Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1295: Fighting on the battlefield and taking back the center (2)

In the void, big ships and big guns are what you play with, but in a gravity environment, ships that are too big cannot move in the atmosphere, and if they are too big, they may even disintegrate due to weight when entering the atmosphere.

The light cruiser Swan is the smallest ship in the battleship series. After special modification, it is also the limit size of a space battleship that can enter a gravity environment. It will not work if it is larger.

As the saying goes, big is beautiful, more is better, billions of turrets and billions of glory, this is quite popular in the era without missiles.

The light of the ion beam shrank and disappeared, and the opened bow ram closed again.

An extremely long and thick gully that can almost run a tank appeared on the Red Maple Republic Army's position. The rolling heat waves made it impossible for people to get close, and the air was ignited.

The other end of the gully was originally a concrete fortification built against the hill. There was a turret on it, but it is gone now.

With a horrible explosion that shook the earth, the shock wave attacked everyone, regardless of whether they were enemies or friends. Everyone fell to the ground as if they had been hit by a stick. Some people who were too close were unlucky and were directly blown into the sky.

The high-temperature ion beam of the Light Lance main gun detonated the ammunition stored under the permanent fortification turret, and a huge mushroom cloud rose with the explosion and shock wave.

Even the Swan was pressed back by the shock wave, and some assault landing ships that were still descending almost overturned.

"The high-threat target disappeared."

"Continue searching."

Alyssa looked at the mushroom cloud and then ordered:

"Maintain the posture, evasive navigation and slowly descend in altitude."

"Understood, evasive navigation."

Evading navigation and taking a Z-shaped route is a very effective tactic for naval gun fire at a distance of at least tens of kilometers, but in a gravity environment, and not far from the enemy's firepower, taking a Z-shaped route will not have any evasive effect at all.

This is done to give the anti-aircraft guns on the left and right sides of the Swan a chance to output in turn.

In the atmosphere, the heat dissipation efficiency of the anti-aircraft guns on the warships is much higher than in the void, but the guns will eventually overheat.

The Z-shaped formation allows the left and right sides to alternate fire output, which can not only ensure the continuity of firepower, but also leave time for the anti-aircraft guns to dissipate heat.

Highly threatening targets, such as heavy artillery, permanent fortifications, or simply removing the turrets of the warships and placing them on the ground, will be destroyed by Long himself using the main guns and secondary guns.

In the gravity environment, the shells began to move in an arc, which was very troublesome for warships accustomed to fighting in the void, but the performance of the Swan's shipboard computer was too strong, and it could take into account the influence of gravity and easily calibrate the shooting parameters.

With the fire suppression of the Swan, the assault landing ships that continued to land also cooperated in fire output. The Red Maple Republic Army positions in front of the landing site suffered a devastating blow. All heavy weapons were either destroyed or there was no way to run over to use them. The soldiers could only shrink in the trenches.

In fact, according to the original plan, the casualties should be smaller than now. After all, the original plan was to clear the enemy ships on the orbit first, and then when the assault landing ship descended, the orbital bomber would provide fire support simultaneously.

As a result, time is not waiting for anyone now, so they can only descend first, and the friendly forces will then simultaneously clear the enemy on the orbit. It is uncertain when the orbital bomber will be in place.

However, although there were great casualties, now that the Red Maple Republic Army is unable to move, it is an excellent opportunity.

More and more assault landing ships have landed successfully, and more and more soldiers of the Swirling Water Federation are stepping on the black land bombed by artillery fire.

Their mission is not to rush headfirst, but to quickly establish front-line positions.

Although the suppression of the Swan seems to make the Red Maple Republic Army unable to raise their heads, their positions are too long, and the bombing part now is only the most marginal part.

Like the battle in the void, the battle on the ground cannot be ended in a short time, and we must be mentally prepared for a protracted war.

Therefore, instead of letting the small number of soldiers brought by the assault landing ship rush to the position head-on, it is better to take the opportunity to establish the front-line position and provide cover for the friendly forces that arrive later.

The Xuanshui Federation uses a quick-drying foam to build temporary positions. It does not require sandbags or heavy engineering machinery. Soldiers carry something similar to a pesticide box and spray foam at designated locations. These foams will quickly dry and form temporary trenches.

After the front line is further stabilized, it will continue to dig and use quick-drying cement and other things to reinforce.

Artillery positions, paratrooper pits, and even trenches are quickly built in this way. Although the effect is definitely not as good as digging out one shovel at a time, it is now OK to be able to use it.

The assault landing ship that puts down the soldiers will also take off again and continue to cover the enemy on the position from above.

Li Chengxi looked at this scene and was quite emotional. He had heard the term "artillery melting the city" before, but it felt that it should be an exaggeration. How dense artillery fire would melt the city.

But now Li Chengxi has changed his mind. Although what he saw was just pixelated, the firepower density was indeed enough to melt a city.

Gun smoke, steel, blood, and corpses were everywhere on the battlefield. The fertile black soil was blown into countless pits of various sizes by energy weapons and gunpowder weapons. The air seemed to be on fire. If you take a deep breath, your lungs might be burned.

But there is one thing Li Chengxi really wants to complain about.

Let's just say, why don't the armies on both sides have camouflage?

The Red Maple Republic Army is dressed like a stormtrooper, with helmets and protective gear all in white, with a red maple leaf emblem at most.

The Swirl Water Federation is even more outrageous, not only are they all in black and blue, but everyone is wearing a cape.

No, I can understand that you make the uniforms look cooler to facilitate recruitment, after all, it's to attract young people, but when they go to the battlefield, they all look like cloaked monsters. Are you sure that the cloaks won't affect tactical movements because they are hung on some debris?

What's more, both sides are wearing full-duplex helmets, the only difference is the style. What's the matter? Are you afraid that the other side will release poison gas, so the helmets have built-in air purification function?

To put it another way, even if there is no camouflage, at least the color of the clothes should be closer to the ground. What does Black and White Impermanence mean?

The reason why the armies of both sides are so weird is mainly because they directly skipped the development stage of the army.

It is much easier to go to the void with magic-based technology than to go to the universe on the earth, and when warships begin to become popular, the role of the army is very embarrassing.

To put it bluntly, their army has never been modernized. It's like they went straight from the medieval-Renaissance cavalry battles on Viola's side to modern warfare.

All the development processes in between were skipped. In addition, in the era when battleships were king, the army was not as valued as the planetary defense force, so the development was naturally very strange.

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