Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1339 Blackstone Fortress (Part 1)

"How long has it been since the surrender notice was sent out?"

"It's been six hours, Your Majesty."

The guard knight next to her replied. Viola nodded slightly when she heard the words, and then looked down at the sand table.

With the help of Aldai, Viola's army defeated the blizzard, and Li Chengqi also used a magnifying glass to focus the light to burn through the thick snow on the road.

This allowed Viola's troops to reach the next key fortress only a few days behind schedule.

It was a huge fortress built on a hillside, backed by a cliff.

The most important fortress on the northwest border of the Tandelon Demon Kingdom is the Blackstone Fortress.

Going south from this fortress will lead you to the capital of the Tandron Demon Kingdom, going west to the Subia Demon Kingdom, and going north to the southern gate of Avarus, the open city.

As long as we capture this place, the first phase of the strategic mission is over. The next step will be to cooperate with the Guateni Demon Kingdom to attack the Subia Demon Kingdom and completely carve up this once most ferocious invader on the land of Avarus. All.

The Blackstone Fortress must be captured. It will not only ensure the land currently occupied, but also the supplies can be transported directly from the open city without having to go around in a big circle, greatly easing the logistical pressure.

But this fortress is surprisingly difficult to crack.

Since the declaration of war against the Demon Kingdom of Tandelon, Viola and her army have traveled almost all the way, and there have been few fierce frontal battles.

On the one hand, it is because the Tandelon Demon Kingdom needs to reduce its troops to deal with Oswaya and Lakshurya, which are more threatening. On the other hand, the Tandelon Demon Kingdom is extremely afraid of the Demon King God.

Viola started this war in the name of holy war and revenge, and her actions were tacitly approved by the Demon King God. This shows that Viola's actions are the will of the Demon King God.

No one dares to resist the will of the tyrant.

Often after receiving the letter of persuasion to surrender, the frightened defenders would hold on for a few hours at most before sending someone to tell Viola that we need to discuss a retreat plan and please wait a little longer.

In short, don't worry, don't hit us, we have to discuss how to get out decently.

Therefore, along the way, Viola almost won many important fortress cities without any damage.

The Blackstone Fortress, a real military fortress, is not important to the current Tandelon Demon Kingdom. Instead of entangled with Viola, it is better to transfer the soldiers back to defend the capital.

But now, six hours have passed, and there is no response from the other party. Instead, the scouts saw that the city wall was in full swing and was arranging defenses, with an attitude of holding on to the end if you dare to attack.

What makes the Tandelon Demon Kingdom so strong?

Viola didn't need to think too much to know that it must be the Demon Kingdom of Subia that sent troops.

I received news earlier that the Demon Kingdom of Subia has sent its troops, but they have not yet reached the Blackstone Fortress.

The Tandelon Demon Kingdom Army may have received a death order, requiring them to hold on until the reinforcements from the Subia Demon Kingdom arrive. According to the scout's report, the Subia Demon Kingdom Army should arrive in about a month.

Normally, it would not be a problem for the Blackstone Fortress to hold on for a month, but this is not a normal situation. Is the Tandelon Demon Army so confident that it dares to withstand the power of the Demon King God?

"Bring out the mechanical mines given by your Majesty and fire two rounds first."

"As commanded."

The Blackstone Fortress is also very important to Viola, and it is best to grab it, especially if it is intact.

There are still a few mines given by Li Chengqi before, but they are too powerful. The two rounds are used as a warning. Viola does not want a black stone fortress with the walls blown down.

Because according to the current speed, the Subia Demon Kingdom army is on the way. Viola does not want to have an encounter with those guys at all. Taking the Blackstone Fortress before then and relying on the fortress to defend it is the only way to defeat Subia. The best choice is the Demon Kingdom Army.


Things often turn out to be bad. The more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

The two mines were thrown out with a trebuchet. With a deafening noise, a tall tower with a trebuchet on the top was demolished in the fortress.

The defenders in Blackstone Fortress did panic for a while, but Viola did not wait for the surrender letter from the other party, and did not even have the intention to discuss surrender. She continued to arrange defenses on the city wall.

This is a typical shameless situation. In this case, Viola does not intend to wait any longer.

The hand-cranked blower rotated crazily, sending air continuously into the huge horn placed on the carriage. The low attack instructions soon became louder with the heavy footsteps of the soldiers.

Every beat of the military drum seemed to hit people's hearts, and several tall siege towers began to be pushed closer to the city wall.

Counterattack rockets were fired one after another, but for the siege tower coated with a thick layer of mud, it was not enough to ignite it.

The Avarus soldiers' counterattack arrows and ballistae fired at the city wall together. The trebuchets made a terrifying scream and threw huge rolling stones into the fortress. Some of the rolling stones were even coated with a layer of Leon. The 'stinking oil' and linen produced in the territory. Flames that are still burning after landing can ignite grass or wooden structures.

Following the siege tower, the soldiers swarmed forward, raising their shields and trying to pass through the kill zone below the city wall.

This war is inevitable. Since they are unwilling to surrender, they can only bite it off.

"The march is slower than expected, let the reserves go up."

Viola's vanguard is composed of a small number of veterans and a large number of new recruits, among which the new recruits are lagging behind.

These new recruits have not participated in the Restoration War of Avarus, and many of them have never been on the battlefield. Viola's easy journey has given them a wrong understanding of war.

As a result, when the resistance of Blackstone Fortress is relatively strong, the new recruits naturally shrink back.

This is a foreseeable situation. Viola's reserve team is the real veterans who are responsible for helping these new recruits to take the lead.

"Isn't it my turn yet?"

Next to Viola, Alde interrupted with a staff in her arms:

"My meteor burst can bomb the city wall."

Everyone has been busy during this period, including Alde.

She jumped from level 45 to level 48. If she is given a few years, breaking through level 50 is almost certain.

"When our soldiers rush to the bottom of the city wall, it will be the time for the magician troops to take action. Now the fire suppression will make them aim at you."

The biggest feature of the meteor burst is that the range is extremely long, but it is still within the coverage of the rain of arrows.

So now is not the time for Olde and the mages to take action.

At this moment, a loud buzzing sound echoed from the top of the sky, as if it was falling down.

Viola looked up and saw a huge drone in the shape of an aircraft carrier passing through the clouds, trying to land in the Blackstone Fortress.

Li Chengxi still took action.

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