind Alyssa, and then she noticed that through the glass she could see Fang Lanyin and Sophia in a lounge with their backs to her.

But there was a small robotic arm next to it, and what was even weirder was that the robotic arm also held cards in its hands.

"What's going on?"

"It's Li Chengqi. He has no physical body, so he can only play cards with a robotic arm. Are you coming?"


This picture is really weird.

Alyssa waved her hand, indicating that she was not interested in playing cards.

Just as she was thinking about where to go to kill her leisure time today, her personal terminal suddenly beeped.

He glanced down:

"I still have to go to the officers' meeting, so you can go and have some fun."

This is one of the reasons why Alyssa doesn't like the army. Meetings every day are too troublesome.


The Swirling Water Federation's pincer offensive is aimed at important nodes of the Red Maple Republic's logistics supply line and attacks all targets at this point at the same time.

Due to the pincer offensive executed immediately after Operation Stargate, the Red Maple Republic did not react so quickly, and the protection of logistics was not particularly strict. This allowed the pincer offensive to successfully cut off the connection between the Red Maple Republic's frontline troops and the rear.

But cutting off the logistics line is just the beginning. The real trouble is to hold on and prevent the enemy from counterattacking.

Moreover, in order to bring back the frontline troops, the enemy will counterattack very fiercely.

On the twelfth day after the cosmic fortress Ilsha was captured, the expected battle alarm sounded. All personnel were in place, and the fortress entered a battle-ready state.

The Swan, which had just completed maintenance, left the port according to the air traffic control instructions and docked at the designated location on the left rear of the fortress.

The military is accustomed to letting large battleships set sail first, so by the time the Swan came out, the third and fifth main fleets of the Spinning Water Federation had basically completed their formation.

"This ship has entered Level 2 combat preparation, system self-check, weapon self-check, and all members have returned to their positions."

Turning off the ship's radio, Alyssa looked through the bridge's glass into the distant deep space.

The patrol fleet discovered that the fleet of the Red Maple Republic was approaching. It was initially judged that it was a fleet retreating from the front line. Since it encountered an enemy reconnaissance fleet, the specific number of the enemy's main fleet was not known.

According to the intelligence sent from China not long ago, at least two fleets are approaching the space fortress Ilsia, trying to cross here and return to the actual control area of ​​the Red Maple Republic.

The total number of surrounded Red Maple Republic fleets was about ten, which was a very large force, but they did not choose to merge and break out.

Although the merger seemed unstoppable, the target was too big and would give the Spinning Water Federation the opportunity to easily set a trap. That was why they evacuated separately to ensure their combat effectiveness while also trying to break through the encirclement.

There are no fancy strategic operations this time, it's just pure head-to-head confrontation. If the enemy can be stopped and the encirclement is continuously reduced, they can be completely eaten.

If not, the results of the pincer offensive will be very small. At most, it will only regain the territory, but it will not be able to eliminate the enemy's effective strength.

The enemy has at least two fleets, and this is the most optimistic estimate, because not only will they have to face the retreating fleet of the Red Maple Republic on the front, but they may also be attacked by the Red Maple Republic from behind, resulting in being beaten on both sides.

In the past twelve days, some scattered reinforcements have come from the direction of the Star Gate, but the number is still not large.

Thanks to the desperate repairs by the engineers, the Space Fortress Ilsha finally restored...well, about 10% of its functions.

The time is too short. Even if the damage was carried out according to the principle of "convenience of repairing it in the future" before leaving, the repair now is still very slow. After all, the size of the fortress is here, and it cannot be completely completed in just a few months. recover.

The most important thing is that Ilsha's fortress cannon has never been able to be used.

The Red Maple Republic did not repair it. They forced the semi-disabled fortress cannon to activate, which caused greater damage and made repairs more troublesome.

So it is obvious that even with the assistance of the fortress, this will be a very difficult war.

In the bridge, there was no sound except the low hum of the instruments, and no one wanted to say anything at this time.

It should not be nervous.

After all, it was not the first time. Alyssa was surprised at the speed of adapting to the war.

It was just that the atmosphere before the war made it difficult to breathe. An Yun, who was staring at the radar, had adjusted the intensity of the air conditioner more than once.

Time passed by minute by minute, so long that people wondered if it was a false alarm just now. In fact, the fleet of the Red Maple Republic was not approaching at all.

"Received a notification from the flagship. The unmanned reconnaissance station confirmed that an enemy fleet had passed."

Villania's words made everyone's heart tighten. After a while, An Yun said:

"The engine light was visually seen, and it has not yet entered the firing range."

Alyssa projected the image of the optical sighting device on the main display of the bridge. Everyone could see that in the distant deep space, there appeared one by one "stars" that seemed to be moving, and they seemed to be getting closer and closer.

The dense and weak engine lights were like sesame seeds sprinkled on the black cloth, and the screen was completely filled at a glance.

This number is not good.

"Received the route map sent by the headquarters, and the route is confirmed."

"Start the engine, one-quarter ship speed."

"Understood, one-quarter ship speed."

As the Swan began to maneuver, it also sounded the battle alarm, telling everyone on the ship that the battle was about to begin.

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