Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1336 Space Fortress, Ilxia Offensive Operation (11)

A three-plane formation with a red maple leaf emblem flew across the fortress at high speed. They bypassed the front battlefield from the side and tried to flank the space fighters of the Water Spin Federation.

However, when they pulled up and entered the attack posture, several light green particle beams mixed with 40mm rapid-fire cannon shells shot from below, instantly turning the three planes into three flashing orange flashes.

"Follow me, we'll go to clear the way for the armored transport ship."

Li Chengxi's voice came from the communicator, and Hall quickly operated the Silver Cyclone to catch up with the repainted, overall flashy white body.

If fighting in the empty void, there is no difference between the magic mecha and the space fighter, but on the surface of the fortress transformed based on a huge celestial body, the space fighter is far inferior to the magic mecha.

After all, for the space fighter, speed is life, and the magic mecha can easily ambush in the shadow road formed by the complex natural environment, holding weapons and aiming at all space fighters passing nearby.

Moreover, the mass transfer system and attitude control nozzle of the magic mecha can bring unparalleled flexibility to space fighters, and handheld weapons have a larger firepower coverage area than fixed weapons.

This feature allowed Li Chengxi and Hall to ambush three waves of enemy aircraft that tried to bypass them, just as easy as shooting flying saucers with a shotgun.

The main forces of the friendly forces were basically fighting with the enemy fighters, accompanied by a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower sweeping back and forth in that star field.

Although Li Chengxi was not afraid of such a chaotic battlefield, there was an easy way to win, so why should I go and find trouble for myself?

The two of them got into a cracked corner of the space fortress Ilxia. The huge mountains seemed like countless tentacles reaching out to you in the dark. You could only judge your posture by the navigation lights on the body and a small amount of lights.

Hall was just following Li Chengxi in flight. This narrow and complex terrain was far more difficult than traveling through the meteorite belt, especially when there was no searchlight and no starlight, it was almost completely dark.

I don't know how Li Chengxi found the way, but he did find it, and it was very accurate.

"Another three-plane formation, slow down, pay attention to the top of your head."

The two slowed down, used a very large stone as a cover, and held it up to look up.

There was a battle cruiser in the three-plane formation this time, with firepower and protection far exceeding that of the space fighter, but under the stranglehold of the 40mm rapid-fire gun and beam rocket launcher, it soon became space garbage.

Hall threw away the empty magazine and replaced it with a new one. At this time, Li Chengxi waved to her:

"We are very close."

The two did not start the engine this time, but kept a low speed almost close to the surface of the rock, and in the end they were just about to crawl.

Finally, when the two emerged from a V-shaped stone, they saw a light green film airlock not far away. Space fighters were being launched by electromagnetic catapults, and some damaged space fighters were returning crookedly.

"Where is the armored transport ship?"

Hall switched to the friendly channel and quickly replied:

"We will arrive in five minutes."

"Just in time, come with me, let's clear the door first."

There were more than 30 space fighters circling nearby waiting for the formation. If Hall was alone, she would not rush in anyway.

But Li Chengxi's words were very convincing...


In the space fortress Irshan, one of the space fighter ejection ports.

The staff here are busy, everyone has an anxious and uneasy expression on their face, but their movements are very quick.

They sent the damaged fighters for repair, sent mineral water and diapers to the pilots, and dragged the carts with ammunition and liquefied magic to quickly resupply the fighters.

Everything seemed orderly until a space fighter ignored the air traffic control rules and went directly into the membrane airlock and crashed into the electromagnetic ejection track.

The staff immediately terminated the ejection procedure, and the ground staff rushed up with fire extinguishers and demolition tools, because the sparks from the landing of the space fighter seemed to have ignited something, and the tail of the entire fighter had already burst into flames of nearly three or four meters high.

Fire extinguishing foam is like a large and small water mass in a microgravity environment, and it requires extremely high pressure to spray it on the fire point. The demolition tools quickly opened the cabin door and dragged out the unconscious pilot inside.

"Isn't this Ian!"

Someone on the ground staff saw the pilot's face and exclaimed:

"He just attacked thirty seconds ago!"

The ground staff took another look at the tail of the fighter, and the number was a little blurred due to the flames, confirming that he was not mistaken.

This sentence made everyone feel surprised. The space fighter that had just attacked was shot down and fell back immediately, which meant that the enemy was very close to them.

Almost at the same time, a shrill evacuation alarm sounded at the busy attack port. Everyone put down their work, and even the pilot who had just boarded the space fighter jumped out of the cabin and rushed to the exit.

But they were still too late.

An 18-meter-high, white humanoid mecha passed through the light green film airlock, and the fear of the giant reached its peak at this moment.

The rocket launcher he carried aimed at the evacuating crowd, and the mechanical finger pulled the trigger.

A 380mm caliber rocket flew out, and when it flew over the ejection track and was about to hit the wall, it suddenly exploded in the air.

"Lie down!"

Someone was shouting a warning, but it was unknown how much could be heard amid the horrific explosion.

The large amount of steel balls hidden in the exploded rocket instantly broke open, like an umbrella-shaped scattering, instantly covering most of the entire hangar.

The space fighters that had not yet launched, the ammunition and liquefied magic barrels parked by the wall, and the scattered crowd were all hit by the steel balls.

The fighter planes were on fire, the ammunition was detonated, and the people were hit. They were basically broken and could not be put together.

The 380mm diffusion rocket was a close-range anti-aircraft weapon. The umbrella-shaped scattered steel balls could cover a very large area. Firing this rocket allowed the rocket launcher to temporarily exert the ability of a shotgun. It was one of the several different types of ammunition hidden inside.

As I said, all anti-aircraft weapons are extremely effective against people. The people who were hit were like a layer of sticky ketchup on the ground, and their original appearance could not be seen at all.

Then the Balkan cannon with the head beam opened fire, and the head of the humanoid mecha turned left and right to sweep away the fish that had escaped the net.

"The remaining enemy planes have been dealt with."

At this time, the silver whirlwind also passed through the airlock, and the 40mm rapid-fire cannon in its hand fired at the space fighters that were not completely dead and might still pose a threat. Instantly, screams and explosions continued to echo in the hangar.

"Call the armored transport ship over, the sweep here is almost done."

Hall immediately sent out the signal, and a warship that was larger than the assault landing ship but much smaller than the cruise ship approached the airlock. From the opened tail hatch, a large number of personnel landing craft started one after another, passed through the airlock and found empty spaces to dock by themselves.

A large group of soldiers armed to the teeth jumped out of the hatch and joined the firing sequence.

"This is the 7th Assault Landing Brigade. Thank you for your support, and leave the rest to us."

The voice of teammates came from the communicator. Hall knew that they needed to rush to the next airlock and repeat the above operations.

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