Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1308 Unplug the Internet Cable

As a demon king god, Li Chengxi is not very good at fighting. Although he has the power of the priesthood, compared with the real war god, his combat experience and skills are at the infant level.

Of course, for Li Chengxi, who has powerful divine power, skills are not really needed. He just needs to use divine power to crush him.

It is precisely because of this simple and rough fighting mode that Li Chengxi can recognize at a glance that this cable man is the same type of substitute as himself.

Without time to think about it, Li Chengxi grabbed the cable man's legs and hit him on the ground habitually, which is the so-called three hits to the left and three hits to the right. If it doesn't work, try three more hits.

Simple and rough, but useful.

But just after the first hit, Li Chengxi felt his hand was empty, and the cable man actually broke free from Li Chengxi's hand.

When he looked up again, the cable man appeared above his head at some point and kicked Li Chengxi's forehead with a knight's flying kick.

But before he touched Li Chengxi, the golden spherical shield blocked the cable man.

"What on earth are you?"

The sense of déjà vu, or familiarity, became clearer and clearer, but the other party obviously had no intention of answering, and jumped up again on the shield.

Directly above, where the towering ceiling should have been made of metal, a large red cloud quickly gathered behind the cable man, and countless red beams fell from the sky like raindrops.

Fire rain?

Li Chengxi's mind moved slightly, and another fiery red cloud appeared, but this time it appeared behind Li Chengxi, and countless red rays shot at the cable man diagonally above at a 45-degree angle.

Both sides used the same miracle, and the blue and red beams fiercely bombarded each other, sparks flew, and the temperature was rising rapidly.

The metal floor under Li Chengxi's feet had been burned red, and the metal ceiling behind the cable man was red enough to drip.

After a moment of bombardment, the flaming clouds disappeared at the same time, and the figures of Li Chengxi and the cable man also disappeared at the same time.

Almost at the same time, the two suddenly appeared in mid-air, with almost identical punching movements.

Terrible explosions and shock waves burst out from the point where the two people touched. The powerful divine power exploded unscrupulously. The rolling gears below jumped out of the slots one after another, and flew to an unknown place under the cover of a string of electric sparks.

"Sure enough, it's a stand of the same type as me."

This feeling is very strange, like fighting with a reflection of yourself. If the action can be easily imitated, then the miracle of the rain of fire is not something that everyone can imitate.

The type of miracle is directly related to the godhood. For example, Aidas can easily hit a spring, but cannot set a forest on fire.

Moreover, even if there are two gods with similar godhood, the miracles they can use are different.

For example, the Lord of Dawn, Lashanda, and the Sun God, Pero, both have the priesthood of dawn, but the miracles they can use are also different.

After all, a god cannot have only one godhood. The arrangement and combination of different godhoods will lead to different miracles that can be used.

In other words, unless the godhood of this noodle man is exactly the same as Li Chengxi, it is impossible to be so similar.

But to be honest, although it feels like fighting with a reflection, there is a difference.

This grandson is not as strong as Li Chengxi.

The cables that make up its fist exploded one after another, the insulation layer seemed to be stripped off, and the copper wire core inside was broken one after another.

Li Chengxi grabbed its wrist that had not yet broken, turned it twice above his head, and smashed it to the floor.

There was a loud bang, and a huge dent was smashed into the metal floor, and the cable man almost scattered because of it.

It is the same type of stand, but the strength is different.

"What the hell are you?"

Li Chengxi has never encountered such a strange thing, but the cable man still doesn't intend to answer.

It raised its head and aimed at Li Chengxi in mid-air, and the numbers displayed by the glow tubes that made up its eyes turned into 0 one after another.

The next moment, gears on both sides of the floor, like an ocean with no visible edges, bulged and smashed towards Li Chengxi like two arms in the crackling noise.

"If you can do this, I can do it, too."

Li Chengxi's eyes flickered slightly, and in the sea of ​​gears, two arms rose again, smashing down the arm controlled by the noodle man. The movement was so loud that it seemed like two whales fighting in the sea.

Dense sparks and broken metal fragments were scattered everywhere, but it can be seen that the gear controlled by Li Chengxi can easily press down the gear controlled by the cable man.

"My patience is running out. This is your last chance."

It has been said long ago that Li Chengxi has never been a patient person.

But the cable man did not realize the seriousness of the problem. All the insulation layers of the cable part that constituted its body were blown up, making it look like a curious artwork made of copper wire.

Intense electric sparks burst out all over its body, and in an instant they gathered into a terrible electric current, and shot out like a huge beam of light.

The cable man moved too fast, and Li Chengxi only held up the shield and did not have time to avoid it.

In the terrifying electric current and the terrible flash, Li Chengxi vaguely saw countless numbers composed of 0s and 1s, as if he was in a torrent of data.

A series of incomprehensible pictures also began to play in front of him.

Some of them looked like many people kneeling down to worship, some looked like an interstellar war had broken out, with countless warships lingering in the void, and some pictures showed that the blue habitable planet became dead and gray in the blink of an eye.

Li Chengxi had never seen these pictures before. Could it be the thread man's marquee? Aren't the marquees in boys' comics exclusive to the protagonists? I've never heard that the marquees are for the other side to see.

Unable to figure out what was going on, Li Chengxi planned to pin the cable man to the ground and beat him up. Anyway, he looked like he had divine power and divinity, so he wouldn't be beaten to death so easily. He could just flatten him and force him to confess.

However, a second before Li Chengxi took action, he saw a strange emblem appear in the torrent of data.

The center of this emblem was similar to the word "big", the outer circle was like lightning, and the inner circle was like a gear...

Wait, isn't this the holy emblem worshipped by the Glow Ion Hermitage?

Is this grandson related to the Glow Ion Hermitage?

No, shouldn't the Glow Ion Hermitage worship me?

All signs indicate that the emergence of the Glow Ion Hermitage was not in the plan of the previous generation of the Demon King God, but they must have a very close connection with the Demon King God, otherwise when the science fiction script started, Li Chengxi would not see the specially marked coordinates on the star map, nor would he get the godhood of "magic machinery" specially prepared by the Glow Ion Hermitage.

What's the matter with this cable man?

Suddenly, Li Chengxi suddenly thought that the Glow Ion Hermitage was a branch of the Creation God Religion, and the purpose of the Creation God Religion was to worship the gods they created.

Thinking of this, Li Chengxi was slightly distracted, and a fine current passed through the shield and hit his chest, which made Li Chengxi feel a slight numbness from being electrocuted.

Then, he gasped violently and opened his eyes suddenly.

The cooling fan of the chassis made a faint running sound, and the monitor that had not been operated for a long time automatically went black.

Li Chengxi looked around and returned to his home. It can even be said that he had not moved at all, as if it was just a dream.

But Li Chengxi knew very well that it was not a dream. It was probably because the cable guy just saw that he couldn't win and simply pulled out the network cable...

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