Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1277 Waiting for someone to meet

The Swan stayed at the port of Deep Sky Walker until Shadow Tiger finished the operation on Dui, after which the Swan immediately asked the air traffic control to leave the port.

At this time, the space station was full of policemen looking for terrorists with red eyes. Only four ships docked today. Logically, the Swan was also one of the major suspects.

The tower did apply for boarding, but was rejected by Alyssa on the grounds of protecting its own and customers' rights. After all, according to the Star Cluster Law, the space station has no right to board and inspect without permission.

Although the space station has the right to detain ships, it must not exceed the allowed stay time. The allowed stay time of the Swan is 24 hours, which means that the Swan must be allowed to leave tomorrow no matter what.

Otherwise, the Swan has the right to forcibly leave the port, and all losses and consequences caused by this will be borne by the space station itself.

Of course, the space station can also be unreasonable, but although the cargo ship is operated by individuals, it is not without protection.

The ship registration country will send someone to talk to you. If no suitable result is reached, the country is likely to announce that all its ships are not allowed to enter the Deep Space Walker Space Station, which is absolutely unbearable for the cargo transfer station and the space station located in the high-speed service area.

I don’t know how the other three ships communicated with the tower. This time the tower responded very slowly and waited for almost two hours before giving permission to leave the port.

The Swan, in the disguise of a cargo ship, deliberately acted as clumsy as a cargo ship and slowly sailed away from the port. Prepare to start pulse flight and jump after leaving the range of the space station.

At this time, An Yun reported that the jump signals of two frigates appeared. It is estimated that they are either the Star Group United Army or the Red Maple Republic’s warships.

The purpose is probably to intercept Shadow Tiger.

Alyssa never knew the full picture of the Short Sword Plan, nor did she know what mission Shadow Tiger was responsible for. The order she received was just to pick up people here and then send them to the designated location, and that was it.

Judging from the performance of the Red Maple Republic agents, it seems that Shadow Tiger probably has some special intelligence, otherwise it would not be so.

As An Yun said, the two frigates broke away from the jump while the Swan was still accelerating, and the beeping sound of communication requests came from the bridge almost at the same time.

However, Alyssa chose to ignore it and asked Carlos to continue to speed up, leaving the frigate behind at the regular speed of the Swan, and then jump again.

The frigate found that the Swan did not respond and immediately chased after it at full speed, mainly because it was still near the Deep Space Walker Space Station. Directly firing at this time was equivalent to provoking the space station. Now the space station, which is now full of enemies, will be stimulated by this. It is hard to say whether it will launch a defensive counterattack.

So the frigate did not fire immediately, but opened the shielding force field to try to drag the Swan and prevent it from jumping and escaping.

But they soon found that they could not catch up.

The Swan is a light cruiser characterized by mobility, and the appearance of a medium-sized cargo ship is just a shell covered on the outside.

A destroyer might be able to catch up with the Swan before it was modified, but the current Swan has not only been modified by the royalists, but the Swirlwater Federation has also modified the engine of the Swan.

The frigate could only watch the Swan running farther and farther at a speed that was not at all a cargo ship, and in the end, even the engine light could not be seen clearly.

What is the legend of the fastest speed in the void?


The current Swan, in terms of conventional navigation, no ship can catch up, unless it is pulse flight or jump.

Alyssa let the Swan get rid of the frigate by conventional navigation, and then perform the jump operation. When the frigate captured the jump signal and jumped to chase, the Swan had already run away.

After several operations of erasing the jump signal using stellar gravity, the Swan was completely out of the pursuit.

Compared with the previous state of being chased, it is now so cool.

For the next five days, the Swan was planning a detour.

Because it was heading to the designated location. It was already a completely enemy-occupied area.

It is still very dangerous to be active here, even if it is covered with the skin of a cargo ship. It is different from passing through the enemy-occupied area when going out. This time it is equivalent to being active in the enemy-occupied area, and the risk index of being exposed has increased exponentially.

The Swirl Water Federation chose Alyssa to perform this task because she valued her experience as a recycler who wandered around the star sea all day.

Alyssa can always find a suitable route in the enemy-occupied area and try to minimize the risk.

Except for almost colliding head-on with pirates, the journey was very peaceful.

In the past few days, the seriously injured Lieutenant Dui has recovered and has returned to work.

The whole back is a bloody mess, and it is likely that the half-body or even the whole body is paralyzed. It sounds outrageous that he has fully recovered in just a few days.

In fact, this is because Alyssa's medical technology is extremely biased.

In the final analysis, Alyssa's side is an interstellar civilization developed by magic, and magic replaces science for development, resulting in the direction of medical technology advancement being completely different from modern medicine on Earth.

Alyssa is like the future of Viola, and magic can make healing potions. It's just that Viola's healing potion needs to be prepared manually, while Alyssa's potion is not only more effective, but also has a mature production line.

Perhaps influenced by the magic potions of the Middle Ages, the local area has developed very slowly in the fields of pathology and virology, but its ability in trauma medicine is amazing.

Although Dui's injury was serious, even without the help of Shadow Tiger, it was more than enough to save his life. Even if he was paralyzed, it would not be lifelong. He would have a chance to stand up again when he went to a professional large hospital in the rear.

So there was no need for Li Chengxi to give him a bottle of healing potion or something, because he had better options.

After several days of sailing, the Swan, disguised as a cargo ship, arrived at the designated coordinates.

This was located on the edge of an uninhabited star system. The most conspicuous thing was a gray-green gas planet and a large number of star rings rotating around the gas planet.

"Parking gear, shut down the engine, and run the reactor at low power."

Alyssa asked the Swan to stop and anchor, and then looked at the time.

She arrived several hours earlier than the scheduled time, mainly because the Swan ran too fast after the modification. Even if a lot of things happened, there was still more than enough time.

But this is still an enemy-occupied area, and the patrol fleet of the Red Maple Republic may appear at any time.

Alyssa decided to play it safe:

"Turn on the optical camouflage and activate the absorber. Let's wait for someone to come over."

It was obvious that the ship responsible for picking up Shadow Tiger was most likely heading to the occupied area of ​​the Red Maple Republic. Although Alyssa didn't know what this super agent was going to do, she could imagine that it was definitely very dangerous.

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