Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1312 Trapped by Snowstorm

The blizzard over the Silver City still showed no signs of stopping, which was very abnormal. The weather had started to warm up at this time of year in previous years, but this year's winter seemed unwilling to disperse for a long time. I don't know what it was foreshadowing.

Aerde squatted on the seat, wrapped in a blanket, and rolled herself into a ball, as if only in this way could she feel warm.

The bonfire in the fireplace crackled, but it did not divert Aerde's attention from the parchment until she heard the knocking sound from the glass on the other side.

Turning her head, a snowy owl appeared by the window, standing there shivering in the wind, and its brown-yellow eyes seemed to say, "Hurry up and open the window for me, I'm going to freeze to death."

Aerde opened the window, and the magic pet named Nix jumped in quickly. After throwing a letter barrel on the table, it immediately flew to the stall next to the fireplace to dry the snow water on its wings.

The letter was sent by Ivan in the Academic City. This warlock with the blood of a witch has been in frequent contact with Aerde recently.

Pulling out the parchment hidden in the letter barrel, Orde whispered a few spells, and all the words on the parchment that was originally filled with greetings and other meaningless nonsense twisted and rearranged.

This is a magic letter that can prevent information from being leaked when intercepted by outsiders.

Orde frowned as soon as she read a few sentences.

Ivan said that Academic City was recently found to have a scandal. One of the operating officers responsible for operating the city was found to have privately researched the results.

Academic City is more like a company with many research institutes under its umbrella than a city. It has no city owner and only recruits managers to maintain the operation of the city. They only have management power, not decision-making power.

Privately reselling the research results of Academic City is the most intolerable crime. Many scholars who are concerned about this aspect have taken to the streets to protest and demand a thorough investigation.

These people are old pedants, but they are not idiots. They know very well that an operating officer does not have the ability or the courage to privately resell research results. If they do not give an explanation that satisfies everyone, this will seriously shake the foundation of Academic City.

This city is originally composed of a group of mages and scholars who like to study everything in the world. If their labor results cannot be protected, then there is no need for this city to exist.

Ivan told Orde this because she felt that it might be related to the Demon King God and the Seven Apostles.

There are many research results that have been privately resold, and they are still being verified. However, among the verified parts, there are many magic arrays and spells that break seals and isolate a certain area. Ivan thinks that the other resold results are a cover-up, which is the main purpose.

The buyer is not clear for the time being, there are many middlemen, and the difficulty of investigation is not small. The only thing that can be confirmed at present is that the nobles in the Subia Demon Kingdom participated in this incident, but it is not clear whether it is the will of the country or personal behavior.

The Subia Demon Kingdom, a country that was beaten into autism by the Demon King God, led this incident. It is obvious that something is wrong.

Ivan's feeling is right. They are closed off on the surface, but they are actually active in secret. This gives people the same feeling as the current situation of the Seven Apostles.

But neither Ivan nor Oldey understood the purpose of reselling these research results.

Finally, at the end of the letter, Ivan also mentioned that the activities of the followers of the Centipede Lord seemed to have become stronger recently.

Although the Centipede Lord is an evil god who cannot see the light, his followers are mainly active in the Demon Kingdom of Oswaya, which is actually not far from the academic city.

Their activities are generally assassinations, but this is also the part that Ivan doesn't understand. These followers of the Centipede Lord have not started the previous assassination activities, but seem to have migrated as a whole.

Now that the gods have fallen, no one should be able to command these followers who are mainly killers, but they do show clear organization.

Because the followers of the Centipede Lord once tried to assassinate Viola, Ivan mentioned this matter, hoping that Oldey can be more careful.

After reading the last line of words, Oldey held the letter between two fingers and swung it, and the blue flames immediately burned the letter from beginning to end into ashes.

She threw away the blanket, stretched out her hand, and her staff flew over, making Nix look at her in astonishment.

"The maid will prepare fresh meat for you. Tell Ivan when you go back that I will go to the front line soon."

As the last two people with royal blood, when Viola led the troops to the battle, Orday had to stay in the royal city as a safety.

But now, the situation is different. Orday has a vague premonition that a siege against Viola is forming.


It is not only Orday who is troubled by the wind and snow, but also Yang Yiyi.

It is unlikely to return to Wujiazhuang before the New Year. Yang Yiyi and Wu Shaoyi can only celebrate the New Year outside.

This is fine, but the closer it is to the end of the year, the worse the climate becomes, which is difficult to bear.

When in the Western Regions, there was no special feeling because there was little precipitation in the desert. When I was sitting on Tang Lianyu's big ship back, I was usually in the cabin, so naturally I didn't have any impression.

But when the two of them walked, this feeling was too clear.

At present, they were still in the north of the Central Plains, and everything was covered in silver. Because of the heavy snow, many carriages that were ready to set off were stopped, so the two of them had to stay temporarily in a small town.

They found an inn and ordered some side dishes. As they were eating, Wu Shaoyi's ears moved slightly. She heard that the people at the next table seemed to be talking about the northern border.

The north had already started fighting long before everyone set out for the Western Regions. Princess Mingzhu thought that the soldiers on the front line were running around to pray for blessings.

These gossips on the street could not tell the situation on the front line, but what was certain was that there was no loss or win.

The threat from outside the Great Wall has always existed. At present, the Western Regions and Southern Xinjiang have temporarily calmed down, but the North has become more excited.

In terms of invading the Central Plains, the North is more active than other people outside the Great Wall. After all, many of them were originally from the Central Plains and dreamed of returning to the land where their ancestors lived.

The current situation of the war is not fierce, which should be temporary. If the North retreats when it is difficult, it will be good. Otherwise...

It is estimated that the next big thing in the martial arts world will be related to the North.

Wu Shaoyi did not tell Yang Yiyi about his thoughts. This girl is completely straightforward and can't hide things.

However, Wu Shaoyi's sensitive ears also heard some good news.

For example, about the Liu family.

There were people from all walks of life in the inn, and Wu Shaoyi's sensitive ears allowed her to eavesdrop on the whispers of people several tables away.

Like the Liu family bullying men and women, the Liu family elders eating children's hearts and livers, and even the Liu family members like to steal the secrets of other sects, and mixed with a few comments like "I can't believe that the Liu family is so decent on weekdays, but they are so mean behind the scenes."

Some of these rumors are true and some are false. The point is not whether they are true or false, but whether they are really spreading.

Someone is working in the dark, and even the peddlers in the inn have heard about it. This is clearly to create public opinion.

Shen Qingluo did not break her promise. She said that when she came back from the Western Regions, she should start to clear out the second devils in the rivers and lakes. It seems that the Liu family will be the first to be stabbed.

If they want to watch this good show, Wu Shaoyi and Yang Yiyi have to speed up, otherwise they will miss the show.

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