Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1275 I memorized it

An explosion and shooting occurred in the hospital, which was initially classified as a terrorist attack. Police equipped with pistols and light rifles rushed to the scene as soon as possible, followed by SWAT and the defense force of the space station. Several armored vehicles were parked around the hospital, and drones and shuttles were hovering above.

Although the cordon had been set up long ago, it also attracted a lot of onlookers, after all, this had never happened before.

Originally, the doctors, nurses, patients and all staff in the hospital were evacuated, but some patients who could walk by themselves were fine, and those who could not move could only be pushed out.

"Make way, make way!"

Two interns pushed a bed with a bottle hanging on it out of the side door of the hospital. Hume followed quickly and shouted to the medical staff who were still surrounding the exit to make way.

Since Hume was the most famous doctor in the hospital, everyone knew him. When they saw him coming out so anxiously with the bed, everyone moved aside.

"Has the ambulance arrived? This patient needs to be transferred to another hospital for treatment immediately."

The hospital was temporarily evacuated, and the police were threatening inside. The most dangerous thing at this time was to encounter a patient who needed emergency treatment.

When the medical staff at the door heard this, they immediately called to ask where the ambulance was. ,

At this time, the police cordon made way for a road, and an ambulance drove in with a clatter.

"Here, the patient is here!"

Hume waved at the ambulance quickly. Before the vehicle came and stopped, the door opened immediately and two emergency personnel helped to transfer the person on the bed to the car.

Hume put something that looked like a medical record next to the patient and said to the two interns:

"You go together, I'll be there soon."

The two hesitated for a moment, nodded, and got on the ambulance together.

Then, the ambulance drove out again with a clatter, sending the patient who needed emergency treatment to other places for treatment.

This scene was not uncommon at this time, and the patient who needed emergency treatment could not wait for the police to slowly check for danger.

There is only one large hospital in the Deep Space Walker Space Station, so patients can only be sent to a nearby small hospital with incomplete equipment. The attending doctors also rushed there. It doesn't matter if the equipment is a little worse, at least it can be used for emergency treatment.

The ambulance that just drove out of the cordon turned all the way, looking like it was taking a small road to a nearby small medical institution at the fastest speed. It didn't stop on a small road until it could no longer see the drones and shuttles hovering above the hospital.

The driver in charge of driving unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door very naturally:

"Just leave it near the port after use, I'll get it."

Just as he was about to get off the car, he turned off the warning sound of the ambulance:

"Oh, right, don't use this when you drive it yourself."

After that, he jumped out of the car and left without any nostalgia.

The first aid personnel in the car took off their masks, revealing the faces of Fang Lanyin and An Yun.

"Boss, do you have any connections here?"

"No, it was all arranged by Hume."

Alyssa and Cao Wei also took off the intern's clothes and said with emotion:

"It's hard to say whether he had expected it long ago. He arranged all this in two or three minutes."

By the way, in the multiverse world, the people wearing white coats are not doctors, but alchemists. Doctors do not have a fixed dress.

Like Alyssa, doctors mainly wear off-white or light green robes, and sometimes they simply wear clothes that are very close to priest robes.

This is because priests in the multiverse world can often be equated with medical personnel.

Four of the five people in the whole car were pretending, but Dui was really injured and really needed emergency treatment.

"Go drive, let's get back to the Swan as soon as possible."

Fang Lanyin nodded, got out of the back door and climbed into the cab.

The ambulance started again soon, but this time there was no siren.

It's a bit outrageous to say that Alyssa was obviously here to find Hume's connection, but in the end, he helped Alyssa escape.

In the words of the Banmao people themselves, I have more than a dozen ways to escape. You go first. I will go to the ship to find you in a few hours at most.

This is the first time that Alyssa has come into contact with the intelligence personnel of the Whirlwater Federation, but considering that Banning praised the intelligence personnel codenamed Shadow Tiger before his death, it should not be just bragging, right?


The ambulance left the small road and merged into the main road. Since there was no horn, it meant that it was not performing an emergency rescue mission. Of course, the nearby vehicles did not mean to give way. The ambulance was the same as ordinary vehicles. It should wait for red lights and queue up.

The crosshairs of the sniper scope were aimed at the compartment of the ambulance, and then the crosshairs moved down. When the ambulance restarted and moved forward, the bullet flew out of the barrel.

The magnetic rail sniper rifle was almost silent. Only the whistling of the current in the coil could be heard. A man riding a motorcycle about fifty or sixty meters behind the ambulance leaned against the electric pole on the spot and fell into a peaceful and dreamless sleep.

"Hit, target has no reaction."

Then the crosshair moved sideways again, aiming at another family car with people sitting in the front and rear seats. It was parked on the side of the road. Seeing the ambulance start, it also started the car immediately.

The rail sniper rifle fired again, instantly piercing the glass and hitting the driver's left chest. The latter struggled for a while and did not move.

Seeing this, the front passenger immediately opened the car door to avoid it, but was hit by another bullet. As soon as the car door opened a crack, he immediately leaned back on the seat.

"Not bad, I rarely see civilians who can shoot so accurately."

Hume praised:

"Have you ever served in the military?"

"No, it's easier to fight in the space station without wind. I just have a little talent, and I learned it with bullets."

Beside him, Long was wearing a motorcycle suit and his helmet was still on the side.

The two were in an unfinished building near the hospital, using scaffolding and building barriers as cover.

It's actually rare to lie on the roof of a building and shoot a snipe like in the movie, after all, the target is too obvious.

Kageko continued to search for the next target, and Long couldn't help asking:

"How did you confirm who the target was?"

"It's very simple, I just remembered all the suspected agents of the Red Maple Republic."


This guy is simply a superman.

Kageko is proficient in fighting, blasting, sniping and secret operations, and he not only has a medical qualification, but is also an expert in gastroenterology, neurosurgery and trauma surgery, and even has a doctorate in history and magic mechanical engineering.

Not all intelligence officers are as awesome as him. Yinghu is simply a hexagonal warrior. He has no shortcomings from his brain to his skills. It seems that even if he doesn't work as an agent, he will become a famous doctor if he works honestly. He is the type who is very awesome at everything he does.

Long followed him and fired a few more shots until the ambulance completely left the main road and approached the port. At this time, someone on this road discovered the dead body and immediately called the police.

Amid the sirens, Hume took back the magnetic rail sniper rifle and disassembled it skillfully:

"Thank you for your support. You can go too. I still have some gifts to send out."

Hume pointed behind him. Several people who were known to be from the army were patrolling behind the two with pistols to prevent anyone from coming up.

That was the Swirlwater Federation Army serving on the Swan.


"Well, it's just a small gift. I'll find you after I get it done."

I don't know what this hexagonal warrior wants to do, but Long doesn't want to be targeted by him anyway.

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