Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1318 Star Gate Attack and Defense (6)

The multiverse world is a world of miracles, where you can see many incredible scenes.

For example, rivers floating in the sky, suspended mountains, burning oceans, galaxies without stars, habitable colonies composed of broken floating islands, etc.

Recyclers travel all over the country, what wonders have they not seen?

But Alyssa said that I have never seen this scene.

Due to the distance, even the imaging on the optical aiming system is relatively blurry, but it can be identified that it is a dim human figure composed of light, and the facial features and details cannot be distinguished. It can only be confirmed that it is indeed a human figure.

By projecting the image onto the main display of the bridge for picture analysis, this thing is about 80 to 100 meters high. Compared with the battleship, it seems to be similar to a long surfboard.

But it is far less strong than a surfboard. At least Alyssa can't break the surfboard like a biscuit, but the battleship can be torn apart by him.

Even as an outsider who is not good at hand-to-hand combat, Alyssa can see that the movements of the glowing giant are very clumsy, without any fighting training skills, just like a child's instinctive boxing.

But if it is an exaggerated situation where it will be broken if it touches, and even a light sweep will shatter the warship, that's different.

Through the optical sighting system, you can see that the cruiser formation of the Pink Republic is counterattacking, and anti-aircraft guns and ion beams are aiming and shooting.

But the light giant is like a phantom, a non-existent thing. You can't hurt something that has no entity. Tracer bullets and ion beams penetrate it, but this thing without entity can hurt you.

Alyssa can imagine how terrified the crew on the cruiser are. The ships at the end of the fleet have completely given up resistance and started to speed up to escape.

Of course, the Swirling Water Federation Fleet where the Swan is located is not much better. They just stared blankly, forgetting to fire and maintain the route. The entire fleet collapsed due to the speed difference of different ships, and even collided.

It was not until the beeping communication prompt sounded in the bridge that everyone came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream, as if their souls had finally returned to their place at this moment.

"The fleet commander asked the fleet to pursue."

Villania swallowed her saliva, her eyes never left the main screen, and her voice trembled a little.

"Should we pursue?"

Alyssa took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

"Follow the order and proceed according to the route sent by the commander."

This is not facing the gods directly, and the pressure on mortals is not that great.

Alyssa even remembered the scene when the Swan entered the divine domain and faced the corpse of the gods.

If the corpse of the gods is used as a reference, the operation that Li Chengxi is doing now can even be regarded as a small show of his skills.

The fleet commander did not know what the giant of light was, but he clearly saw that he was attacking the fleet of the Red Maple Republic.

There are many things in the void that cannot be understood, explained, or even described. After the shock, the fleet commander gave priority to his duties.

So he ordered the fleet to pursue.

In the one or two minutes when everyone was stunned, the Red Maple Republic's cruisers and mobile aircraft carrier formations were almost completely destroyed.

The original number of the fleet was about 120 warships of various colors. Except for the three ships that were killed by the concentrated fire of the Swirling Water Federation Fleet and the more than ten ships that were currently accelerating to escape, more than 100 warships became space garbage in this one or two minutes.

The pursuit mentioned by the fleet commander was to pursue the remaining warships and continue to complete the task of harassing the main fleet of the Red Maple Republic from the side and rear.

Of course, the fleet commander did not know what the giant of light was and whether it had any malicious intentions, so he always kept a considerable distance and only maintained the maximum range of the artillery distance.

"He started to act again!"

The communicator, Verania, did not focus on the headset, but stared at the main display in the bridge.

The giant of light did not chase the more than ten cruisers and mobile aircraft carriers that escaped, but made a very obvious gesture of raising his head and flew quickly in the direction of his head.

Alyssa immediately realized that the direction Li Chengxi was aiming at was the main fleet of the Red Maple Republic!

Did he intend to fight the fleet head-on?

No, that's not right.

Alyssa denied her idea, or more accurately, a mistake in the idea.

The main fleet of the Red Maple Republic may not be considered an equal opponent. Since it cannot pose a threat to him, it is not called a head-on fight.

That is called crushing, slaughter, and complete destruction.

Alyssa knows very little about the existence of gods, but she likes to collect sacred relics. Based on the information she knows, the difference between gods and creatures in the mortal world is extremely obvious, especially the difference in strength.

When a god shows his power in front of you, almost all mortals can only kneel down.

The highest achievement developed by thousands of years of technological progress is just a toy with a little interest in front of gods, and it can even be regarded as a fragile toy, even the largest and strongest starship is the same.

"The reactor jammer is visually activated!"

An Yun's report interrupted Alyssa's thoughts, and she looked outside the bridge.

At the farthest end of the field of vision, as if it was almost as far away as the stars, a fierce arc was raging, and the light once exceeded the brightness of the stars.

Then, the arc turned into a pure light wave explosion.

This scene has been seen many times. It is not surprising that the Red Maple Republic has several reactor jammers.

The spreading light wave burst out from behind the main fleet of the Red Maple Republic, swept across the Swirling Water Federation fleet that was shooting at them, and then hit the light giant flying towards the Red Maple Republic fleet head-on.

However, in that one thousandth of a second, when no one could see what was happening, the light wave hit the light giant.

It broke!

Alyssa immediately tried to stand up. If it weren't for the seat belt that fixed her tightly in the seat, Alyssa would probably lie on the main display of the bridge uncontrollably.

"Kicked it off! He actually kicked the light wave off! Is this possible!"

The light wave that should have spread to the entire star system began to break from the point where it touched the light giant at that moment, and shattered into countless tiny light points at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared completely.

The reactor jammer is essentially an abnormal state that affects the reactor, and the god can immediately end the influence of the abnormal state by forcibly ending it with divine power.

The total amount of divine power that constitutes the sixty mechanical angels is an extremely huge collection of divine power. The giant of light they saw was actually just a "scattering" formed by too much energy that could not be completely compressed. It was a mirage-like phantom.

Under the suppression of such a huge divine power, man-made things were not worth mentioning.

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