Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1302: Fighting on the battlefield and taking back the center (9)

Several quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns were hidden in a narrow open space between the mountains. The camouflage nets covered them almost blended into the gray snow nearby. Only when they opened fire could they be found from the source of the interweaving tracer bullets.

And when these dense tracer bullets flew past the window, no one would not be nervous.

People sitting in the crew cabin could hear the bangs and pops of bullets hitting the shield. Even the Manta could not avoid all attacks at low altitude.

However, the landing time would not be delayed because of this. Hall just reminded loudly, "Thirty seconds!" That really means thirty seconds.

Mixed in the tracer bullets, there would be orange flashes reflected in the crew cabin from time to time. It might be that the anti-aircraft firepower point was blown up, but the people in the cabin could not see clearly.

Then, they felt that the Manta seemed to be drifting with its tail, and at that moment they heard the short scream of the servo motor, but then it disappeared with the blue light emitted by the ion beam.

The drift of the Manta Ray is not a show of skill, but a way to quickly slow down and land conveniently. In this regard, the American helicopter pilots during the Vietnam War often played this way.

The commandos, whose brains were about to fly out of their bodies, felt that the Manta Ray was returning to stability and descending rapidly.

Finally, accompanied by a light sound of "empty", it should be the sound of the landing bracket under the fuselage falling to the ground, and then the tail hatch opened.

"Quick, quick, quick! We can't stay here!"

The dizzy crowd didn't hear the problem in Hall's words, for example, there was only her in the cockpit, why did he say us.

Everyone adjusted their helmets, unfastened their seat belts and ran down from the hatch with guns.

Their current location is more than 4,000 meters above sea level and the temperature is below minus 20 degrees. However, all the members are wearing heavy protective clothing with bulletproof function, so they have no problem entering the void, and there is no need to worry about being frozen into ice here.

The person closest to the hatch first came down with a gun, aiming at everything that was still moving within the range and firing.

They then noticed that this was a very wide platform, and on the other side they could even see a road leading down the mountain.

There were traces of scorching or burning in the nearby snow. Judging from the shape of the wreckage, they should be the bodies of anti-aircraft machine guns and the people who operated these weapons. They were most likely scorched by the ion beam of the Manta.

When the last Shadow Tiger came down, the Manta took off immediately without even closing the hatch. Hall's voice came from the external speaker:

"Enemy infantry units are seen approaching you, act as soon as possible!"

Before he finished speaking, a shell from a 70-80mm caliber anti-aircraft gun hit the Manta. The suddenly lit shield failed to absorb all the impact. The Manta rolled like a hit billiard ball and fell towards the cliff on the other side. Due to the high altitude and poor visibility, it was unclear whether the Manta had escaped death.

Everyone had no time to care about the Manta, as their situation was even more dangerous.

"Put down the anti-personnel mines, and let's go in quickly."

Sophia was the commander of this commando team. She pulled over Shanafia, who wanted to lie on the edge of the cliff and look down, and called on everyone to act quickly.

The commando members were either from the Special Marine Battalion to which Lieutenant Dui belonged, or from the Planetary Defense Force to which Lieutenant Cao Wei belonged.

One was too relaxed in his daily life, and the other belonged to the armed police force. Neither of them had received special forces training. It was indeed unreliable for them to carry out the invasion plan.

However, this group of people had done many impromptu exercises on the Swan, and the so-called sharpening of the spear before the battle was not fast, but it was still effective.

In the smoke and dust formed by the snow powder blown by the strong wind, several people nimbly placed the mines with the words "this side facing the enemy" on the road that must be passed, and then quickly followed the large force.

After advancing about ten meters on guard, a huge black shadow emerged from the flying snow and appeared in the field of vision. If you get closer, you will find that it is a tall tower that you need to look up hard to see the top.

This is one of the control centers of the star gate. It looks like a hexagonal structure from top to bottom, but its height is nearly 300 meters, not counting the huge antenna standing tall at the top.

As long as it can be connected to the star gate, it doesn't matter where the control center is built, but it must also consider places that are easy to defend and sparsely populated.

Therefore, the control center is built in a high-altitude area, high on high.

There are a total of six control centers of the same style, distributed at different angles on this habitable planet. Sophia and the others arrived at just one of them.

A few steps further forward, you can see a huge airlock door and about 30 steps. There are two automatic turrets on both sides of the steps that are smoking and melted in many places. The orange flash seen on the Manta Ray just now should be it.

Shadow Tiger, who was protected in the center, took a few quick steps, touched the control panel on the side of the gate, and stepped forward to enter the password.

Logically speaking, the Red Maple Republic has occupied this place for several months, and the password of the gate must have been changed. But after Yinghu entered the password, the gate started immediately. I don't know where he got the password from.

I can only say that the ace agent is really awesome.

Maybe it was because of the cold weather, the gate started a little slowly, and it was accompanied by a crackling sound, like the crisp sound of breaking ice.

At this time, the people squatting in front of the door heard the sound of a mine exploding, plus a few screams.

"Raise your gun and aim, and fire immediately if anyone approaches."

The gate will open in a few seconds, and the pursuers are almost here.

When a shadowy human figure appeared in the snow, everyone opened fire immediately, and the dense bullets swept down several people on the spot, but soon the enemy counterattacked.

However, due to poor vision, the bullets hit the steps with a crackling sound, but Sofia and his team were currently in a position without any cover. Once the enemy infantry rushed over in large numbers, there would inevitably be casualties.

At the critical moment, everyone saw the engine light rising from the cliff on one side in the snow, followed by a 20mm machine gun sweep.

In the hazy explosion, the Manta blew away the snow and opened fire in the direction of the attacking infantry like plowing the land.

"The gate is open! Come in!"

Finally, the huge airlock door with a complex structure was opened.

Everyone fired back and quickly retreated into the door.

Yinghu found the switch to close the door and fell immediately.

The gate began to execute the closing procedure, blocking the flying bullets outside the door, but also blocking the image of the Manta Ray outside the door. The last thing everyone saw was the Manta Ray being hit by an anti-aircraft shell from nowhere again, the shield was penetrated, one of the engines exploded and caught fire, and it fell crookedly along the cliff...

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